Hobbies besides gaming


New member
Feb 7, 2011
Srs bzns said:
Guitar, mainly.

I want to get into making electronic music, however with my current knowledge on the subject and the computer I currently have it will be like scaling a cliff face with a phone charger.

Any suggestions?
Try out virtual dj, it's free on cnet very basic software but if you take an electronic track ie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFh8v52mfGY&list=WLF754F72A944E8ECA&index=10&feature=plpp_video and edit it a bit it can sound pretty cool.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Magic the Gathering - a long time hobby since I was young. I love to test out decks solo and primarily play games against my brother about once a week. I have the cards and skills to be somewhat successful in tournaments but I hate the tournament experience so I no longer go to them.

D&D 4th Edition - I only recently got into D&D in the last 5 years and absolutely love 4E and being the DM of a group. I'll play as a player at times but it's just not as fun.

Writing - I need a creative outlet. Writing for me typically translates to D&D prep work, or possibly forum postings. I have worked on a book over several years but only on a very casual basis and will likely never attempt to seek publishing assuming I ever complete it.

Walking - I've got very bad knee problems that extremely limit nearly all forms of physical activity. Thankfully I love walking and frequently do so while listening and singing to music. This is my idea of relaxation and is a daily ritual for me except in the winter.


New member
Nov 30, 2008
My hobbies are generally uni-related.
and not...

So, that'd be Maya and one After Effects.
3D is fun :3

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
Target shooting, collecting various items, whittling, miscellaneous psychedelic research, trolling the controlling


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I have 8 year of experience as a shooter. Since the beginning I´ve earned one platinum, three gold, five silver and two bronze medals. Last year, I participated in the Norwegian Shooting Championship and ended on a 7th place. My gun was a Sauer 6,5mm.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
-Read quite a bit. Nutrition, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Mémoires, Horror, Mystery, Graphic Novels and Comic Books, etc.
-During Spring, Summer, and the early days of Fall - I garden. It feels awesome to be able to grow some of my own food.
-I do 100% of the cooking at home, and I enjoy it immensely.
-Work-out 1h 30min/2 h everyday at home (I'm not a 'gym' person). If that counts as a hobby. But it's become something I now enjoy doing and it's a great stress, anger, and sadness reliever, so I guess it counts. Cardio mostly, resistance machine, and of course strength with free weights. I've also started jogging/running longer distances to help improve my stamina and endurance. My dogs go with me on occasion, they are pretty stoked about that. I've lost a considerable amount of weight and I am not too far away from the goal weight that I set for myself. Which I am, of course, ecstatic about.
-Make crafts. Mostly wedding/party specific crafts. I've done two weddings so far, and everyone was pleased.
-Collect 'geek' stuff. Figurines, statuettes, plushies, bobble-heads, posters, etc. Mostly just for the games and movies I really, really enjoy. Like when I found the LOTR Pez dispensers. I couldn't help myself and now they are sitting on my shelf in their packaging....staring at me. o_o;;
-Watching whatever I can on Netflix. Expanding my cinematic horizons.

I feel like I am missing something,...oh well, the list is long enough already. Kudos to whoever reads all this crap. ^_^


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Drift my car, watch ice hockey, muck around in arty things on the computer, and dog walking (if that counts).

Would like to get into Warhammer but I was in it before as a kid and its just so damn expensive. :(

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Besides gaming?
Well I've got my bass, my motorcycle (I LOVE MY MOTORCYCLE!), and I also hunt!
I also consider my free-lancer voiceover work to be a hobby, since I love doing it!


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Walking to the mall, watching shows, D&D every now and then, and being mediocre at Photography.
Miles000 said:
Modding painting etc.

Also camping and drinking XD
I would like to see some of your NERF mods and paintjobs.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Basketball, table tennis, skiing, poker, reading. I have also mastered the lost art of shoe polishing, a skill I fear people these days dont appreciate (harrumph).


is most likly drunk righyt noiw!
Apr 18, 2010
natster43 said:
Walking to the mall, watching shows, D&D every now and then, and being mediocre at Photography.
Miles000 said:
Modding painting etc.

Also camping and drinking XD
I would like to see some of your NERF mods and paintjobs.
I have three featured on this blog...

My Vulcan...

My Longshot scope...

My Nitefinder and a clip...

That Nitefinder is by far my favourite weapon. It out preforms everything else I have...
And I'm insanely quick and accurate with it... (for Nerf that is =P)

This is about half of the stuff at a war we had last year...

We have about 5 times that now...

The work bench XD
Mod wise, I've tried just about everything, with varying degrees of success XD

So yeah...
Maybe a bit more than a hobby =P


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Ummmm, A lot of stuff, mainly anime, manga and yu-gi-oh. Although recently I've gotten into Magic: the gathering in a very big way.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Movie and TV appreciation, yes watching movies can be a hobby. Can't it?

Other than that building /tweaking PC's, kung-fu, Anime, and going for a runs on my Suzuki GSX-R 750 motorbike. Oh and lucking around these forums, has that can take up a far amount of time.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
My hobbies used to be:

Warmachine: Because its cheaper and cooler than Warhammer.

D&D: even though my last group broke up I still hold out hope for finding more players... some day.

Creating miniatures terrain... which is extremely time and space consuming.

But now since I'm broke and jobless I can't do any of the things I used to do... so I just play games.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
I play banjo, sometimes just to practice or sometimes I go to the pub with my friends and we all play some folk music. Also learning guitar (really, really slowly :( )

Then there's the usual going out, seeing friends, meeting new people, falling in love, making mistakes. Does that count as a hobby? I spend a lot of free time doing it, and it is fun!