SO I did some digging, and I couldn't find anything that was directly talking about ME3's ending being particularly sexist. However there were people complaining that the FemShep box art was too "Aryan". Basically Femshep was defaulted to a white chick and attractive and people took issue with that because of course they fucking did.
However as it turns out, Bioware held a pole on Facebook for people to VOTE on the version of Femshep to be on the box. Ideally allowing the playerbase to use their character creator freedom to have some input on what she would be on the box.
So turns out the majority of people voted of the version of Femshep that made people angry which would be a funny troll if some ugly abomination version of the character had won, but that wasn't the case, people simply chose the version that they liked the best and that's what won because no amount of sexist diversity is going to change what people find attractive.
I don't know where Dwarvenhobble is getting the sexist accusations in regards to the ending, but perhaps a mixture of the ending being a bigger issue and possibly mixing it with the story i linked above?
As for the Battlefield V female hate. People did use the stupid "historical accuracy" arguement and blamed BF for going woke. However Dice and EA simply issued statements of "Don't like it, don't buy it."
Which unfortunately for EA, people didn't. BF5 sold less than half the copies that the previous entry in the series sold, and did so poorly that there has yet to be another Battlefield game almost 3 years later. Now I'm not suggesting people were THAT upset about chicks on the battlefield, because the vast majority of complainers still likely bought the game.
However objective players were simply unhappy with the gameplay in BF5 as a whole. The maps were bad, the guns were unbalanced, the gameplay was lacking, and the story mode was trash.
And perhaps some feminists with platforms might have blamed toxic masculinity, as they do with anything involving women that fails. But as usual it's just an excuse for a shitty product being shitty.