I am not afraid to say this;
What a load of idiots.
They go on and on and on about how their story is so real or something, that it'll really hit close to home. They kept going "Hey! We've got the writer of Red Dawn writin' this thing!", hell the Escapist wrote an article about the guy a little bit ago.
And then the game sells, the story is meh, and they go "Oh, we were focusing on multiplayer, guys!"
Bullshit. Either your marketing is terrible, as I have barely seen anything on the multiplayer, or your big fat heads couldn't be supported by your shoulders. I'm guessing both.
And then they go "Oh, if you guys want we'll make the single player campaign longer for the sequel if we get one."
No, Kaos Studios. In the sequel, I want decent storytelling nextime. You can have all the Hollywood consultants, CIA operatives, and novelists (really? Novelists?) in the world and still not know how to write for a game. Don't let Hollywood consultants, CIA operatives, and novelists, all of which who have no idea how to write for a game, get in the way towards the story that you were trying to tell. Which, evidently, you weren't trying to tell a story because you focused on multiplayer instead.
Now, to be fair, I have yet to play the game. I might pick it up at a STEAM sale, but this has left a pretty bitter taste in my mouth for the studio. It's gonna take some innovation to get them back up to standard in my eyes, and somehow I doubt they're up to the challenge.