Hopes and Dreams for the FF7 Remake


New member
Mar 25, 2015
So there are threads talking about whether or not you think FF7 deserves a remake, and how overrrated the game is. Fact is though, fans wanted this, a large number of fans wanted this game to be remade. So I wanted to throw this thread out there for those of you who genuinely WANT this remake.

We know that they are going to change things, that is inevitable, to what degree we cant know. The question I want to put out to you guys, you FANS, of FF7, is what do you hope the Remake will change? Why? What do you hope will stay the same? If things change, to what degree would you accept a change?

For example the Materia system was awesome. Even if it could be broken with lots and lots of grinding. So I hope they keep that system alive, although if it must change, I only hope they toy with some combinations in order to prevent them from being so OP.

Also I am hoping the Knights of the Round summon is still amazingly badass.......but under three minutes long.


New member
Apr 3, 2015
Whatever changes they do make should be purely out of necessity. For example, one change I think is pretty much inevitable (very minor spoilers) is that
Yuffie and Vincent are now required to be recruited at the appropriate place in the story.
. The reason for this is obvious: there's no way Square Enix could account for the possibility of them not being there, considering how much time and resources that would require.

As for other changes, I'm hoping there'll be multiple outfit options for party members, which seems likely since all recent FF games have had that. I also hope that pretty much everyplace we see will be much expanded and feel more "alive", with things like NPCs going about their day, and maybe some new sidequests as well. Given how huge and busy Midgar looked in the trailer, that seems likely.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
And...ninja struck by the very second post. If there is one thing that I want them to change, it's that I want to see Vincent and Yuffie in the cutscenes. I'm curious if they're going to try and recton in the excuse as for why they weren't there, but I hope they don't. I appreciate that they tried to explain it away in that they were helping evacuate, but it just doesn't work.

Otherwise, let's see...

I kind of hope they put in some sort of side quest to bring Aeris back. No, I don't mean she actually comes back, but something where you go through this little quest, like to say goodbye. Something like bringing flowers to her church.

I want to hear how to say Red XIII's grandfather's name, as well as the Shinra guy. Because I seriously think they just threw a bunch of letters together.

Otherwise, I really can't think of anything. I haven't played the game in years mind you, but I'm trying to think back on anything that I found annoying about it at the time, and nothing comes to mind. Yes, raising chocobos for the Gold one was a lot of work, but the reward--Knights of the Round--was worth it. I honestly can't think of anything that I would change in the game, because it's just so perfect to me.
Which is probably a bad thing, because when they do change stuff, I'm going to be sad. Oh dear.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Oh, I can think of quite a few things they can fix. Allow me to count the ways:

- Fix the story. Seriously, you've got some cool elements and nice set pieces (i.e. Nibelheim), but overall, the story is a mess held together with duct tape and staples. Plug those plot holes, get some consistency and try to make it flow with the whole 'Compilation of FF VII' thing.

- Fix Cloud. I hear a lot of people complaining that Cloud was too 'emo' in AC, that he wasn't like that in the original game. But that's the problem, Cloud's original personality was an incoherent mess lacking any focused character development. Work on that!

- Fix the summons. It's fun the first three times, but then it starts to drag. I like the way FF IX handled it.

- Fix the equipment screen. Don't get me wrong, I like the materia system, it was a fun loadout mechanic ahead of its time. I just want more structure: sort them by color, the ability to save presets, don't have empty places in the list, etc.

- No more lost-forevers, I hate when they put those in an RPG.

- Last but not least, could you try to make the chocobo mini-game fun? A tall order, I know, apart from FF IX, not a single chocobo mini-game has been truly fun (for me, at least). So I'm just asking you to 'try'.

(- On a side not, don't fix the Aeris thing. Seriously, I've seen tons of people clamoring to implement a way to save Aeris, which is stupid on so many levels.)

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
I just hope they preserve the spirit of the original no matter what they do I will always have that so I am not to worried but this is a game I have wanted remade for a long time and I hope they do it justice.

As for what changes I hope they do I really dont have any that come to mind except fixing the magic def on armour to actually do something.Until a change is made I cant say whether I like it or not but I suppose it is the story and characters that made it special for me so I hope they dont change them to much. I think they kinda made a huge friggin mess of things with the whole compilation thing so I would prefer if they ignored everything about that.

I just think they should change the things that dont work with the new look while the core principles should remain the same. I hope they remember fans want a remake rather than a re imagining.

No matter what though my main hope is that they do a good job and provide an experience I can fully enjoy.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Sniper Team 4 said:
I want to hear how to say Red XIII's grandfather's name, as well as the Shinra guy. Because I seriously think they just threw a bunch of letters together.
You mean Heidegger?


New member
Jun 11, 2013
I thought chocobo racing was pretty fun.

But I hope they keep the w-materia glitch. I don't want to spend an eternity grinding for gyashl greens to feed my chocobos! Even with the glitch, it still took a while to get to the gold chocobo. I can't imagine how long it will take without it.

I hope they keep the combat pretty much the same, they can add flourish here and there, but keep the ATB old school FF.

The story they will prob add all the extended universe stuff, and that's cool, but I don't think it is necessary. Just fix the grammar. Honestly, it would be hilarious if they kept all the typos and stuff.

Really, they should keep most of it the same, but add on extra content, maybe like extra weapons, armour, summon materia, whatever. That would be so fun to be playing and stumble across a new item that wasn't in the original!

I hope they add some new limit breaks!!!!! Yes.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
After hearing what Nomura has been saying I am unable to hope for anything except making the chocobo breeding less shit.

Otherwise I'm just too afraid.


New member
Mar 13, 2014
I hope they actually release the game within a reasonable time frame. Given Squeenix' track record I highly doubt we're going to see it in the next three years, although I presume they're aiming for the twentieth anniversary (2017).
One strand of optimism we can cling to is that SE has a new CEO, and I'm silently hoping he'll run things differently. We'll see what they say in a few months from now.

Other than that though, I'd like the combat system to stay the same. But instead of invisible random encounters, I'd like to see the roaming enemies that were in FFXIII, but with better AI so that you can't get preemptive strikes so easily.

EDIT: Reading the above post prompted me to check out what Nomura has been saying. From the hints he's given, it doesn't seem as if the battle system will be the same as it was in the original. Honestly, I don't really mind. I agree with him in the sense that simply re-doing the game but with better graphics wouldn't be very interesting... it'll probably be crap, but it'll at least be interesting.

If nothing else, I do admire Nomura's frankness: "Not everyone is going to like everything about the game."


One thing to consider is that the level design of FFVII was suitable for the isometric camera view, which JRPGs have moved away from. If the remake uses an over-the-shoulder view like recent games, I hope that Squeenix would redo the level design appropriately. If not, some areas (the Shin-ra building in particular) will just feel like a bunch of enclosed corridors. I would personally prefer an over-the-shoulder view, so I do hope they implement this.

In terms of story, I'd really like to see a bit more of Sephiroth before he turned evil. The flashback sequence to Nibelheim is the best part of the story but Sephiroth's transformation is done very poorly. I think focusing a lot more on Sephiroth and showing him as an actually okay guy instead of him going from dark-and-broody to slightly darker-and-broodier would be more effective.

Also, I'd like to see the materia system re-worked in such a way so that every character has a use. In FFVII, you could simply pick your three faveorite characters and ignore the rest. I'd just like to see a reason to use everyone. I don't really have any ideas on how they would do it though.

And dammit, I know this is small but please for the love of Arceus don't show the party members being 'absorbed' by Cloud to indicate that they've joined the party. It was freaky and jarring enough in polygon form, it'd be outright horrifying for full 3d models.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Cancel the remake of 7 and give us a remake of 9 instead.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Additional content mainly. New background info, materia (still probably the best stat system in a 3D FF), weapons, and new dungeons and bonus enemies to use it on. Some of my first ever swears were directed towards Emerald Weapon, but damn if I didn't get a rush when that thing finally died.

Crazy Idea #1:
In fact, since apparently people are actually clamouring for a 'revival' of miss Gainsborough, and she's the character known to be more attuned to the Lifestream and the planet's voice than anyone else... two birds with one stone if the planet creates a new bonus WEAPON after the other ones die in her shape (would NOT join you after being beaten, just a cameo and a boss fight harder than Emerald wrapped into one). I mean her name does sound similar to the Goddess of Discord... If nothing else, something verifying that as the last true Cetra, Sephiroth saw her as a genuine threat to Jenova's plans and had to get rid of her before proceeding.

Crazy Idea #2:
Well-hidden background info on Jenova hinting that she was spawned from Lavos since everyone has already noticed the similarities and Lavos actually does that as part of its natural life cycle.

Aside from that, just the addition of some modern RPG conveniences such as being able to skip/shorten summon animations.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I hope they drop the Matrix-esque movements from Advent Children and such. I am under the impression half of the elements in the story don't work if everyone and their mothers can move like a mix of the Jedi with Spiderman. Given the history of SE, I doubt this...

I also fear that some of the lighthearted moments don't work as well with modern graphics fidelity (yes, I am talking about that sequence).


New member
Feb 3, 2010
costumes, costumes, and more costumes. I want to dress up my party in different costumes based on the different towns and other SE games. I want Costa del Sol swimsuits, Gold Saucer mascot suits, Cosmo Canyon clothes (maybe Red can get a grayer color kinda like Django from Ehrgeiz whom I assume is his pops, Icicle Inn winter clothing and hell I'll even take DLC based on costumes from Crisis Core, Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts, and dissidia... and why not other series like Star Ocean or Dragon Quest, I can't be the only one that wants to dress up Tifa as Jessica from Dragon Quest VIII or Myuria from Star Ocean 4

I would like some acknowledgment of Genesis, Angeal, Deep Ground, etc

although I love the materia system I would like it if characters had skills exclusive to them, based on their class. For example Yuffie wouldn't need to equip any steal, mug, throw, escape, etc. materia since she would learn skills that are part of the thief/ninja class naturally. These skills would be level based though so equipping materia would allow earlier access to the ability until the character reached the level at which they learn it.

this one will be the wild idea but... 2 new party members that are recruitable (optional) after escaping from Junon (after meteor is summoned). By this point Aerith is already dead so there are 2 spaces on the party building screen. Personally I would like it if at this point in the story you could do a quest that leads to Cissnei joining your party and sort of replacing Aerith's healer role and another secret character that fills that final spot and is another one of Zangan's students that specializes in using dual daggers so he has a strong connection with Tifa and that quest is used to explain how Tifa kept training, met Barrett, reveals what happened to Zangan and eventually moved to Midgar to join Avalanche and fight against The Shinra


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Well just a story before I start.

I pretty much grew up with Final Fantasy VII, and as a kid it was pretty much my first Final Fantasy game and shaped the person I would be today (As in my love for RPG's, collecting FF related items and such)

But, I'm not one of those hard-headed "It-has-to-be-100%-the-same" type of people either. If they made the exact same game with HD flair I would be the first to admit it would be pretty... boring?

So here are my hopes:

1) Kingdom Hearts style combat (Or something that's real-time and similar)
Can you imagine if the combat was turn-based and had the characters running back and forth? I think it would just be bizarre and awkward by today's standards.

2) Flesh out the story more for Vincent and Yuffie
I imagine even if they are optional characters in-game, back in the PS1 era they might not have had enough time or space to flesh out their story, so now they should use this opportunity to give them even more.

3) More Gold Saucer mini-games
Cause why not?

4)Not so broken Materia system
Not much need's to be said about this.

5)More Midgar
Obviously, more exploration in midgar before you have to leave, maybe be able to roam certain area's of the city as in Crisis Core and accept side-quests for people.

I could keep going but those are the one's at the top of my head.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Meh... All I'm really hoping for is some way to implement the events of both Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core into Remake 7's storyline... especially since I want more Zach and Vincent as well as more backstory around Sethiroth... It would be unlikely that this Remake would come with the ability to play both Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core respectfully, so as long as the storline can tie in those two games together, I would be a happy camper...

Other than that, I agree with <link=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/jump/9.877456.22089879>GZGoten and would want a lot of costume options for my entire party, even going as far as referencing other SE properties...

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Worgen said:
Cancel the remake of 7 and give us a remake of 9 instead.
Why? why not just want a remake of both im personally not a huge fan of IX but if VII is successful I can see them doing IX in the future although not before VI at least. Regardless I dont think they are to worried about appeasing people who dont like VII with the VII remake such as yourself it seems just as im sure they would not be bothered about appeasing me to much with a IX remake.

Angelous Wang

Lord of I Don't Care
Oct 18, 2011
FF7 remake.

Graphic & animation overhaul.
A few dialogue corrections for the few broken English parts.
Fully voiced.

Possible option to play with Buster Sword through entire game(visually not statically).
Possible option of Sephiroth as secret charter on second playthough (it will be modded in anyway if not).

Jan 18, 2012
Point 1 written on flaming gold dust by the Pope: ENOUGH WITH EMO CLOUD!!!!!!!! Whoever decided to make him all broody and angsty shouldn't be anywhere near this project. While Cloud had his brooding moments in the original, he knew when t cut that shit out and act like a hero. Thats why I always pictured him getting together with Tifa at the end instead of endlessly moping over Aeris, it showed that he let go of Zach's old life and started to build his own. So in other words, Mourning over Aeris at the end tuned him into this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqv_LUStxDw while living happily with Tifa is like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StTqXEQ2l-Y

Point 2 written in silver dust by the Pope's cat: Keep the brighter color pallet. One of the things that I remember most is how well the colors stood out in the game. If they try and make everything grey and brown because its more "realistic" then they'll just be crippling the rest of the game. How are we supposed to see how Shinra's activities have devastated the planet if everything is grey?

Point 3: Use the combat system from the original or from FF X. Kind of a minor point, but keeping the classic combat mechanic would really help the feeling that this is the game we loved with a fresh coat of paint.