How are you Internet Famous?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
CM156 said:
It was my contention that internet fame means almost nothing compared to real world fame.
And what is "real world" fame?
Didn't, for example, Jessica Black made herself famous through the internet? The whole world knows her. How is that not "real" fame? In fact, most celebrities get their fame through the internet these days (either that or they go into the movie business).
I guess that by "real world" fame, you mean fame in media other than the internet. If so, why do you consider that fame to be above internet fame? If not, then again, what is "real world" fame?
You mean the reality show?


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Ermm, pfftt...nothing :(

My sister has a pretty big Harry Potter fandom following on Tumblr, but...yeah, I've got nothing.


Red Rum

New member
Feb 25, 2008
I did this Bear Grylls meme:


New member
Aug 17, 2010
My Youtube video, "Hitler finds out who River Song is" has nearly 60,000 views and was posted in June. I also have other funny videos. My username is Crapturret94.

That's Crapturret94.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
My Avatar is kind of famous on this site. I have a youtube video with over 31,000 views and in a few weeks I will be a voice in an abridged series.
but I have a friend who is meme-worthy.
I think I should start posting this more.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Nothing I can think of. Unless you count being the most well-known person (with the highest post count) on a forum dedicated to a card game.

But in all seriousness you won't find much evidence of my existence on the net unless you look really hard for it.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Um, I'm currently writing the most popular Touhou Project fic on Does that count?


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I'm not really "famous", but I am "known". I use the same user name in any forums or web site that I'm on (though it's usually Stammer6, not Stammer). I've had people PM me after I've joined some forums saying "Hey is this the same Stammer6 from [website]?" and I'll be like "A-yup".

I'm also usually a pretty heavy forum poster. The Escapist forums are the only forums I'm -not- a really major poster on. But back in the day when I used to be excited for Final Fantasy XIV (I never bought the game after having played the horrible beta) I was literally the 7th or 8th person to join the site so I knew everyone.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Two things, mainly.

The first was that I was a reviewer for a website that reviewed games specifically for the purpose of informing parents of the game's offensive content so they could make a more informed decision. But then the owner of the website got a bit anti-game and we split off and joined another site.

The more recent thing is for my blog, Binary Narrative, which I'm pretty sure about 5 people read (mods, I don't mean to advertise, but if other people are linking to their answers, so can I). It focuses on video games specifically from a literary perspective as an interactive storytelling art form. The last couple weeks have been taken over by my last semester school starting up again, so I haven't gotten the main articles out for the last couple weeks, but I try to have an article out every Saturday and a smaller, more "random musings" style posting on Wednesdays (which I have managed to keep up).

Unfortunately, despite having a Facebook page and telling friends and such, I don't think I have many readers. I got especially discouraged lately when I noticed a recent article about DLC's role in storytelling got over 300 views, then noticed it was only from people googling the rage face, which I used in the article. That was annoying.

I also wrote and directed a short machinima viewable on Youtube called Pretium Vita. Did it for a film festival at my university, and I think it turned out pretty well. If anyone happens to read this and watch it, let me know what you think. :D


New member
May 26, 2011
CM156 said:
Earlier today, I was having a conversation with some of my friends. We were talking about the rise in internet reviewers, such as sites like TGWTG, and the idea behind internet fame. It was my contention that internet fame means almost nothing compared to real world fame. My point was that everyone has some tentative claim to internet fame. Any guy with a camera can become an internet reviewer. And many have.

So I ask you, dear readers. What makes you ?internet famous??

I don?t have much, except the fact that something I wrote is linked on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Which, now that I think about it, isn?t something I should be bragging about?
links? >.>

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
How exactly would I know if I'm internet famous or not?

Is there something like a list I can check myself on or something?


New member
May 26, 2011
I'm not famous, but at lest I'm not famous like this guy is.

Yeahhh, I'm glad I'm not him.

I was kind of famous on Silkroad Online. I almost owned the strongest guild on the Caspian Server


New member
Jun 28, 2011
If we're going by percentage of your target demographic who knows of you, I've co-founded a transsexual support group online that has effected thousands of transsexuals. Which makes up a rather large percentage of the relatively small transsexual community.

I've also got some real life fame in my town, I co-founded our first GSA, and LGBT support groups, as well as played a pivotal role in it's first pride parade. Made it into the local and semi-local papers a few times, and made it on provincial TV once (maybe twice once was an interview, the other was coverage of our LGBT support group) Most of this was a big deal because my town/area is a backwards little Christian affair, EXTREMELY conservative.

Also, among my closer friends online, I am known as a "PSW" a Professional Saucy Wench (Not a Professional Sex Worker... I could never charge *grin*), a title many know, and I wear proudly.

Do I win yet?


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Well apart from being generally awesome and a shining example of humanity (some might say "godly" I, however am too modest to admit that.)
I also have several Youtube videos, one of which has over a thousand views (I know, I know, but try not to let that number blow your mere mortal mind.)

Here's a link to one, that only has I think less than 100. It's also the only one I'm not ashamed to show:

Bit of background on that, it was a school project, and due to having a major surgery I no longer look or sound quite the same as in that video (Thankfully, my looks and voice underwent an improvement after the surgery, so yay for that.)


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
I've made a bunch of those phony motivational posters that were all the rage about 4 memes ago.
And I see them pop up on the net every now and again.

I mean, I'm the only one who knows I made them but I'm famous to me and that's all that matters