How are you liking GTA V?


New member
Sep 23, 2013
Very beautiful world and huge gameplay improvement over GTA4. I'm admittedly not a fan of GTA's theme, but I love open-world games and the scope, detail, and ability to interact are unmatched.

The game is big, with lots to do - and that it's best feature. Dissecting it's individual parts, there are games that have better driving, shooting, storyline, etc. But few games do you go back to more than once. I know I'll easily spend over a hundred hours just exploring, doing side quests, and mini-games. And we don't even know yet how good the online might be.

I'm old enough to remember playing pong on Atari, so now when I start playing a game with this level of awesomeness, I almost shed a tear.


New member
Jun 26, 2012
GTAV is probably my game of the year. Although I had high expectations, I didn't expect it to be this good honestly. I loved GTAIV, but it had it's fair share of shortcomings (sloppy controls and annoying friend system being the main culprits for me). Being an experienced gamer, it takes more and more for me to be impressed nowadays, but congrats Rockstar, you did it. The world is huge and looks impressive. The car handling is much improved over IV, and it's now a total blast to cruise around the city and explore. The availability of fast cars from the get-go means it won't get tedious driving back and forth to mission points. The cover system and shooting is sharper.

The missions and characters so far is way better than IV as well. I'm only 25% in, and already its so much more FUN and inviting than Liberty City was. The opening scene, racing through Los Santos sets the tone perfectly. Then Michael, in a jealous rage, tears down a building from the hills. The first heist only confirmed to me how good the game is; no longer do I get annoyed by the sloppy controls. Speed racing from the cops through the city and into the sewers were not only fast, but HUGELY enjoyable, due to the responsive controls. If this chase happened the exact same way in IV, it would have been frustrating, to say the least. And then the epic introduction to Travis, cruising around wrecking havoc in the desert, both by ground AND air. It's just such a satisfying gaming experience overall.

And now I haven't even mentioned the small, non-scripted events that happens all around. To quote what I wrote in another thread:

First time I played as Trevor, I freakin' loved just cruising around. It was such a different feeling to being in Los Santos (up until that point, I mainly just stayed in the city doing missions, except for a few trips to some nearby hills and parks). It's such a contrast driving in the desert and valley compared to that being in the city. It's also absolutely hilarious how different the NPC's react to you out in the countryside. Yesterday I was driving recklessly at night down this valley, and I accidentally ended up in the river and had to jump out of my car. So I get out of the water, crawl back up to the road again, and wait patiently in the dark for a car to arrive. Then finally I see the headlights of a car in the far distance approaching. I pull out my gun, and stand waiting in the middle of the road. The car approaches and slows down to a halt, and I expect they guy to open the door and run off screaming(like most citizens in Los Santos do), but boy was I wrong! This hillbilly came out blazing with a shotgun and nearly killed me on the spot!


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Meh, I'd give it a 7/10. It's good, not great. The auto aim is better but the rest of the controls are frustrating at times. The music is ok, but some of the radio channels are all over the map content wise. I'm not a big fan of the whole character changing thing. Driving is much improved, and I like the increased vehicle collection. I also like the weapon customization. I love how it's one huge land mass this time, instead of three or four separate islands.

Vic 2.0

New member
Dec 13, 2013
All that's really good about GTA 5 is the graphics and presentation.

Sleeping Dogs is still better, all things considered:

1. Better hand to hand and melee combat, which means among other things:
a. You can counterattack.
b. You can throw people.
c. You can break your enemies? bones.
d. You can tackle people? without looking like a retard.
2. Better story, makes you actually give a damn about what happens.
3. Protagonist isn?t some pathetic, despicable loser, but a badass you can respect :p
4. More advanced skill/perk progression system.
5. You can access your vehicles from garages in any area of the map right from the start.
6. Valet guy?s not an idiot, like the mechanic in GTA 5.
7. You can hijack moving vehicles by leaping onto them from your own.
8. You can ram enemy vehicles off the road with the press of a button and analog stick.
9. You can use your phone while getting in and out of your vehicle and driving.
10. You can save outfits in your wardrobe, making it easy to choose what to wear.
11. Food/drinks give temporary boosts to your health regeneration, physical strength, etc.
12. You can shoot while jumping over objects and out of moving vehicles (?bullet time? optional)
13. No disturbing missions where you have to torture innocent people to progress the story.
14. No nudity or overly explicit voiceovers for prostitutes, other creepy stuff like that.
15. Vehicle damage. You can't keep getting into collisions without destroying your vehicle.
16. No hand-holding in general (e.g., can't flip your car back on its wheels with the analog).
17. You can buy a vehicle, lose/destroy it, and return to your garage for another one.
18. You can gamble, in more interesting ways than joining the lame stock market.
19. Hong Kong is a breath of fresh air, as opposed to yet another recycled map.
20. You can own more vehicles at once, and there?s no chance of them disappearing.
21. Better ambiance. Can't walk 10 ft. in Los Santos without being inexplicably antagonized.
22. Better rewards for collectibles, such as max health increases and unlocked apparel.
23. Cops aren't psychic. If you kill someone where they can't see, they don't know about it.
24. You can listen to whatever station you want WHENever you want (no Trevor or loss of signal).
23. You can change objectives (where your GPS points you to) with the press of a button.
24. You can take a human shield.
25. You can disarm opponents and use their weapon against them.
26. You can put people in your trunk and drive around looking for the perfect place to...
27. ...use the environment to kill them in unique ways.
28. Better parkour. The button you run with is the same button you climb/jump with ;)
29. Clothes and accessories can give you experience gain bonuses.
30. More enterable buildings, believe it or not!
31. Takes a considerably shorter time to look at your map and set waypoints manually.
32. You can change objectives (where your GPS points you to with the press of a button).
33. You don?t have to ?play the mini-map?, because the GPS puts arrows on the road itself.
34. There are more clubs, and they actually look better in Sleeping Dogs, which is just, sad.
35. You can get weapons from the back of almost any car, including guns from police cars ;)
36. Two buttons on the d-pad to change your radio station with, instead of just one.
37. Ability to turn your radio volume up and down without going into settings.
38. There?s a martial arts tournament-style fight club.
39. You sprint by holding a button down, not repeatedly tapping it like a lunatic.
40. Absolutely zero missable missions/random events.

I'm sure I missed something, but I think I made my point :)


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I just finished GTAV the other day. I thought it was incredible how they pulled off what they did on such old hardware. It makes me excited for a PC release (as long as it's at least somewhat optimized), because the only graphical hitches I can see are the aliasing, and the LOD distance, which would be fixed on PC, along with a framerate boost.

One thing that really hit me the other day while I was flying over the countryside in a helicopter, was just how lovingly the world was crafted. From up in the air, I could tell that none of the countryside was a simply copy. By that I mean that everything was unique. The way the roads wound in and out of the mountains, and there were expensive houses placed along the roads, and as far as I could tell, none of them were the same design. And there was some farmlands and I think I saw a field of solar panels. There were no barren fields that stretched on for the entire draw distance (which I thought was really impressive for a current-gen console).


Jan 15, 2009
I really liked the game when I played through it.
They made the control feel much better than the previous games.
But the multiplayer gets boring and there's very little replay value.