How can I help a mmo addict?


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Khadath said:
Hi it's been a while since I've posted on here but recently I have started to lose a really good friend to the dreaded depths of mmorpg addiction and I need some advice to help her, so it's back to the good ol' escapist.

Now this isn't like you would think ie. a guy being too protective of his female friend. No this is pretty bad she hasn't been out of her house for anything but uni in the past 5 weeks and from what I've gotten from mutual friends she hasn't been on msn much either, in fact when I do see her online and try talking she doesn't answer or is really distant even when I really needed her for some moral support the other week. And that's not to mention how she's been neglecting homework as well.

I've tried to get her out of the house and keep trying to get her to talk, I even tried telling her like it is and that she's treating her friends like shit but she just gets angry at that.

I've never given up on a friend but I just don't know what to do she keeps blowing her real friends off for these people in-game, does anyone know how I can get her off of this and get my friend back?
wait i want to know how you know her is she just a good friend or more?
because if she is just a good friend let her get over it herself


New member
Apr 17, 2008
Breaking someone else's addiction is really tricky. I disagree with the guy above me. Sure, there might be a point where you do have to step back and let her live her life but that isn't here. You can't abandon a friend to making a bad choice just to teach them a leason through pain. I would avoid being confrontational about it though because she will only resent that.

At the end of the day though it's her call if she wants to bring things back into moderation. There's not much more you can do besides talking to her about it and staying friends. If it seems like I'm not giving good advice it's because I don't no what to recommend. All I can say is don't confront her about it and aggressively try to stop her playing. It won't help.
Mar 17, 2009
Introduce him to the warm feeling of a woman's touch.

edit: I just realised the addict in question is female, my point still stands though.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Jeez OP - leave her alone. If she wants to play a game then let her, whats the problem?

Iron Criterion

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Khadath said:
Hi it's been a while since I've posted on here but recently I have started to lose a really good friend to the dreaded depths of mmorpg addiction and I need some advice to help her, so it's back to the good ol' escapist.

Now this isn't like you would think ie. a guy being too protective of his female friend. No this is pretty bad she hasn't been out of her house for anything but uni in the past 5 weeks and from what I've gotten from mutual friends she hasn't been on msn much either, in fact when I do see her online and try talking she doesn't answer or is really distant even when I really needed her for some moral support the other week. And that's not to mention how she's been neglecting homework as well.

I've tried to get her out of the house and keep trying to get her to talk, I even tried telling her like it is and that she's treating her friends like shit but she just gets angry at that.

I've never given up on a friend but I just don't know what to do she keeps blowing her real friends off for these people in-game, does anyone know how I can get her off of this and get my friend back?
Have you ever thought maybe she just wants to play the fucking game, and that you should just leave her alone and stop moaning and hang around with some fucking other friends! I've spoken!

Sick boy

New member
Feb 23, 2009
It's difficult to get away from something like that but as quite a few people have said earlier, she may be suffering from depression. I personally would recommened trying to get her away from the computer, even if it's just to watch a movie. Just do whatever you can. Because if she gets away even for a couple of hours and can laugh with some of her friends she may realize that she doesn't need to play MMO's all the time. But some people have said that you should just let her grow out of this, I personally disagree, it could take years for that to happen. It took me two and a half years and the only reason I quit was because my account got hacked/banned. I decided not to start up again and it's been great. But, you could do nothing and if it's still going on in a few weeks, you personally go see a doctor by yourself and speak to them about it. Ask for advice, that's really all I can say. But I can almost guarantee that she's suffering from some form of depression, I've been threw a faze like that in my life a few years back. I know this sounds stupid but someone needs to put boundaries on how much time she can spend on her computer. Try to get her to play no more then like five hours a day or something then gradually take more and more time off. That's all I can really help you with right now. Sorry if I wasn't enough help, if you've got anymore questions just ask and I may be able to answer them.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
my brothers getting laid on a regular basis, and still he plays wow. the real way to fix this is to see a shrink and find the real root of the problem.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Scarecrow38 said:
Breaking someone else's addiction is really tricky. I disagree with the guy above me. Sure, there might be a point where you do have to step back and let her live her life but that isn't here. You can't abandon a friend to making a bad choice just to teach them a leason through pain. I would avoid being confrontational about it though because she will only resent that.

At the end of the day though it's her call if she wants to bring things back into moderation. There's not much more you can do besides talking to her about it and staying friends. If it seems like I'm not giving good advice it's because I don't no what to recommend. All I can say is don't confront her about it and aggressively try to stop her playing. It won't help.
I agree there's a point where one should get thoroughly involved. Such as when a friend turns to drugs or alcohol or tries to commit suicide. But video game addiction, ha. This is a minor issue. And to every one saying it sounds like depression. no it doesn't. You can act like her without being depressed. In fact it's actually pretty common. Trust me, I have experience.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
neuromasser said:
I've been in similar situation as her, and I was bothered by people who tried to get me out(like you).
So... from my point of view, you shouldn't do a thing. :/
Edit: You can try playing with her or something like that.
I concur, she has to help herself if she is refusing the help of those who love her, I suppose you could persist trying but you may get more of a reaction when you stop trying, she'll realise how far she's pushed you away and she'll miss your support and care, cause you seem like a really good friend :)
Don't be too hard on yourself, and if you know her well enough, maybe you could contact her family and allow them to intervene? It's really up to you though?


New member
Jan 10, 2008
Is it her first mmo ? usualy the dependency lets off after a while so i'd say let her get it out of her system... an easy analogy : Its like having a lot of chocolate at once you might enjoy it but after a while you cant stand the sight of it.....

An other option is to get her hooked on something else :p


New member
Apr 25, 2009
maybe play the game and try to defeat here and make the game look like hell for her? you only need to find a very good nickname and what game is t?


New member
Apr 27, 2009
massau said:
maybe play the game and try to defeat here and make the game look like hell for her? you only need to find a very good nickname and what game is t?
So... Grief a girl who is trying to use a game as a source of escapism from the real, shit, world? Wow, you're a shit, shit, shit friend.

To the OP, you're talking about controlling what someone does, and then you're surprised when she wants to retreat into an online world with people she doesn't have to meet and, let's face it, only judge her on a fantasy persona? The best option if you want to "cure her" of enjoying an MMORPG is to either grief her out of it, at which point she'll leave both the game and your circle of "friends", or leave her alone until she decides she feels like facing the world again.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I know a girl like that and the only way I got her to step up was to get her really,really mad and try to prove me wrong.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
What MMO is it? if its WoW get her onto an all free private server, she will be all over it for a week or so and then lose interest because there is nothing to do, i do this for a lot of games i think i am getting an unhealthy addiction to. It worked for WoW and Fallout 3 (used all the cheats etc) and much more. Not just me either, has worked for a lot of my friends too. I would hype it up as if it were better than god and people just lose interest.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Chipperz said:
massau said:
maybe play the game and try to defeat here and make the game look like hell for her? you only need to find a very good nickname and what game is t?
So... Grief a girl who is trying to use a game as a source of escapism from the real, shit, world? Wow, you're a shit, shit, shit friend.

To the OP, you're talking about controlling what someone does, and then you're surprised when she wants to retreat into an online world with people she doesn't have to meet and, let's face it, only judge her on a fantasy persona? The best option if you want to "cure her" of enjoying an MMORPG is to either grief her out of it, at which point she'll leave both the game and your circle of "friends", or leave her alone until she decides she feels like facing the world again.
hsad that she plays to much so if you wane let her stop you can doe this