How can you NOT have played that?!


New member
Jun 2, 2008
More Fun To Compute said:
I heard of someone who calls himself a gamer who has never played Dungeon Master but I don't believe it.
OK, so I'll admit to having to look that one up. Do you really expect that many people to have played a game originally developed for the Atari ST?


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I have never played any of the halo/zelda/deus ex/metroid games ,first time ive heard of oscarina of time or dungeon master. Well f**k.. What kind of a gamer am i?

OT: i guess everybody played tetris ,right?


New member
Feb 5, 2011
whos the dungeon master and why should i care??? heard bout seuss but i didnt experiemnt with drugs in my childhood soooo yea never read his stuff....

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
SeaCalMaster said:
Do you really expect that many people to have played a game originally developed for the Atari ST?
It has been on many platforms and there is also a free modern windows player. What's wrong with coming out first on the ST?


New member
Apr 22, 2009
well i have never met someone that never have playd a game i want them to play. instead i am always supprised when someone mentions that they have never seen the original star wars trilogy.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
I know a guy who's never heard of Pokemon period. No games, no anime, no nothing. It was quite awkward. Also, I have not played Halo.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Fenring said:
Reading Dune. I mean REALLY.

And playing any of the Elder Scrolls games. If you've never played any of them, you're missing out.
I have no idea what Dune is. I guess I was born a generation too late and now I've got enough other entertainment stimulation to not care.

Also, I've never (properly) played Morrowind. People ***** and moan at me all the time about my not playing it but the fact of the matter is that I just can't be fucked reading all that dialogue.
I just never had a good computer way back then, and back then I was all about my PS2, so I was content.
I did get into TES via Oblivion when it came out. My brother bought it with his PS3 and I've logged easily over 200 hours.

OT: I was astounded when I learnt my girlfriend had never seen the original Star Wars Trilogy. She wasn't too interested and though it was all a bit lame, but I persisted and got her to watch all three films and now she loves them. Triumph for nerds worldwide. :D


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I have a large list of games that I know most people including you who's reading this whom haven't played and they're all amazing.

Flashback The Quest for Identity (DOS,SEGA Genesis/CD, Amiga, SNES(poo ver) FMVs on a cart, nuff said

Phantasy Star IV (Genesis/MD) Seriously everyone was raving about Final Fantasy, I was playing this RPG. It told stories through comic book style cutscenes instead of sprites.

Ranger X Again, everyone was raving about Megaman, I was playing this.

I could go on but I basically repeat these Sega games because I know no one who owned a Genesis and I know an astounding amount of Nintendo fanboys whom wont even play it because it's on the system that competed with "the best system evarrr".

Nothing against the SNES (hell yeah Super Metroid) but come on, just because it's on the Genesis people ignore it, who cares what system it's on. I honestly don't know more than ...4 people who've played any of these games. And I forced 2 people to play PSIV so that goes to show you just how many people played the games I love.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
chif-ii said:
I know a guy who's never heard of Pokemon period. No games, no anime, no nothing. It was quite awkward. Also, I have not played Halo.
WHAT. . . Are you fo' cereal? He's NEVER heard of Pokemon? Every single person I've ever (literally) met know about pokemon. Did he spend the ninties in the Amazon or something?
Also, Halo was good when it came out and it's still alright, but there's newer things that do everything Halo did, but better, so don't bother.


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
Fenring said:
Reading Dune. I mean REALLY.

And playing any of the Elder Scrolls games. If you've never played any of them, you're missing out.
Never read Dune. Don't care to.

A friend of mine hasn't seen ANY of the Star Wars OR Lord of the Rings movies. Also a billion other movies that everybody's seen, he hasn't. I'm still amazed. He doesn't even know the "I am your father." twist.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
captaincabbage said:
chif-ii said:
I know a guy who's never heard of Pokemon period. No games, no anime, no nothing. It was quite awkward. Also, I have not played Halo.
WHAT. . . Are you fo' cereal? He's NEVER heard of Pokemon? Every single person I've ever (literally) met know about pokemon. Did he spend the ninties in the Amazon or something?
Also, Halo was good when it came out and it's still alright, but there's newer things that do everything Halo did, but better, so don't bother.
Never heard of it. He says he isn't a big gamer, but I don't buy that excuse. I mean, how long has the cartoon been running - a thousand episodes or something?

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Two people come to my mind for this thread-
1 A friend of my have not play Okami and she does got a Wii. No matter how much I bug her, she just won't buy it.
2 My brother. I hand him KOTOR and months later when I ask him if he had play it and he said no. This in turn made me react to this thread title and he only response "I couldn't overlook the graphic". WTF! I can understand if it?s PS1 or N64 Graphic but this?! Mind you he's big fan of Mass Effect but still this is what I hate Graphic> Gameplay people...


New member
Jul 19, 2010
I have never played Deus Ex, Halo, The Elder Scrolls, Dungeon Master, Golden Eye, Gears of War or Ultima. Also I hadn't played Mass Effect until October 2009, didn't even try Dragon Age: Origins until July 2009 and didn't play Fallout 3 until November 2010. Damn I suck!


New member
Apr 5, 2010
well this isnt game related but i reckon it still counts, I once spoke to someone who didnt know what the OLYMPIC GAMES WERE!!!!

As to Pacman Ocarina and the first Halo - yes i have played and beaten them.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
chif-ii said:
captaincabbage said:
chif-ii said:
I know a guy who's never heard of Pokemon period. No games, no anime, no nothing. It was quite awkward. Also, I have not played Halo.
WHAT. . . Are you fo' cereal? He's NEVER heard of Pokemon? Every single person I've ever (literally) met know about pokemon. Did he spend the ninties in the Amazon or something?
Also, Halo was good when it came out and it's still alright, but there's newer things that do everything Halo did, but better, so don't bother.
Never heard of it. He says he isn't a big gamer, but I don't buy that excuse. I mean, how long has the cartoon been running - a thousand episodes or something?
Something like that. I've been watching the most recent episodes with my girlfriend and we're up to episode 660 I think.
How can someone not have lived the last 15 years and not seen a Pikachu somewhere.

Pokemon is a media franchise published and owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokemon has since become the second most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's own Mario series. Pokemon properties have since been merchandised into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. The franchise celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2006, and as of 28 May 2010, cumulative sales of the video games (including home console versions, such as the "Pikachu" Nintendo 64) have reached more than 200 million copies.
Here's an excerpt from Pokemon's Wiki page. Read it and then think to yourself; "HOW could he not know about it?"


New member
Jan 25, 2011
A friend of mine had never played, let alone heard of Chrono Trigger. I made him play it. All is well.

Though another friend of mine claims to be a movie buff and has never seen Star Wars. Explain that. :|


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Torrasque said:
Imagine meeting someone that has not played Halo (first one)
I only recently played Halo (for PC) and I can't see what the fuss is about.
It's just a generic first person shooter. It might have started the whole console FPS craze (even though Goldeneye was far more revolutionary), but that's the only remarkable thing about it.

What I hate are people who say shit like "Fallout 3 is the best game evar" even though they haven't even once touched Fallout 1 or 2.
IMO Fallout 3 is one of the most disappointing sequels ever made.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Younglings who think that Halo or the 4TH COD (Both just standard FPS games.. nothing special) invented the FPS or defined it. Same with Goldeneye. Yes, Goldeneye was proof that a FPS could work on a console, but I always foudn it pretty "Meh" after bieng raised on Wolfenstein 3d (A game some people claim they've never heard of or one person actually said to me "Is that the sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein?!"), Doom and the original Unreal.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
captaincabbage said:
Fenring said:
Reading Dune. I mean REALLY.

And playing any of the Elder Scrolls games. If you've never played any of them, you're missing out.
I have no idea what Dune is. I guess I was born a generation too late and now I've got enough other entertainment stimulation to not care.
You poor ignorant fool...
MolotoK said:
Torrasque said:
Imagine meeting someone that has not played Halo (first one)
I only recently played Halo (for PC) and I can't see what the fuss is about.
It's just a generic first person shooter. It might have started the whole console FPS craze (even though Goldeneye was far more revolutionary), but that's the only remarkable thing about it.

What I hate are people who say shit like "Fallout 3 is the best game evar" even though they haven't even once touched Fallout 1 or 2.
IMO Fallout 3 is one of the most disappointing sequels ever made.
After 10 hours of Fallout 3 i felt the sudden urge to play Morrowind...i rest my case.