How close are you to your stereotype?

Freaky Lou

New member
Nov 1, 2011
Vern5 said:
I'm filipino. I tend to point at things using my lips or chin. I always save plastic bags for trash or whatnot but I normally have more bags than trash anyway. I tan well and love tropical weather. I tend to enjoy foods that are either salted or vinegar-ed . I'm more well-endowed than the stereotypical mainland Asian.

Yeah I fit a few of the stereotypes but not enough visible ones to set off the stereotyper in other people.
Do you eat inhuman amounts of rice, have a strange sense of humour, run some sort of store or service, and only hang out with other Filipinos?


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Well let's take a look, shall we.

I'm a bear.

I shit in the woods.

Man, I am just a walking stereotype.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
I'm an Australian Uni Student/gamer/metal head
I drink to get drunk
have long hair, an almost beard and dress in black
don't fight
game all the time
have not been in a serious relationship

ohnoitsabear said:
Well let's take a look, shall we.

I'm a bear.

I shit in the woods.

Man, I am just a walking stereotype.
but are you the Pope?


Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
Arakasi said:
As an Australian university student who doesn't drink alcohol or do any for of drug I'd like to think I'm as far away from the stereotype as possible.
Same here, but I'm Kiwi. I'm more of a shut in that only goes outside for university things....
Look at me contribute to a thread...


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Australian - Well spoken, doesn't shag sheep, drinks responsibly, enjoys both fun media and artistic media
Bisexual - Extremely monogamous, not absurdly sexual, not attracted to everyone, not in denial
Metalhead - I like other genres too, I don't pull funny faces or wear denim and leather to exclusivity. Short hair, good hygiene, very soft voice. Not sure what the other stereotypes'd be.
Male - I am not a rapist. I am not a bigot. I'm not overly sexual. Extremely monogamous.
White - Uh... There are stereotypes for this? I'm primarily sexually attracted to other white people? I dunno. I probably can't rap or dance, never bothered trying, no reason to

Not sure if there are other things...


New member
Nov 12, 2008
Goofguy said:
As a Canadian, I do say "eh" a decent amount and I love maple syrup. But no, I don't live in an igloo or own a pet moose.
That's a shame, I live in an igloo all year and have several pet moose, but I hate hockey and curling so I don't I don't fit the Canadian stereotype.

I lied, I like curling.

General Vagueness

New member
Feb 24, 2009
I'm a pasty bespectacled slightly acne-ridden occasionally nervous unathletic basement-dwelling kissless foreveralone permavirgin, I don't know or care much about fashion (even "basic" stuff) or "regular" pop culture, I have impeccable grammar and spelling, I'm between semesters of college where I'm going for a degree in programming, I can name more characters, and possibly actors, from Star Trek than I can sports teams or kinds of cars, I am at this very moment in my mom's basement, and I'm pretty sure I'm growing hair on my neck now. Do I win?


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I'm an American and my favorite food group is Cheeseburger.
I also consider Cheeseburgers a food group.

Well I think that about wraps it up.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I'm a swedish/geek/guitarist

I certainly do not fit the "tall blonde" stereotype as I'm pretty much the complete opposite in apperance

I'm far from the northern-swede stereotype as well. Hunting, snowmobiles, engines, drinking, outdoor activities etc, don't interest me that much.
The geeky sterotype fits me in a sense that I like stuff labled as being geeky/nerdy.

I don't think I look like a guitarist, to be honest. Save for the ocational band t-shirt.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I'm a Canadian who doesn't like hockey.

I'm a young adult who doesn't drink.

I'm a classically trained singer who adores electronic music.

I'm a computer geek who doesn't program particularly well.

I... don't stereotype very well.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I'm American and a bit overweight, that's about it.

I come from German, Irish, Native American, and Scottish ancestry (among others) and don't drink, ever, not even when I lived in Germany for 6 years.

I'm white, like moonlight white, and I tan and have dark eyes and hair.

I'm from the American South and speak perfect English, despite it being by second language. I don't like country music or seafood. I hate pickup trucks and NASCAR. I don't hunt. I love gays and minorities and identify with blacks and hispanics more than whites. I voted for Obama.

I come from a military family stretching back at least 4 generations, brother and father are in the U.S. Military, and I am in college becoming a teacher, having never once considering joining any branch of the military. I'm also not a super-patriot.

For a large, white male I can dance like a mother fucker.

Growing up as a white child in Kentucky 90% of my friends were black.

Despite being born to a Catholic hispanic mother and possibly the whitest man ever born I am widely considered the "blackest" of my friends, even by my black friends.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
I'm a confused LGBT teen, but I'm nowhere near the suicidal self loathing victim I'm meant to be.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Yah I fit this pretty well.

As I don't count Florida as in "The South", I like Hawaiin shirts, and Sunglasses. Also being Southern isn't a mark of idiocy, being called Bubba or listening to country music is.

Boris Goodenough

New member
Jul 15, 2009
Well let's see, being red blonde:
Pretty good in bed - check
Hot tempered - not check
Doesn't tan - not check
Freckles - not check

Being a Dane:
Drinks beer and other stuff - check
Drinks coffee - not check
Is happy despite grey weather, rain, and lots of wind - check

captcha: Simply orange, oh come on...


Dec 24, 2011
I'm a white guy from the midwest.

According to [a href=""]this list[/a] the six most common stereotypes associated with me are.

Dumb: 135 IQ, not that give IQ tests much credence, but I don't think anyone who knows me would ever describe me as "dumb".

Fat: Okay I'm definitely on the chubby side, but I'm not Larry the Cable Guy with a beer gut either.

Poor: Well I'm only working part time right now to pay for school. How rich I'll be later in life when I have a real job is yet to be determined but I can at least say that I have fairly wealthy roots.

They're Backward: I'm actually quite progressive, I'm a democrat and liberal on most issues, for gay rights, anti-gun (mostly), pro-abortion, for legalization of pot, very anti-war. I'm sorta pseudo religious, I believe in god but not really anything else in the bible. I guess I'm what you'd call a deist.

They only like country music: I hate country music.

They're Conservative: As already stated I'm very much a liberal.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Hmmmm, well as an English Canadian I can check off the following:

I do like hockey
I love maple syrup (especially with pancakes and pea meal bacon)
I say "eh" (even I am no longer sure whether it's on purpose or not)
I have curled and enjoy watching curling
I have played lacrosse (although only in middle school gym class)
I love beer
I love bacon (all kinds - there's no need to discriminate against bacon)
I do say sorry pretty often and easily (yeah... with a long "oh" sound)
I try to be polite and tactful most of the time
Poutine is clearly the greatest junk food ever invented
Despite the above fact I don't like Quebec
I like to go hiking, canoeing, kayaking, swimming in rivers (or the ocean) in the summer
I do enjoy a good barbecue, and have barbecued outside in the winter
(of course here it was just pouring rain not snow -_-)

I like the cold weather... but being from southern BC I miss a lot of the snow type stereotypes
-however, I have put chains on my car before, and driven through a foot of snow in all-season tires

So yeah, pretty Canadian I guess, eh?


New member
May 11, 2011
I'm a Norwegian girl/geek from the country side.

I look Norwegian (blonde, blue eyes, pale skin), but I don't care about or excel at winter sports and I have zero tolerance for low temperatures ^^; I do binge drink during weekends, but I prefer beer and wine to moonshine, I avoid eye contact on the bus, mind my own business and let others mind theirs, and I'm good at foreign languages.
I'm a very cheerful person, though.

As a geek I get very interested in things that will probably never benefit me in any practical way, I read mostly sci-fi and fantasy, my grades are awesome, I constantly switch to English when I talk to quote something or reference a meme, and I take my video games super seriously and get really offended when someone critizes them.


New member
Aug 14, 2012
I'm English ( I found these on yahoo so they might be a bit crap
bad teeth: not too bad but not overly white
bad hygiene: nope
rude: not at all I've been told I say sorry too much.
thin: No
smokes: never tried it
scruffy hair: yes
"fitted" clothing: no
drinks: no
swears: only when needed
is artistic: haha no
is "fashionable" not at all
deep thinker: only because it means i dont have to talk to people
intelligent: kind of
boastful: in a sarcastic self degrading humor way
hates Ameicans: no
Tea: Yes I can never have too much

I'm also white but i'm not going to comment on the stereotypes becouse they are some of the most stupid things I've ever heard.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
I'm white, have brown hair, have facial hair, own a fedora, and wear glasses.

Need I say more?