How close are you to your stereotype?


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
I'm pretty much a Neckbeard... Pretty much.
Fat, antisocial, enjoys watching My Little Pony un-ironically, has a neckbeard, wears gym shorts in lieu of actual pants, only showers when it's absolutely necessary, Thinks I'm right about everything, way too critical of things that only exist to please me, prefers masturbation to sex. So I'd say I fit pretty well...

I mean... uh... Ha Ha... JK man... That was totally a joke. None of those things describe me... uh... oh.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
I'm a super Jewish-looking Jew. I wear glasses now that I'm too broke to afford contacts anymore. I'm 5'10", skinny as fuck (138 lbs) but in addition to being a gamer, I'm also a pretty naturally athletic basketball player. This might sound stupid, but I just kind of have that looseness to my movement, that black-guy swagger when I play (i.e. not like a lot of stiff white dudes). As skinny as I am, I have pretty good muscle tone and and have a high degree of "explosivity" to my movements. I have a surprising amount of "practical strength" but I won't wow anyone with my pathetic bench lift. I'm about an inch of vertical leap away from dunking (~34" one-step, two-foot vertical leap). I'm 28 and this has only improved in the last few years, despite my cigarette smoking, zero work training my body, and mediocre nutrition.

Maybe I'm harsh on myself, but when I look in the mirror when I've let my shaggy wavy hair grow out from my normal clean caesar cut and with my glasses and slightly hunched back, I look like a bit of a meek dork. At first glance I don't look particularly athletic or strong. People who don't know me at the court assume I can't play at the level I do, and usually assume I'm weak and lacking in foot speed. It never gets old surprising them.

I also dropped out of college, so I'm not a lawyer or doctor. But I'm an atheist, and I have a tendency to complain, criticize, and judge everything and everyone--a habit I have to be aware of and try to nip in the bud when I get in one of my negative moods.

I can certainly be a stereotype, but I can also defy them. I guess I focus on athleticism because Jews are stereotyped as being soft and uncoordinated for sports despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.

/I have a longish nose, too.
//Is there a stereotype regarding Jews and penis size? Then I probably buck that one, too.
///tooting own horn.


Aug 3, 2008
I'm British and prefer coffee to tea. I drink maybe a cup of tea every other day at a push. I do have awful teeth though.
I have the stiff upper lip and I'm very apologetic, I say sorry for not smoking when someone asks me for a lighter. I don't like picking fights and I'm a bit too polite it makes people uncomfortable. I love old posh names if I ever have a boy. Harry, Charles, Edward, Albert... I love those names.

As for being a bit of a nerd, I'm really awkward around people unless I've had a few. I'm pretty hideous to look at too; fat, short and pale. Although nerdy girls are usually thought of as scrawny, skinny little things so maybe that's not as true.


New member
May 24, 2011
I'm not fat
I'm pretty smart with a 4.0 GPA

From wisconsin:
I love dairy and every single form thereof (cheese, milk, yogurt, etc)
I do not hate unions

I do not hate everything
I actually have a pretty good relationship with my parents

I'm pretty athletic, definitely not overweight
I have an amazing Girlfriend
I like hanging out with people
Despite being shy, I'm not an introvert.

So apart from the dairy thing, I don't fit many stereotypes.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Andy Shandy said:
Scottish so...

Likes a good drink - Check
Swears a lot - Check
Ginger - Nope

What other stereotypes do Scots have?
Do you play that game where you have to throw trees? Haggis? Kilts? Bagpipes? Nutting people? You missed some major ones there.

Dunno what stereotypes I'd fit. Metalhead perhaps? I drink and wear a lot of black and hate 90% of music and play an instrument, but I don't have long hair or tattoos or piercings. Overall it's not far off. Uni student? Yup, rampant drinking again... errm. British? Don't know what Brit stereotype I'd fit. I quite like tea, not fussed on football or cricket or whatever though. My teeth aren't bad either.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Rather close. I'm Dutch and I'm direct, rude, open, helpful and friendly. These aspects of me are really products of my culture, and you'll find them in most of my countrymen. Unlike other Dutch I'm not cheap, which is another true stereotype regarding the Dutch. It's not that we're greedy, we're just cheap.
Owh and like other Dutch I'm tall as fuck.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
doomspore98 said:
I'm not fat
I'm pretty smart with a 4.0 GPA

From wisconsin:
I love dairy and every single form thereof (cheese, milk, yogurt, etc)
I do not hate unions

I do not hate everything
I actually have a pretty good relationship with my parents

I'm pretty athletic, definitely not overweight
I have an amazing Girlfriend
I like hanging out with people
Despite being shy, I'm not an introvert.

So apart from the dairy thing, I don't fit many stereotypes.
I hate to say this, but you do fit the "awesome American" sterotype...
(A friend of mine came up with this. The way he saw it was, That americans are either fat, lazy, stupid, uneducated and all that jazz, or the exact opposite of that, athletic, smart, eloquent and well-educated.)

As for myself:

I am punctual to the degree of usually being way to early.

I get incredibly annoyed if someone else isn't punctual.

I really like to plan ahead and hate it if people suddenly force me to change my plans / opt out in the last minute.

I am a stoic and rarely show emotions in public.

I am very polite but according to public opinion, (read: people I have met at one time or another) I am somewhat intimidating and ought to smile more.

I am somewhat reserved around people I just met.

Apparently I would look good in a uniform.

I am VERY intimidating when I am angry.

I am a miserable perfectionist.

And now for things that go against the stereotype:

I dislike beer.

I don't own any leather trousers.

I do have a sense of humour, though a dark and twisted one it is.

I am not a nazi-soldier who fought in WW2 and now wants to use his Nazi gold to revive Hitler and take over the world.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Boris Goodenough said:
Calibanbutcher said:
now wants to use his Nazi gold
But you do have it?
I am not at liberty to disclose any information regarding my possible possession of possible nazi-gold.
I can neither deny nor confirm that I have it.


New member
May 25, 2010
-I'm poor
-I have horrible sense of fashion (I would prefer to make my own clothes if I had the patience to learn how.)
-Can't dance or sing if my life depended on it.
-I can't say I have many female friends, and the ones I do have are not my 'fruit flies' (they'd deck me if I ever so much as jokingly referred to them 'GUURRRL FRIENDS')
-I hate bars and nightclubs, prefer more casual/relaxed surroundings and activities with friends.
-I hate most popular music these days, particularly the stuff that plays at the nightclubs/bars mentioned above.
-I don't watch TV very often or keep up with most current shows, entertainment news or even most internet/social network trends.
-Broadway and musicals don't excite me as much as they did when I was a kid.
-I have no interest in any long-term relationships (just got out of one) or the prospect of marriage (for the time being anyway). Building and maintaining close friendships and solidarity with others are my focus these days.
-Sex is lovely, but the way it's marketed, and people/bodies are looked at as malleable objects, or commodities turns me off to advertizement and products supposedly directed at my demographic.

I guess that misses the gay guy stereotype on most points, but I don't police peoples mannerisms or tell them how to act if they're decent human beings who aren't harming anyone. I may not be some cartoonishly hypermasculine 'straight-acting' dude, but then again neither are most normal guys.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
i'm a white canadian transsexual. Ngnn...

well lesse.

I hate hockey, and I'm definately a tomboy...not sure if there are any other stereotypes i am supposed to conform to :/


New member
Jul 24, 2009
I'm Swedish. It's 20 degrees Celsius outside (68F) and I'm sitting in my apartment shirtless because it's too damn hot...


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I'm a lesbian. I have short hair and a few flannel shirts, and I'm kind of a tomboy. I don't wear makeup. However, I do not own a truck and I know nothing about fixing cars. Also, I've only been in one fight before. I won, though. So, I fit some of them?


New member
Sep 19, 2012
I was born in England and live in Canada.

I love tea and beer, am a huge hockey fan, say "eh" unironically, am very polite, don't tan well, and eat plenty of fish and chips and poutine.

I'd say I'm pretty close.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Geek Stereotype
-likes video games
-likes sci fi
-majoring in physics

-socially confident
-has good hygiene (no smell, little to no acne)
-fairly athletic
-enjoys going outside
-enjoys going to parties
-not very pale
-doesn't wear glasses
-no neck beard
-has had multiple girlfriends
-has an easy time explaining science and computers to others who aren't savvy in those fields


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I am British and I love tea, my front teeth are also slightly crooked, but I have never had a filling.

Esotera said:
I'm a scientist/computer guy and probably come across as the most unhelpful person ever to anyone who isn't exactly computer-savvy or scientifically literate. It's not like I do it unconsciously, it's just really easy to slip into using jargon when you use it for most of the week.
I'm a biochemist and I do the exact same thing. I don't do it intentionally, but I must admit I can get carried away, especially as I have wanted to be a biochemist since I was small so I am kind of living the dream right now.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
I'm half chinese, half british, so I guess I don't have a stereotype....
I have heard someone say that "Eurasian" people (that's a very bad term to use, actually, because it applies to ANYONE from the continent of Europe and Asia, not just mixed types), are "good-looking". I don't fit that stereotype, oh no, no sir. No siree bob.

As for my "Chinese" side - I am studious, I was reasonably good at Math when I was studying it in High School, my mother is obsessive and over-protective and demanding in terms of academic achievements and I'm studying medicine.

As for my "British" side - I don't like tea, but I do like reading books and I am overbearingly polite and stuffy. Sometimes I catch myself humming "Hope of Land and Glory/Pomp and Circumstance" and I have a tendency to repress my emotions and understate things. I also tend to love British comedy and dry documentaries.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Goofguy said:
As a Canadian, I do say "eh" a decent amount and I love maple syrup. But no, I don't live in an igloo or own a pet moose.
WHAT!? Those Igloo's are government issued and how could you live with yourself not doing your civic duty by raising moose? Those moose aren't going to raise themselves you know!

As one canadian to another; Son I am disappoint.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
chinangel said:
Goofguy said:
As a Canadian, I do say "eh" a decent amount and I love maple syrup. But no, I don't live in an igloo or own a pet moose.
WHAT!? Those Igloo's are government issued and how could you live with yourself not doing your civic duty by raising moose? Those moose aren't going to raise themselves you know!

As one canadian to another; Son I am disappoint.
My igloo melted in the ridiculous summer heat and I made delicious steaks out of my moose. Shhhh, don't tell Harper.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Not close at all. Infact I now intentionally try to break some stereotypes now. I try to separate myself as far from them as much which has, in my opinion, made me a better person. I am always willing to try something and always act not serious for the sake of others, and just basically doing what an 'american girl' shouldn't do, because it's almost engraved in me that "don't be a stereotype"