How could Disney redeem itself from The Last Jedi?


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Alright, lets cut to the chase and say what would redeem Disney in our eyes with regards to the handling of The Last Jedi.

For me it would be for them to down a billion dollars on getting those 100 episodes of Underworld made. No modifications, no censorship, no changes, the episodes that the group of writers that Lucas got together, as intended.

So what'd it be for you?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Well, I mean, Phasma needs to be as cool as her design and demeanor, but there's precious little Disney needs to redeem themselves for in my mind.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Don't worry Zonty old buddy, the lads have got your back. They've made it all better.

Jamcie Kerbizz

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Declare last 2 SW movies to be sequels to Space Balls.
Drop trying to rewrite SW lore, dump Legends idea. Go through actual expanded universe and use it as a framework. Cut nonsense from EU, rewrite or write in what they see fit in EU. Don't touch main saga nor its characters EU send offs. Bring up to canon and flesh out bioware's idea of old republic. Make SW movies fun and inspiring not pretentiuos and 'current year' problematic (these were cringe moments in prequels; it's all out cringe in new movies. Message from rest of the world to usa and uk - people love star wars universe, we don't care for your current, local scene, political and social drama, spare us that crap please in SW movies*)

* - one of the reasons recent movies flopped on asian market (esp. China&Japan), central and eastern EU+Russia, Africa etc.) in comparison to originals). People hate foreign, politicized piss in their entertainment. People take umbrage to token 'minority' characters, 'problematic' plots, progressive 'innovative' sermons being shoved into their faces. All the while (unlike in usa and uk) used token constitutes majority in their respective country, they have their own existentional set of issues to deal with and don't want to be lectured by people who have clearly no idea how life outside of usa and uk looks like, they want to be treated as equals and be recognised as people and/or nations not pandered to as opressed classes or ethincities with tragic past.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Redeem themselves for what? The movie is a critical, popular, and financial success. As someone who read at least 3/4 of the EU (and enjoyed the lore and stories), I loved the it.

Zhukov said:
Don't worry Zonty old buddy, the lads have got your back. They've made it all better.
And you stole the post I was going to make.


New member
Oct 24, 2017
Avnger said:
Redeem themselves for what? The movie is a critical, popular, and financial success. As someone who read at least 3/4 of the EU (and enjoyed the lore and stories), I loved the it.
It made money, but not as much as the Mouse wanted it to make, and it lost over 60% of its revenue over the second week. Hell, china dropped something like 90% of their theaters for the movie after its opening weekend.

Edit: For my answer, drop Rian Johnson. If they do another trilogy don't be stupid and break up directors, have one director all the way through so its their vision we are seeing from start to finish.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
It's a loaded question - when you say what would redeem Disney in OUR eyes. Also the assumption that they need to be redeemed.

For me personally, it's not a question of being "redeemed." I never asked for new Star Wars movies, or the EU to be retconed to allow those movies to function. I was willing to judge the movies on their own merits, but they're all in the realm of "average" for me, albiet for different reasons. Force Awakens is well directed, well paced, reasonably well written, but relies far too much on nostalgia. Rogue One is a mess for its first two acts with unmemorable characters, but is saved by its last act. Last Jedi has some stellar scenes/elements, but is harmed by logic and plot problems.

Thing is, there's no one flaw that every Disney-era film has, they've all got their own strengths and weaknesses. I don't think any of them are "good" per se, but so far there's been no absolute misfire that requires them to be 'redeemed.' I guess all I could say to Disney is...make better movies?


New member
Aug 18, 2017
Zontar said:
Alright, lets cut to the chase and say what would redeem Disney in our eyes with regards to the handling of The Last Jedi.
I liked it, there were a few issues with the film but I enjoyed it overall. I give it major props for being different and trying something new with the franchise, personally I'd have written it slightly differently but it's a 6.5 - 7.5 / 10 for me. Good, not great, will happily rewatch it but don't give it much brain time outside of that.

However, having said that I don't really subscribe to the nerd passion thing, like it or hate it it's still just a film.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Make another one. Just like TLJ. Keep doing all the things that the "fans" claim are destroying the franchise. They might continue to anger those specific fans... but the rest of us will get another good Star Wars movie.

Just kidding. Actually I'd just like to see them stick to the course they've set. At least for ep 9. There's plenty of ways for them to go after that... actually they can go any direction they chose to at that point. We know the Skywalker saga is coming to an end (at least I pray they don't actually throw in a continuation of the bloodline at this point) so the gloves are probably off after ep 9.

But they've chosen less of a "same ole same ole for the fanboy" and more of a "metanarrative about the fanboy" path. And frankly its more interesting now than it has been in a long time. They've avoided making the prequels mistake of "moar of the lazersword fighting for teh fanboy, but with moar spinnz and flippz and pew pew" And they've taken it back to something that is becoming a space opera with a touch of fantasy deconstruction.

And I just want to see that end. I can't really give a final grade to a story that doesn't end. I can't say its my favorite... until it's over. I'll give Disney that they can continue the universe all they want, but the end of the Skywalker saga IS the end of the original Star Wars storyline and I want that closure.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Kyrian007 said:
Make another one. Just like TLJ. Keep doing all the things that the "fans" claim are destroying the franchise. They might continue to anger those specific fans... but the rest of us will get another good Star Wars movie.

Just kidding. Actually I'd just like to see them stick to the course they've set.
So are you kidding or not?

And I'm serious- just keep doing what they're doing with TLJ. I can dig it.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Squilookle said:
Kyrian007 said:
Make another one. Just like TLJ. Keep doing all the things that the "fans" claim are destroying the franchise. They might continue to anger those specific fans... but the rest of us will get another good Star Wars movie.

Just kidding. Actually I'd just like to see them stick to the course they've set.
So are you kidding or not?

And I'm serious- just keep doing what they're doing with TLJ. I can dig it.
I'm kidding about it being just "fuck the crying fanboys because I want them to suffer." I actually want them to stay the course, but because its the more interesting way to go.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Zhukov said:
Don't worry Zonty old buddy, the lads have got your back. They've made it all better.
Setting aside, for a moment, the matter of what cutting like 70% of a film's running time and having it still make sense says of its original script... is there any actual evidence of the fan edit in question having been made by some "MRA", or is it simply one more stand-in for "turbo-Hitler" professional journalists are in the habit of tossing around towards anyone they disagree with these days?


New member
Nov 8, 2007
I'm actually excited for Episode 9: the franchise has been left in such a position that the writers will have to come up with something original, as any of the threads they could have used to make an Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi clone have deliberately been used up in The Last Jedi. They can't make something safe anymore that'll just ape the previous movies.

So no, nothing to redeem. TLJ did the hard part of ripping a mouldy old bandage off of the franchise that was keeping it from moving on.


New member
May 7, 2016
Jamcie Kerbizz said:
Declare last 2 SW movies to be sequels to Space Balls.
Drop trying to rewrite SW lore, dump Legends idea. Go through actual expanded universe and use it as a framework. Cut nonsense from EU, rewrite or write in what they see fit in EU. Don't touch main saga nor its characters EU send offs. Bring up to canon and flesh out bioware's idea of old republic. Make SW movies fun and inspiring not pretentiuos and 'current year' problematic (these were cringe moments in prequels; it's all out cringe in new movies. Message from rest of the world to usa and uk - people love star wars universe, we don't care for your current, local scene, political and social drama, spare us that crap please in SW movies*)

* - one of the reasons recent movies flopped on asian market (esp. China&Japan), central and eastern EU+Russia, Africa etc.) in comparison to originals). People hate foreign, politicized piss in their entertainment. People take umbrage to token 'minority' characters, 'problematic' plots, progressive 'innovative' sermons being shoved into their faces. All the while (unlike in usa and uk) used token constitutes majority in their respective country, they have their own existentional set of issues to deal with and don't want to be lectured by people who have clearly no idea how life outside of usa and uk looks like, they want to be treated as equals and be recognised as people and/or nations not pandered to as opressed classes or ethincities with tragic past.
Lord of the Rings, aka "White people are the saviors and inheritors of the Earth vs the evil negro and asian hordes and their demonic master." did well outside the US market, though...

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
It's kinda neat seeing people defend story-telling and direction of this...quality.

But, hey, Transformers makes a billion plus every time, so I suppose I should expect this.

Jamcie Kerbizz

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Smithnikov said:
Jamcie Kerbizz said:
Declare last 2 SW movies to be sequels to Space Balls.
Drop trying to rewrite SW lore, dump Legends idea. Go through actual expanded universe and use it as a framework. Cut nonsense from EU, rewrite or write in what they see fit in EU. Don't touch main saga nor its characters EU send offs. Bring up to canon and flesh out bioware's idea of old republic. Make SW movies fun and inspiring not pretentiuos and 'current year' problematic (these were cringe moments in prequels; it's all out cringe in new movies. Message from rest of the world to usa and uk - people love star wars universe, we don't care for your current, local scene, political and social drama, spare us that crap please in SW movies*)

* - one of the reasons recent movies flopped on asian market (esp. China&Japan), central and eastern EU+Russia, Africa etc.) in comparison to originals). People hate foreign, politicized piss in their entertainment. People take umbrage to token 'minority' characters, 'problematic' plots, progressive 'innovative' sermons being shoved into their faces. All the while (unlike in usa and uk) used token constitutes majority in their respective country, they have their own existentional set of issues to deal with and don't want to be lectured by people who have clearly no idea how life outside of usa and uk looks like, they want to be treated as equals and be recognised as people and/or nations not pandered to as opressed classes or ethincities with tragic past.
Lord of the Rings, aka "White people are the saviors and inheritors of the Earth vs the evil negro and asian hordes and their demonic master." did well outside the US market, though...
That's because people don't read into LotR as "White people are the saviors and inheritors of the Earth vs the evil negro and asian hordes and their demonic master." and these that are interested in the book know that Tolkien didn't make allegory of race 'war' but WW - at that it isn't pretentious with that. If Peter Jackson was taking such political piss(is that what you suggest?), while creating this movie, at least it isn't pompous and pretentious about it aka it's still entertaining to actually watch the movie.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Jamcie Kerbizz said:
* - one of the reasons recent movies flopped on asian market (esp. China&Japan), central and eastern EU+Russia, Africa etc.) in comparison to originals). People hate foreign, politicized piss in their entertainment. People take umbrage to token 'minority' characters, 'problematic' plots, progressive 'innovative' sermons being shoved into their faces. All the while (unlike in usa and uk) used token constitutes majority in their respective country, they have their own existentional set of issues to deal with and don't want to be lectured by people who have clearly no idea how life outside of usa and uk looks like, they want to be treated as equals and be recognised as people and/or nations not pandered to as opressed classes or ethincities with tragic past.
...where the hell have the Disney Star Wars movies done anything like that?