How do I convince people that Skyward Sword is good?


New member
Sep 20, 2010
itsmeyouidiot said:
I've noticed that a hell of a lot of people here have been quick to diss Skyward Sword after a certain popular online reviewer bashed it.

So... Bandwagon, much?

Seriously, I just played Skyward Sword, an I honestly think it's the best game in the franchise so far.

Not only are the motion controls freaking amazing (any lag that exists is so small that it doesn't even matter, I certainly didn't notice any) and the implementation of a "stamina gauge" allows for a much more acrobatic style of gameplay that really makes the game refreshing and fun.

And while the game may be padded out, how exactly is that bad in any way whatsoever? Yahtzee himself said that Skyward Swords's greatest flaw was padding, but he also says that Wind Waker is his favorite, and Wind Waker's overworld map was 90% padding.

So... How exactly do I convince everyone on the forum to stop complaining about these things?

The "flaws" in this game are so minimal that any normal person wouldn't notice them at all. And yet, they speak of them as though they ruin the game entirely.
Its a single player game, you don't need to convince anyone of anything.

Something tells me it's YOU who needs convincing, ever since Yahtzee bashed it you've begun to doubt the games integrity, haven't you? You sit awake at night, unable to sleep, turning the thought over and over in your mind; "Is it really crap? Can my beloved Zelda series finally have run out of fun or interesting ideas?" It drives you mad, but no matter how much you reject the concept, that sickening seed of doubt continues to twist it's roots into your soul. You look on at the others from the shadows with grimace of distaste, how they can laugh and sing and dance in the sunlight, trumpeting their Skyrims and their Call of Duties, all the while wiping the good name of the Zelda franchise against their collective asses. Enraged, you follow one of them home, always hidden. She walks in the front door, cracking open her new copy Dark Souls. You climb a tree outside her window, all the while thinking her a whore, a corporate slut willing to throw her money to any old fantasy game put in front of her. Your mind tells you she's filth, that you must cleanse the world in Gods name of her kind. This thought gives you comfort, to know that your doubt is misplaced and your cause righteous/ You crack a smile, sitting in the branches, hidden from sight. You can see her in her room, at her desk through the window. A blue smock, discarded after a long days hard work, gives her name: Dana Wilcox. Still smiling, you carve her initials into your palm with a butcher knife.

She thinks she's so superior, you think, so smug, playing her Dark Souls on her xbox. "More like SEXbox, because shes such a whore!" You whisper to yourself. The rage begins to build inside you again, uncontrollable this time, overflowing your self control. You become ecstatic with the righteous fury of the Lord, launching yourself through her open window in Holy Furor.

She never stood a chance, poor Dana Wilcox. A straight A student trying to save for college, blowing off a little steam on a hot summers eve with a little romp through the whimsical fantasy world of Dark Souls. And now she's dead. Afterwards, you realized what you had done. "Why?" you thought to yourself, 'Why couldn't she just have played skyward sword instead?!? Why did she make me do this? Why couldn't she love Skyward Sword?!?" You tried to fix the scene, make it look like a suicide, a poor overworked young woman driven to the brink by stress and desperation. The antidepressants placed on her nightstand were a nice touch, anyone would have believed it. You would have gotten away scott free. You were careful, you were smart.

But I was smarter.

I put the puzzle pieces together, followed the clues, and it all leads back to you.

You thought you could get away with it, but you thought wrong. You miscalculated, and now you gotta deal with the result of your rounding error:


Another case cracked by ME, Syzygy, Ace Internet Detective.
Take him away boys!


New member
Aug 21, 2011
itsmeyouidiot said:
So... How exactly do I convince everyone on the forum to stop complaining about these things?
You can't, and thus shouldn't try. :D

The internet is filled with naysayers hell-bent on not enjoying things in life. I say, let them be angry. :D

Also, other people's opinions really shouldn't affect you at all. :3 Not over something as miniscule as how fun a video game is, anyway. :p


New member
Dec 15, 2008
itsmeyouidiot said:
I've noticed that a hell of a lot of people here have been quick to diss Skyward Sword after a certain popular online reviewer bashed it.
Your best course of action in this situation as it is with most situations, is to not give a fuck about bullshit.

Now, I realize that not giving a fuck about bullshit isn't the most attractive option. But believe me when I say that if more people did not give a fuck about bullshit, the world would honestly be a much better place.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
itsmeyouidiot said:
I've noticed that a hell of a lot of people here have been quick to diss Skyward Sword after a certain popular online reviewer bashed it.

So... Bandwagon, much?

Seriously, I just played Skyward Sword, an I honestly think it's the best game in the franchise so far.

Not only are the motion controls freaking amazing (any lag that exists is so small that it doesn't even matter, I certainly didn't notice any) and the implementation of a "stamina gauge" allows for a much more acrobatic style of gameplay that really makes the game refreshing and fun.

And while the game may be padded out, how exactly is that bad in any way whatsoever? Yahtzee himself said that Skyward Swords's greatest flaw was padding, but he also says that Wind Waker is his favorite, and Wind Waker's overworld map was 90% padding.

So... How exactly do I convince everyone on the forum to stop complaining about these things?

The "flaws" in this game are so minimal that any normal person wouldn't notice them at all. And yet, they speak of them as though they ruin the game entirely.

I'm a big fan of Zelda. Didn't enjoy Wind Waker. Also didn't enjoy Skyward Sword, though it wasn't bad, but it was weak. Certainly not the best game in the franchise by any stretch of the imagination.

The flaws are not minimal. They range from being game-breaking and tiresome to minor nitpicking. Yes, some of the major flaws are down to the Wii, but the game design itself isn't up to scratch, especially considering the typical pedigree of the series.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
You don't. Skyward Sword is awesome. You have to accept that it isn't eveeryone's cup of tea.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
itsmeyouidiot said:
I've noticed that a hell of a lot of people here have been quick to diss Skyward Sword after a certain popular online reviewer bashed it.

So... Bandwagon, much?

Seriously, I just played Skyward Sword, an I honestly think it's the best game in the franchise so far.

Not only are the motion controls freaking amazing (any lag that exists is so small that it doesn't even matter, I certainly didn't notice any) and the implementation of a "stamina gauge" allows for a much more acrobatic style of gameplay that really makes the game refreshing and fun.

And while the game may be padded out, how exactly is that bad in any way whatsoever? Yahtzee himself said that Skyward Swords's greatest flaw was padding, but he also says that Wind Waker is his favorite, and Wind Waker's overworld map was 90% padding.

So... How exactly do I convince everyone on the forum to stop complaining about these things?

The "flaws" in this game are so minimal that any normal person wouldn't notice them at all. And yet, they speak of them as though they ruin the game entirely.
You say THEY, but you only talk about yahtzee . Basically you only want to convonce HIM. Yeah good luck with that.

That havin been said , i bought skyward sword for my not-really-a-gamer girlfriend that likes zelda and mario games and she loves it. I on the other hand has watched her play it and i wouldn't play it if you paid me to . It just looks so boring .


New member
Jul 1, 2011
I, personally, did not like Skyward Sword... but I think it did some things very well that I hope stick with the series.

The motion controls were fun, the characters were much more fleshed out and enjoyable and the loftwing segments were fun. But I found there wasn't enough emphasis on exploration for my liking, it didn't have any of the staple Zelda side quests and the whole setting didn't really draw me in like previous titles in the series did.

That said, I've played a lot worse. I think if Nintendo tries to experiment with this formula again if they listen to the games criticisms and fix them that they could potentially have a major hit on their hands. In the meantime I think I'll give Windwaker another play-through.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Not only can you not convince people to stop bashing Skyward Sword, you shouldn't want to. Why does their opinion matter? After playing the game (which I loved) I can totally see how you can hate it. I see the flaws: the motion controls leave a lot to be desired, its padded to a ridiculous end, it lacks content (starting with 6 heart containers? seriously? I WANT MORE HEART PIECES), and FI CAN GO DIE. And yet I enjoyed the experience to no end. But who am I to say that the flaws can't outweigh the strengths for some people? Its their opinion.

For every 1 person hopping on the bandwagon, 99 are expressing their actual opinion (Yahtzee being one of them). Let them, log off the Escapist, and go back to enjoying your Zelda game.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
It's a matter of opinion. Obviously if you've had some really bad experiences with motion controls in the past, you're going to be a bit biased against them. I've played several wii games and the only one with motion controls that I actually liked was Wii Sports. I swear, there's a spyro game for the wii that is unplayable because of its motion controls. My sensor just wasn't picking up the commands. There was an Avatar game that came with it, and I nearly had to stop that as well because the motion controls weren't responding and the thing was timed so I had to start all over if the motion controls suddenly decided not to respond.

I played Twilight Princess on the GameCube which I loved to death. I like when games let you have the option of using a controller. Like Mario Kart for the wii I can't play with the wii mote it just doesn't work, but with the GameCube controller, it's super easy.

Individual experiences may vary as far as the motion controls are concerned. For some people, they may work with no problems and for others it may seem impossible to get them to work right or at a non-laggy pace.

I refuse to play Skyward Sword, not on the grounds that Yahtzee dissed it but on the grounds that the trailer looked terrible to me. I HATE that cartoony style and they brought it back. Why can't we get the more realistic graphics like with Twilight Princess? Wha!

To me, just the very concept of having to swing link's sword around for him is completely ridiculous and appalling. How dare Nintendo make me have to act out an action that was easily input in the past with the freakin A button on the controller. And ya know what? When you hit the A Button it never miss-fired like motion controls tend to do when you accidentally move the controller out of range of the motion sensor. How dare them.

If I wanted to swing the wii mote around a whole bunch, I'd just play Wii Tennis. Don't put that shit in a Zelda game and then NOT give us the option of using a GameCube controller. Grrrrr

I'm sorry, but motion controls are always ass no matter what game you're playing and they always add nothing but frustration and sore muscles.