How do people find their SO through mmorpgs or other games?


New member
Apr 19, 2013
Often times I would hear about stories where people would find their significant others through playing mmorpgs or other video games. Just recently while playing Guild Wars 2 I read in a chat on how one player met his girlfriend through the game. How do some people find their SO through online games? Have you or anyone you've known found love through playing games?


New member
May 14, 2010
I doubt it happens often when compared to the total number of players playing the game hence the stories get highlighted so it seems like it happens more. But you are sharing a hobby with millions of other people so friendships and more are naturally going to happen.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
I've played probably...6 MMORPGs in my time. I've never, ever, ever asked for a first name from any "friend", let alone to meet them in person and eventually fuck them.

I've heard of the occasional relationship, but I've never seen one in person nor heard of one that occurred in any guild/group I was associated with.

I dunno...I guess I'm content to just play the game?

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011

You talk to people. Maybe you might wanna hook up with one (or more) of those people. Eventually, or even soon, you might be in pretty good circumstances to meet up. And then it's basically a "normal" relationship.

Like really, it's extremely easy for me to have a conversation on an MMO than it is in real life, but maybe that's because of how I look. I wouldn't call myself ugly, but I do have some slight physical...defects? I guess I would call them that. I probably pay them far too much heed as well.

It can't be that weird in an age where tons of people start with online dating anyways.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
LeathermanKick25 said:
Gods no. I went out into the real world to experience things, people, places. If you're up for doing the down and dirty with your raid teams healer...I won't be one to stop you. I do find it pretty weird and honestly a bit sad. What mundane and boring life do you live where you find a girlfriend/boyfriend through an MMO?
I dunno, I mean, I haven't gotten involved with anyone through a game, but particularly nowadays, its not exactly a social vacuum. I'll frequently be in voice chats with gaming buddies, despite being in different games. Its not a huge leap from meeting someone at the gym, or a bowling alley, or whatever. Social networking kind of compounds it, as barring keeping two identities active, you probably join your gaming group on facebook or whatever with your real profile, and have a chance to interact on a social level and share interests.

Obviously the "cliche" of the gamer (or the WOW player) is a dorito-munching sweaty man in his mom's basement speaking only in profanity, but there's generally a range of people like any other social situation. You've got the creepy dude in the corner, the aloof non-talky folks, the chattering group at table two, and so on.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Maybe they meet in the game's forums and such (PM, relationship threads), not necessarily chatting live while playing.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
They were probably same guild or something, just chatted/ played together a lot, found they like each other and wanted to chat outside the game and eventually decided to hook up. It happens on occasion but I wouldn't advise actually tying to find a relationship through an on-line game.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
LeathermanKick25 said:
I'm assuming you've atleast seen a photo or something over the person before you want to hook up with them, and not just based solely off a voice?
Yeah, it would be...extremely weird to not even know what the person looks like by the time you think you're ready to meet with each other, or even not very long after you start a relationship. I think it has to happen pretty soon, basically.

These days there's Skype and VOIP and all sorts of options for that stuff for both voice and webcam calls, so I don't see why it'd be a huge issue after a while. But I can see why people have massive reservations about it working or even being possible. Even my own experiences are pretty negative with this sort of thing, personally. But I don't see why these sorts of relationships absolutely couldn't work.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Eh, people "fall in love" through chat-rooms all the time (or at least they used to when proper chat-rooms were still a it's mostly just messenger services), so what's so surprising about people "falling in love" over an MMO? What is an MMO if not just a giant chat-room with gameplay elements? :p

Not saying I'd ever go for someone I met on an MMO, just saying that surely it's not such a strange occurrence.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Met my current girlfriend in a LoL ARAM match. I'd call it just luck. Considering how toxic the MOBA community can get, it can be hard to find people who you can chat with during the game or afterwards, let alone actually start a frienship with them or something bigger.

Having said that, MMOs, MOBAs or basically most games wouldn't be my first place to look for a relationship.


Some guy
Aug 13, 2009
I met my wife in WoW. We were in the same guild for almost a year before we ever started really talking. Hell I assumed she was a guy until our raid groups merged. After talking a bit ( non romantically) we realized we lived a half an hour apart from each other. We dated for four years. Then got married four years ago.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Er... No idea.

I mean, I sort of fell into a 'relationship' of sorts online through a chat service, but that was strictly an online thing.
The closest we ever got was exchanging a picture or two.
I don't even think we ever got around to mentioning our real names to one another.

Still... Something about it was unfortunately real enough...
It wouldn't have ended so badly if it hadn't ended up involving real feelings.

So, I can imagine under different circumstances, if the people involved had a bit more courage, and a bit more willingness to cross that line from the virtual world to the real one, I can certainly see how the situation I ended up in could, in principle have led to an actual relationship.

I doubt it happens often, but knowing what I experienced, I'm guessing it's reasonably possible.

But I would say it's the kind of thing that just... Happens.
If you go looking for it, you'll never find it.

What happened to me never crossed that line into the real world, but I would say it got pretty intense that notwithstanding.
However, regardless of that, neither of us set out with that as an intent.
Hell, it took me ages, and many weird encounters to even realise, that, in fact, if you were to translate what we had been doing virtually into the real world, we would have been dating for quite a while...

So even that realisation can pass you by if you're not paying attention.

But, to begin with, you need a basic level of chemistry with a person.
Then... You need to be willing to meet them in the real world...
And, finally, that chemistry needs to survive this transition.
Believe me, that is by no means guaranteed.

I mean, it's all well and good to say you fell in love with someone's personality, and not their looks. (which you probably did, if it started online), but that doesn't mean the attraction you have for someone when all you've got is avatars, some online text/voice chats, and at best a few photos, can really survive unscathed with you meeting this person, and experiencing them 'in the flesh' as it were at close proximity...

It's a nice ideal, but it rarely is that simple...

Still, that's pretty much how it goes. Give or take a couple of steps...


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I had this really nerdy and unathletic friend who learned how to talk to girls through Monster Hunter on the Wii. I have to admit, I was pretty jealous.

Finding your SO though? Nah. I mean, it could happen eventually, but it's one in a million. Or these people's definition of SO is extremely loose. Like the way Emma Watson is my bae because she was in front of me at the line at McDonalds once.

P.S. who actually uses SO? First time I have ever heard of it.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Either some people find it better to comminicate in a game than real life or it's just a simple chat (like a friend chart) that may lead into more stuff.