How do people stay thin?


New member
Oct 16, 2008
Cut all the carbs from your diet immediately and see how that impacts your weight. Some people are simply prone to pack on the pounds and are even more prone to do so when eating a lot of carbs. Sugar is by far the worst, since it keeps you hungry and encourages the body to store fat.

Yes, it means you have to get your calories from somewhere else, and that somewhere else is fat and protein. But really, if you can just do one thing and cut out the -sugars-, you'll be doing yourself a world of good right there.

Being fat for many people has very little to do with exercise. It's largely how and what they eat. Exercise has its own rewards, of course, but we're improperly conditioned to think that the one true path to not being fat is being excessively active. It simply isn't.

See: Gary Taubes, 'Why We Get Fat' and Google 'Dr. Lustig' for his discussion on sugar.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Mad World said:
Wow... are people really arguing about whether or not genetics affects your weight? Genetics isn't the entire picture, but it's definitely a significant part.
It's also not an excuse. I have a friend who went from 350lbs to 140lbs within 4 years through diet and exercise changes.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
A good thing ot do is track everything that you eat for a week. and i mean EVERYTHING!
what time, what the food was and how much of it.
then take out the food that is just crappy filler food such as chips, pop and chocoalte bars.
and plan out what you eat.
hope it helps!


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I walk for about an hour a day just to and from school and walking to various classes. I also eat moderately healthy. I barely drink any pop or eat things with lots of sugar.
I also swim about once a week and ski A LOT in the winter.
So ya, exercise a decent amount and don't stuff your face with junk food and you'll be fine.
Also, another important thing is getting a good amount of sleep each night.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
FaceFaceFace said:
I'm slightly underweight, and I could easily create the mirror version of this topic, "How do people get fat?" I cannot gain weight for anything. I don't exercise or eat especially well, but I have a ridiculous metabolism and a very weak stomach that prevents me from eating much at breakfast or lunch. I'm like a scarecrow.
Your just like my best guy friend. He is really thin and was really self conscious about it. He works out at a gym and built some muscle mass so that is one way of doing it.
but unlike you, I bet you can get pants that actually fit you off the rack in the same country. He needs to go to america to get pants to fit him. so just be glad your not that skinny.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
I've stayed skinny by not eating so much. It's quite effective. Fat requires materials unless your body can somehow create matter, then you're shit out of luck.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
dex-dex said:
but unlike you, I bet you can get pants that actually fit you off the rack in the same country. He needs to go to america to get pants to fit him. so just be glad your not that skinny.
For serious? Coming the U.S. to get pants that are skinny enough? You know were like, fattest of the fat countries. The British call us fat.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Kytseo said:
I've wanted to lose weight for a while now, and I have tried nearly everything (except diet pills and starving, I have my standards). The weird thing is that quite a few people I know tend to stay thin despite regularly eating burger king and such. I know some of them do work out, but some (like my girlfriend) somehow can stay thin without working out and despite apparently eating a lot (hell, I'm in much worse shape than my girlfriend, yet I have an easier time walking, thank you Mini-Boot Camp). I gotta ask, when it comes to those people, what's their secret?

Do some research for metabolism enriching foods, and eat more of them (I'm pretty sure fish is the big one still). That's the only thing that let's them live the way they do without weight gain.

You'd be better off following this, though: If you could grow it yourself, it's good for you. If you have to eat packaged foods (like dairy products and canned foods), a smaller ingredient list is better for you than a large one. Half an hour of cooking can replace a full hour in the gym, as you'll eat healthier and less fattening foods. Either eat three normal meals a day, or eight snacks, not both. Basic common sense stuff.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Dags90 said:
dex-dex said:
but unlike you, I bet you can get pants that actually fit you off the rack in the same country. He needs to go to america to get pants to fit him. so just be glad your not that skinny.
For serious? Coming the U.S. to get pants that are skinny enough? You know were like, fattest of the fat countries. The British call us fat.
yeah I know! I asked him what the hell when he said that.
but supposedly in the far off land of Buffalo New York (not really far considering I live in Toronto). there is such a thing as small waist pants I still need to go with him in person to see if this myth is true.


New member
Jul 14, 2009

Okay, not everyone metabolizes their food identically. Have thin friends that eat junk? They get away with it because they can, and unfortunately, you may not be so "lucky". I'm one of those that no matter how I try I will probably never be a big guy. Some people are lactose intolerant, for example, and some are not.

It's actually not as much metabolism as it is other factors. You have to know your own body, and realize what you should and should not eat to be healthy. Most importantly, if you are not eating healthy foods (if it has high fructose corn syrup in it, that's NOT HEALTHY) and are not exercising, you really have nothing you should complain about, because it is evident that you are not taking enough practical or sensible action to become healthier, or at the least lose weight.

I never got why people just think they will lose weight by staying as sedentary as they always were and eating better, or funnier still just not eating as much of the same junk that made them gain weight to begin with.

Know your body, read up on foods, do what's right instead of what's easy (sometimes not mutually exclusive), make fewer excuses, and most importantly, don't give up.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
As many have pointed out, diet is really important. Not going on a diet, but eating in terms of nutrition and the composition of your diet. Most science based approaches to health and fitness completely shit on low carb diets, given that carbs are the primary source of fuel for muscles. The average American diet (and most Western diets) contains enough of your body's protein requirements even for people who exercise regularly and intensely. So protein supplements are unecessary. The main issue for many, many people is that they eat too much fat OR they just eat too much and are not physically active enough. Consuming high GI foods is also problematic.

So the main points of a lifestyle conducive to losing and keeping off weight are:
- reduce fat and processed sugar intake (cut right back on soda, sweets, deserts, fried and fast foods, salad dressings)
- eat foods with a low Glycemic Index (oats, muesli, wholemeal pasta and bread, certain fruits)
- increase fruit and vegetable intake as important sources of vitamins and minerals
- reduce alcohol intake (empty carbs)
- drink water
- reduce portion sizes at meal, or don't have seconds, specially at dinner.
- exercise regularly and increase your lean muscle mass, which will in turn increase your metabolism.
- exercise at an intensity high enough to elevate your heart rate above 120 bpm and "burn" fat i.e. cardio work is unavoidable if you want to get rid of fat.

Apologies if this is repeating what others have posted. Cant't read them all ;-)

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
1. Metabolism.
2. I walk places despite owning a car.
3. I don't sit in front of the TV/Computer all day, or eat fast food while ordering a diet coke.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Those thin people who eat a lot of crap are not healthier than you, their metabolic deficiencies are just hidden...yours are not. What's the difference? Well they're more likely to have insulin resistance, sudden onset diabetes, and heart disease...mostly because they have no outward reminder to eat healthy.

There's no way for a large person to get thin, really. I came close to being "thin" after working a job that consumed 7000-8000 calories daily for several years...close, but no cigar.

The only people who can lose massive amounts of weight are thin people who got fat. There IS a big difference. Just ask them if they were fat when they were 7? No, I assure you, they were not.

You can maintain a healthy metabolism by regularly working out and reducing carbohydrates in your diet (being heavy, we already know you readily store carbohydrates as fat, so stop eating them.)

Weight training is better for heavy people because aerobic activities are VERY hard on our joints. Still, aerobic activities are a good idea. Try cycling or rowing, but avoid running.

Gauge your progress by the ease with which you complete the exercizes and not the weight loss, because there won't BE much weight loss. Weight is not an indicator for heart disease, cholesterol MAY be but they're not even sure about that. The statistics are heavily muddled.

Also be happy knowing you'll last a little longer when the zombies come.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
dex-dex said:
yeah I know! I asked him what the hell when he said that.
but supposedly in the far off land of Buffalo New York (not really far considering I live in Toronto). there is such a thing as small waist pants I still need to go with him in person to see if this myth is true.
If you're that near enough to Buffalo, is makes sense to go there to dodge sales taxes. Mind you, you're going to be spending about $75 in gas...but if you get a group of people and shop in bulk, you could conceivably make out with some dollars.

Just keep your damned Canadian nickles to yourself, I found one in my stack of change the other day.

Personally, I've never seen a men's waist below 29. Even 29 is mostly restricted to store aimed at the more high school aged crowd. But most places will stock 30's.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
At first I was fairly heavy, and I tried to bullshit my way through most of it - the sort of stuff you hear all the time. 'This is just how my body is', 'it's just my bone structure', 'I can be confident and happy this way'. It all sounds nice, but it wasn't true in my case. At 5'5", I was 245lbs (17.5 stone). Yikes, and I mean yikes. I wasn't always that heavy, I was a size six in High School and played plenty of sports. My life took a wrong turn when I was 17, and that was when I really ballooned - but really all I can do is blame myself. Of course I tried the half-ass attempts. Slimfast, diet pills, water fasting (don't do that), starvation. None of which lasted very long, and made me feel like hell.

But there came a time where I was sick of myself and of my weak-willed, pessimistic attitude. I really hadn't tried everything, I just failed to make a real effort. Especially after I received my wedding photos. The photos are supposed to be a reminder of a great day, not something I don't even want to look at. I started eating healthy (mostly vegetarian, transitioning into a Vegan life-style because it made me feel the best I'd ever felt in my life, but not something that is for everyone) and exercising vigorously (cardio and strength), originally, because I wanted to be 'thin'. But the better I felt, the more I realized that as long as I was living this healthy life-style, my attitude and body would reflect that anyway - even if I didn't look like a stick-figure. Really, you should exercise and eat well, not to be 'thin', but to feel better and increase your life's overall longevity. Your overall body mass will most likely decrease, but don't get upset if you don't get down to magazine thinsporation sizes. Not everyone's body type is set up for that look, and it's usually ridiculously unrealistic; especially with the amount of photoshop work they put into each picture. People are curvy, short and kind of stocky, tall and thin, etc.

I've lost 53lbs so far, and I have 47lb more to go until I reach the goal I personally set for myself. At first I was ashamed to tell everyone how big I was and that I was wheezing down the pounds, because believe it or not I still get bullied, but now I don't really care who knows. The weight loss is also a bit more of a crawl then it was at the beginning. But I feel great, so it's hard to be discouraged. Even if that week, it's just one lb. gone.

What I found that works for ME and my body?

I eat portions based on serving sizes, at set times of the day, with no snacks in-between. I also eat slowly. It's easier to know when I am full so I don't keep eating. I know when I am full, and usually never eat everything on the plate. After a few attempts at different things, I ended up setting my body on a schedule - I can set my hunger by the clock. I am Vegan, and I also try to eat as 'organic' as possible, usually because most 'organic' products don't have any (high fructose) corn syrups, gluten, or concentrated juices - though people usually hiss at most 'organic' products. Vegan means: I don't eat meats or animal by-products (or anything made with either). No yoghurts, eggs, breads,tortillas, pastries, cakes, pies, ice-creams, etc. I don't eat fast-food, or drink sodas (diet or regular). Mostly just water, and tea. I don't sweeten anything with white table sugar, or even cane sugar. I usually just use some Blue Agave nectar. I get most of what I need through beans, brown rice, barley, fruits, vegetables, etc. I take 'vegan-friendly' vitamins about once a week. At first it all sounds too strict, difficult, and perhaps a bit crazy. But really, it's easy to settle into after awhile. Some people also think it's starvation. Trust me, I eat and I get everything I need - it just takes some reading and creativity in the kitchen. Luckily, I really enjoy cooking and making new things.

So, that's what I've been doing.....ta-da.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Dags90 said:
dex-dex said:
yeah I know! I asked him what the hell when he said that.
but supposedly in the far off land of Buffalo New York (not really far considering I live in Toronto). there is such a thing as small waist pants I still need to go with him in person to see if this myth is true.
If you're that near enough to Buffalo, is makes sense to go there to dodge sales taxes. Mind you, you're going to be spending about $75 in gas...but if you get a group of people and shop in bulk, you could conceivably make out with some dollars.

Just keep your damned Canadian nickles to yourself, I found one in my stack of change the other day.

Personally, I've never seen a men's waist below 29. Even 29 is mostly restricted to store aimed at the more high school aged crowd. But most places will stock 30's.
his is like 28". yeah he looks like a tall twelve year old accept he is 22. and What is wrong with having beavers on your nickles? the animal not the vagina although that would be hilarious!

and are you kidding? I find your filthy american change all the time in my monopoly money/1500 pounds of coins!


New member
Jul 9, 2010
It's mostly genetics, I cut out all liquids besides water, I eat healthy, I go to the gym five times a week, I have a personal trainer, and I take diet pills, I've lost 20 (260-240) pounds in a year.... ya, life's just a ***** to some people lol