How Do You Choose Your Next Game?


New member
Dec 29, 2009
So I just finished Saints Row 4 (extremely fun game) and now it's time for the toughest question any gamer can ask...what game do I play next. I usually go for games that are completely different from the last game I finished, in terms of either mood or game play, or whichever game is the shortest (I know viewing games as something to finish rather than something to enjoy is bad, but I have well over a hundred games that I haven't even started yet).

So what's your method for choosing which game to play next?


New member
Feb 3, 2010
This is my process:

1. After finishing my game, I consult my brain.
2. "Brain", I say "What do we want to play?"
3. My brain will reply with a selection of games. Usually not more than one or two.
4. "Sounds good", I say. Then I play that game.

In the event of a tie between multiple games, I'll usually just play whatever loads up the fastest.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Most of the times when I finish a specific genre, I want to play something different.
For example if I finish an Adventure game, I start playing a Shooter.

This help me to not get bored easily in my opinion.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I just pick something that sounds fun.

Unfortunately it usually ends up being a game several years old that I've played numerous times, while my collection of more recent games remain untouched.


New member
May 30, 2013
Games often require pre-set moods, my brother for instance doesn't often go to a RPG because he knows if he ever wants anything out of it, it is a time sink and frankly the time isn't there, I like to try a twist or a different approach to something I just played, rework a part of my mindset on how to approach some of the problems in the game, some tactics are universal, while some are more mechanics based.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
It's rare that I'll play two similar games in a row. They might be from the same genre, but they must be different enough to warrant playing the other one. For instance, I might be willing to play Mass Effect right after playing your standard JRPG, as there are enough differences in the gameplay regardless of genre similarities, but I'm very unlikely to play Dragon Age: Origins right after The Witcher. The major exception to this is games from the same series, as I might start playing ME3 right after finishing ME2.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
I pick whatever sounds good at the time. For example I just finished Saint's Row 3 and then I started up Planescape: Torment and began a new world on Terraria.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I usually know a few games ahead of time that I plan to play. New releases are on kept on my mind when they start to approach too. As for why I pick those games, it's either ones I haven't played for a while, or ones that I have a huge urge to play, plus there is a huge list of games I play through at least once a year.

Occasionally I can't think of anything to play despite having such a huge collection, a true first world problem indeed.


New member
Jul 9, 2013
Brand loyalty for me.
I knew before February of this year that I would be sinking into Rome 2 and The Bureau. When I finish Rome 2, I might run through Witcher 2 a few times if I can get a proper gaming rig together in preparation for Witcher 3 next year (hopefully).


New member
Sep 24, 2010
1) Whatever I'm craving to play for any reason whatsoever takes precedence. This is why I have new games collect dust on steam for so long because I'll get my nostalgia crave and go play through Warcraft 3 for the 15th time rather finally try out The Witcher 2.

2) Hype - Typically created by what's trending on gaming sites and discussions now.

3) Older Hype for a different genre. Suppose I've been playing through CoD and Borderlands 2 on my Steam list. Hype for a
non-FPS game will likely drive my next game choice. Something like X-com Enemy Unknown or Mark of the Ninja would be an unplayed game on my list that feels entirely different. Rather than finally trying out Spec Ops the Line.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
The_Scrivener said:
PS Plus is a huge help. Because they have FREE SHIT WHAT.
Ico and Rayman: Origins for free in September! #yoloswagmoneyandfreegames

OT: Eh, it depends. I'll usually finish something I've started and have pushed into my backlog for a while or move onto something new. I prefer the former because I have WAAAY too many games I need to finish. They're mainly just PS2 games, though.

List includes:
Shin Megami Tensei (III): Nocturne
God hand
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
and Destroy All Humans.

Too many games, so little time.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
BloatedGuppy said:
"Brain", I say "What do we want to play?"
"The same thing we play every night, Pinky"

OT: I have a random rotation of genres split between my laptop and my 3DS. This way, should I get bored of playing a certain kind of game, I have a completely different kind just waiting for me.

For example, this month I have rotated between playing:
Mount and Blade: Gekokujo (First Person Swordplay),
Organ Trail (Adventure/Sim),
Skyrim (Open-World),
Dragon Quest 9 (Old School JRPG),
SMT4 (Really challenging game),
Monster Hunter 3 ulttimate (Really challenging for different reasons),
Infinite Space (Spaceships, woo!!!),
Contact DS (Wtf weird game)
and Tropico 2 (Pirate town sim).

Obviously I don't finish any of them except for Organ Trail. Just playing one until it gets boring and then rotate to the next one. What could be simpler?

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
I look for reviews, let's plays, steam sales and if I liked the sequel. For example I'm buying the next Saints Row game, the next Zelda game, I have papers please and Brutal legend because of let's plays.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Right now I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 4, as I'm nearing the end of a game of catch-up with the entire franchise.

So in this case (and in other similar cases), I pick the next game in the series.

I also picked up Hatsune Miku PROJECT DIVA F the other day, so I've already made my decision on what to play after Metal Gear Rising.

Beyond that, I make my decisions of "what next?" based on a) games I still haven't finished or b) the nearest new release that I'm interested in.

EDIT: And seeing as I also replayed Daxter recently, c) whatever game I'm jonesing to play through again.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
At the moment I've got my playlist all scheduled ahead of time. I stopped buying new games because I've started too many and next to no progress is being made.

I just got done with Final Fantasy 6. Next up is to finish Disgaea 4, then Absence of Detention, then Persona 3 FES, then Resident Evil 3, then Okami and, as a side project, Final Fantasy 2. That still doesn't include completing Persona 4 Golden 100%, Fallout 1 & 2 or my redos of Resident Evil 2 and Tomb Raider 3.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Here's my thought process:

1) Is there a new game in a franchise I've come to like? If no...
2) Have my friends recommended anything recently?
3) Anything look good on /v/'s recommended games page?
4) What's on sale?


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I keep a handwritten list of games I've got but haven't played yet on my desk. Once one game is finished, I pick another from the list. Usually try to mix up genres, settings, etc. Sometimes I'll match games and whatever current TV series I'm watching, e.g. I played Freespace whilst watching Battlestar Galactica, played Rome: Total War whilst watching the HBO series Rome, and so on.

Of course, I also have a "replay" list which I pick from sometimes too. And at the moment my unplayed list is down to two games (Company of Heroes 2, Dead Space 3)... but I don't want to start anything before Rome 2 comes out because I really want to get into that. So for now I guess I'm just watching TV.

I should really get back into playing two or three games at a time like I used to. That worked quite nicely.