How do you find the games that suit what you want?


New member
Feb 21, 2013
Title says most of it: how do you go about searching and finding the games that have the specific features you want?
Recently I find myself with more and more desire to fill my time with gaming, but I find myself less and less with the ability to find games that might suit my tastes, if for no other reason than there are simply so many games being sold now that clog up any attempt at something like a Google search with close-but-not-right results, on top of the massive catalog of games from before now, it feels like it's impossible to dig through and find something that may actually be what I want to play. I'm at a loss where to even start beyond forums and basic web searches.

So, that is my question to those of you in the Escapist community who are of narrow tastes, or have ever just had a craving once for something particular, how do you go about sorting through the pile to find the games with the features you really want? Are there some kinds of aggregator sites or the like that let you search for games based on features I'm not aware of?

To clarify what I mean by features, I mean things like 'is it coop' 'how much customization is available in the game' 'does it have branching decisions/plots' 'is it a real-time-strategy game' 'is it turn based' etc

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Usually I don't buy games anywhere close to release time. I wait until the price drops dramatically. Then for the same price as one game at launch I pick up the same game and two others 6 months later. I'm playing the averages.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I'm with Amethyst Wind, I got Tomb Raider for PC 50% off. I didn't take any notice of it at launch, but when it came down in price, I did a little research, watched some gameplay videos, watched TotalBiscuit's first impressions video, and then decided to buy. Same thing happened with antichamber.

Normally I play league of legends, but every now and then something pops up for a lowered price, which just sways me to buy.