How do you organize your game library?


New member
Aug 15, 2014
i have all of my game collection on two shelves and i arrange them by console category.

N64 games with the N64 games. 360 games with the 360 games. Wii U games with the Wii U games. etc....

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
I literally just have a folder on my desktop labeled "Games" which has all my titles in it.

Steam is its own thing, I don't keep the shortcuts for those since it's just a waste to bother with that when they're already in one place. Same for Origin and Blizzard's games.

GoG and any game that's not connected to those services, I have individual shortcuts for, within said Games folder.

Physical copies range from being strewn around my desk to being safely filed away with other collections.

Death Carr

Less Than 3D
Mar 30, 2011
I use depressurizer every couple months or so to automatically organise my steam library by genre
and then I have a couple custom categories (visual novels, open world, don't dead open inside, etc)
the other digital platforms I generally have so few games on that A-Z functions perfectly fine


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
At this point I keep any physical games right next to the console itself, since they're few enough that I can do that. I have about 80 games for the Gamecube, but I have lost so much interest in playing them anytime soon that I just keep them in boxes in the basement.

I do have a somewhat-large steam library though, which I have organized into categories so I can better discern what games I have that I might be in the mood to play.
Good Singleplayer - Multiplayer - Co-op - Favorite Singleplayers - Puzzle - To be Played - and Trash.

To be honest, it doesn't help me find games I want to play. It just helps me assure myself that I don't want to play anything.

Imre Csete

Original Character, Do Not Steal
Jul 8, 2010
Top shelves with deluxe/collector's editions sorted by publishers/franchises, the rest mostly just random, except whoever came up with the idea of those bluray sized steelboxes needs to be shot, because those are on their own which makes my OCD sad.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
On Steam, I sort games into the following categories:
Fight (for FPSs, RPGs, action adventure, combat sims etc.)
Fink (for RTSs, puzzle games, simulators etc.)
Foaw! (For weird stuff that doesn't fit into the above, like arty games and walking simulators)
Freebee (free crap I get in bundles, which came with the games I actually wanted to play)
Played Out (stuff I've played to exhaustion and want to not look at)
To be Played (stuff I should really get on playing)
Unloved (shitty games or free games that I'll never play)
Upgraid required (things I bought in the sale, despite them being too intensive for my computer to run for now).

As for my real library, I have a fiction shelf sorted A-Z by author, a non-fiction shelf A-Z by subject, and a shelf for oversized comics/cookbooks.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I've only bothered to create two of my own categories: "Stealth" and "Flash". Now, I doubt any of the games I add in Flash were actually made in Flash but I put those type of games... The kind I could find on gaming sites like Kongregate, ArmorGames, etc. Except on Steam they're usually more robust and longer-lasting.

I like Game Dev Tycoon, Rebuild 3, FTL and Windward but they could all easy be on an internet app. (In fact, Rebuild 3 is just a more robust version of 2, which is on the internet).

Stealth is obvious, it's one of my go-to genres. All of the AC's are on there, along with Far Cry, Sniper Elites, Shadow of Mordor. Splinter Cell, some Hitmans, and even Watch_Dogs because it does have a stealthy element to it thanks to the silenced pistol.

I could use more organization. I sometimes sort by "Recently played" to see what I've been in the mood for in the past month or two. Sometimes I scroll down and look at all the uninstalled and "hours played" and see if anything strikes my fancy. There's a lot of stuff I got during some super sales and didn't bother to play more than 20 minutes of.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I don't. I just put shortcuts on desktop for games that i will/might play eventually, if they are gone from there then it's unlikely that i will touch them again.


New member
Apr 28, 2014
While I do not bother to organize my collection in a physical manner, I have found a few useful sites that I deem helpful in keeping track of games I've played across different platforms.

First off, GameFAQs has added some handy functionality in recent years that allows one to list games in one's collection, right down to particular editions.

Another site is called Grouvee, which, among other things, lets one organize titles into various folders.

Then there's Darkadia, whose primary asset I find to be its fairly extensive options for flagging individual games with assorted metadata.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I just use Steam favourites. I put in there any game I intend to play.
I don't leave most games installed on my computer when I finished them. Everything that is not in favourites, I either finished playing or am not interested. The exception is a situation like Dishonored or Skyrim, which aren't in favourites but is still installed. I only have a few achievements left but am not keen right now. Or Witcher 3, where I will eventually do those DLCs