Huh, thought for sure you would've considered it hot fiery garbage cause it has a female protagonist. Ah well.B-Cell said:But I really liked portal 1 and 2.
apperently its only one game with female protagonist that i really liked. cant think of anything else.Elvis Starburst said:Huh, thought for sure you would've considered it hot fiery garbage cause it has a female protagonist. Ah well.B-Cell said:But I really liked portal 1 and 2.
Um, you've got Bioshock 3 and BioShock Infinite listed as separate entries with separate scores.Squilookle said:For anyone who's interested, I've now ranked all your answers, by giving games in rank 1 three points, two points for rank 2, one point for rank 3 and minus one point for rank 4 (the mediocre to terrible section).
I just tallied them as they were written. For all I knew 3 could've been Minerva's Den or that Burial thing. If you want to combine it with Infinite, just adjust its score to -1.Hawki said:Um, you've got Bioshock 3 and BioShock Infinite listed as separate entries with separate scores.Squilookle said:For anyone who's interested, I've now ranked all your answers, by giving games in rank 1 three points, two points for rank 2, one point for rank 3 and minus one point for rank 4 (the mediocre to terrible section).
Like, did I miss something?
A big win for Perfect Dark. Can't argue, its #1 on my shooters list. And I'd have to throw Dark Forces (just the first one with blasters instead of all the Jedi crap in later games) and Lucasarts' Outlaws with Goldeneye in that second tier. Third would contain Bioshock and Infinite as well as the first half of Far Cry 3 and Painkiller. And every other shooter I've played is mediocre at best.Squilookle said:For anyone who's interested, I've now ranked all your answers, by giving games in rank 1 three points, two points for rank 2, one point for rank 3 and minus one point for rank 4 (the mediocre to terrible section).
Perfect Dark: 14
Half Life 1: 8
Goldeneye: 7
Half Life 2: 7
Bioshock: 6
Metroid Prime: 6
Borderlands 2: 5
Crysis: 5
Far Cry 2: 5
Far Cry 3: 5
Portal: 5
Unreal Tournament: 5
Doom: 4
Timesplitters 2: 4
Titanfall 2: 4
Far Cry 4: 4
Shadow Warrior 2: 4
Bulletstorm: 3
Counter Strike Source: 3
Damage Incorporated: 3
Halo: 3
Riddick EFBB: 3
Deus Ex: 3
L4D: 3
System Shock 2: 3
Timesplitters Future Perfect: 3
UT2004: 3
Operation Flashpoint: 3
Battlefield 1942: 3
Hawken: 3
No Man's Sky: 3
Call of juarez Gunslinger: 2
Battlefield V: 2
Prey: 2
Soldier of Fortune: 2
MOH Allied Assault: 2
Portal 2: 2
Crysis 2: 2
Splatoon: 2
Battlefield 2142: 2
Team Fortress 2: 2
The World is not Enough: 2
Battlefield Bad Company: 2
Agent under Fire: 2
Halo 3: 2
Heretic: 2
Quake: 2
Undying: 2
AvP2: 2
L4D2: 2
Serious Sam: 2
Serious Sam 2: 2
Serious Sam 3: 2
Shadow Warrior: 2
Rage: 1
COD 1: 1
COD 2: 1
Brothers in Arms Hill 30: 1
Bioshock 2: 1
Crysis 3: 1
Doom 3: 1
FEAR 3: 1
Battlefield 3: 1
Far Cry 5: 1
Bioshock Infinite: 1
Turok Rage Wars: 1
Mobile Forces: 1
Metro: 1
Battlefield Modern Combat: 1
Verdun: 1
Ravenfield: 1
Quake 2: 1
SIN: 1
AvP: 1
Wolfenstein 2: -1
Borderlands: -1
MOH 2010: -1
Duke Nukem Forever: -1
Quake 4: -1
Destiny: -1
Battlefield 1: -1
Nightfire: -1
Duke Nukem 3D: -1
Catacumen: -1
Corridor 7: -1
Operation Body count: -1
Isle of the Dead: -1
Guts of Steel: -1
Blood 2: -1
Land of the Dead: -1
Killzone: Shadowfall: -1
Moon: -1
COD Black Ops: -1
COD Black Ops 4: -2
Bioshock 3: -2
Black ops 4: -2
Not even No One Lives Forever? Well regarded FPS with female protag? Huh.B-Cell said:apperently its only one game with female protagonist that i really liked. cant think of anything else.Elvis Starburst said:Huh, thought for sure you would've considered it hot fiery garbage cause it has a female protagonist. Ah well.B-Cell said:But I really liked portal 1 and 2.
I tried NOLF some months ago or year ago. and it was mediocre. shooting suck and AI is too dumb.Smithnikov said:Not even No One Lives Forever? Well regarded FPS with female protag? Huh.B-Cell said:apperently its only one game with female protagonist that i really liked. cant think of anything else.Elvis Starburst said:Huh, thought for sure you would've considered it hot fiery garbage cause it has a female protagonist. Ah well.B-Cell said:But I really liked portal 1 and 2.
I still haven't played it yet, so I couldn't vote for it- though it really does look right up my alley.Smithnikov said:Not even No One Lives Forever? Well regarded FPS with female protag? Huh.B-Cell said:apperently its only one game with female protagonist that i really liked. cant think of anything else.Elvis Starburst said:Huh, thought for sure you would've considered it hot fiery garbage cause it has a female protagonist. Ah well.B-Cell said:But I really liked portal 1 and 2.'re serious?Batou667 said:BEST
Perfect Dark Zero
Deadly serious. Perhaps I should add that I didn't play any of the previous games in the series so had no particular familiarity or personal investment in the franchise. But I struggled through the first two joyless and unexciting levels, was frustrated by the clunky controls, unimpressed with the cookie-cutter clone enemies, and even the graphics struck me as being poor even for an Xbox 360 launch title. Ultimately I got very, very little enjoyment or entertainment out of this game which is how I arrived at that ranking.Squilookle're serious?Batou667 said:BEST
Perfect Dark Zero
Ahh- I get you- it was a sliding scale. There I was thinking you'd listed ALL those under best, and had nothing under worstBatou667 said:Deadly serious. Perhaps I should add that I didn't play any of the previous games in the series so had no particular familiarity or personal investment in the franchise. But I struggled through the first two joyless and unexciting levels, was frustrated by the clunky controls, unimpressed with the cookie-cutter clone enemies, and even the graphics struck me as being poor even for an Xbox 360 launch title. Ultimately I got very, very little enjoyment or entertainment out of this game which is how I arrived at that ranking.Squilookle're serious?Batou667 said:BEST
Perfect Dark Zero
Oh yikes. Trust me, I'm not *that* easily pleased.Squilookle said:Ahh- I get you- it was a sliding scale. There I was thinking you'd listed ALL those under best, and had nothing under worst