How Does the Israeli-Gaza Conflict Affect Video Games?


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Mar 5, 2011
Barbas said:
...And in response to Dan's article, two people had this to say:

That's awful but the phrase, "a taste of my anti-semetic Hitler fists" is probably the best thing I've heard in a while. It sounds like a socio-political name for a DBZ fighting technique.

Gone Rampant

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Feb 12, 2012
Johnny Novgorod said:
Honestly gaming is the last thing I care about in regards to the Israel-Hamas war.
This. Why the hell was this article allowed? What does this have to do with anything?

Jesus Christ author.


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Jun 9, 2010
Baresark said:
maxben said:
Baresark said:
Judging by that he may understand that Zionism is not synonymous with Judaism, though many scholarly people have fought to make the reverse true.
Zionism, the return to Israel, is certainly an aspect of Judaism. The whole Jewish faith is based around the land of Israel being promised by God and returning to the land of Israel ("Next year in Jerusalem"). The thing is, there are many views on what Zionism is as a political ideology rather than a religious concept. What should this return look like? What should the Zionist state be like? That is why you have Revisionist Zionism (essentially fascists) and Socialist Zionism (essentially communists) as well as Messianic Zionism (theocratic) and Liberal Zionism (secular). The origins of Modern Zionism is in the Liberal camp, who believed that a Jewish state is necessary to protect Jews as a people and had nothing to do with the faith but based on modern principles of capitalism, human rights, and democracy. This is the majority ideology of Zionists worldwide.
In scripture, Zion is said to be Jerusalem and the surrounding hills. It is also stated to be a spiritual place in other parts, not necessarily a physical place. Modern Zionism is concerned with the political state of Israel, which is some 200 times the size of Jerusalem and the surrounding hills. Modern Zionism is a political movement sharing the name of a place in scriptures only. The fact that Zionism is part of the religion of Israelites is what leads some modern scholars to the conclusion that anti-Zionism = Antisemitism. I am all for people finding their true home, but I am not for anyone who proceeds to subjugate another people to get what they desire. In America, that is called greed, but in Israel that is called right. I am not against all of Israel of course. A majority of people in Israel and in Gaza favor a two state system. That is what makes sense, it will bring peace and end fighting if zealots from either side would let go of their pointless desire for what others have. There is plenty of blame on both sides to be had, of course. But a lot more Palestinians die from the conflict than do Israelites, right now anyway. If the reverse situation were what was happening, I would be rooting for Israel and not Palestinians.

In the end though, I do not have a vested interest in the conflict, no one really does, at least no in the long run. It doesn't benefit either side. I do have a vested interest in my country not contributing further to pointless blood shed.
In Judaism Zion is a very literal physical place meaning Jerusalem, and is the spiritual capital of the Jewish land that was bequeathed by God to the Jewish People. There is no Judaism without the land, we have no Christian concept of a spiritual plane of existence as we are a far older tribal religion, and tribal religions are based on land and law. In our religion, the return to the land of Israel with Jerusalem as our capital will happen by necessity. In some Judaism, this will only happen at the end of the world when the Messiah comes and bring our people together (we do not have the Christian idea of going up, the Messiah is supposed to fix Earth and not to transcend it unlike Jesus and the Rapture), but different religious Jews see it differently depending on their interpretation. In fact, the land of Israel today is smaller than what was given to us by God, which again is an important part of the faith, which is why you have some of the crazier right wingers calling for Greater Israel which includes the West Bank. In fact, one of the 4 holy cities, Hebron, is in the West Bank.

I am not here to argue politics and how one feels about Israel as it exists today, that is one of those things where no one is right. My narrative and the Palestinian narrative cannot be brought together, we argue on every single fact and we see the world completely different. However, on matters of what Zionism and Judaism mean and how they relate to one another I promise you that I know what I am talking about here. As I said, the majority of modern Zionism is secular. Herzl did not care where the State of the Jews would be, for all he cared it could be in Uganda (honestly, there was vote on that and everything). He believed that anti-semetism is a fact in Europe and unless the Jews had their own country to run to they would be slaughtered. And 40 years after his death we had the Nazis, so he was right. THAT is why Jews connect anti-Zionism with anti-Semetism, because we would never have had political Zionism or a need for a state if Europeans (and Arabs) did not try to murder us consistently for over 1000 years.

Infernal Lawyer

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Jan 28, 2013
KaZuYa said:
450 children have been killed in Gaza so far, while I don't support Hamas in any way how can you justify that I mean if the world's most prolific serial killer gets cornered by police and holds a child as a human shield and the cop just shoots through the child and says "at least we got the killer and thats what matters" he would be charged with murder but if Israel does the same but with tanks, air strike's and artillery it's ok.
Your comparison is slightly off. What happens when we add in the fact that said madman was also spraying bullets into an open crowd? I would absolutely not blame a policeman who made the call to shoot the lunatic and risk killing a child to save more people.

I'm absolutely not condoning the killing of innocent civilians, but sometimes there is no right answer to dealing with lunatics hellbent on killing you, only the lesser of two wrong ones.
shintakie10 said:
Infernal Lawyer said:
I really don't see what the conflict has to do with gaming, although I've noticed that people tend to use the word "jew" as a slur more often.
chadachada123 said:
Nieroshai said:
chadachada123 said:
Is there an escalation? Really? Or is every single Palestinian (but not Israeli) casualty being reported more frequently and widely than ever before? Then again, since you're throwing around concepts like "evil," your mind is likely made up.
Thousands compared to a few is still obvious escalation.

As I said, both sides have plenty of war crimes and misguided reasons, among other problems which I would call "evil."

But punching a toddler (and a few of the toddlers' friends) in the face because he kicked your and your wife's shins is obviously the more immoral act of the two.
That is a very, VERY poor comparison. Firstly, neither Gaza nor Hamas are "children" that can be forgiven for being... well, stupid children. Secondly, we are talking about being people being KILLED, not minor injuries that can be brushed off.

The conflict is more like if a man held a baby in one arm and a gun in the other and started shooting at your children. Either you fire back and everyone accuses you of being a murderer (or, indeed, not having "good enough aim" to not shoot the baby shield), or you let your kids die. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, and either way the madman gets what he wants.

Why should Israel sacrifice her own children for those who are so willing to do so to their own, for the mere sake of PROPAGANDA?
At the end of the day, where are the Palestinians supposed to go? Israel accuses Hamas of telling people not to leave their homes, when Israel is going to bomb them, but again where do they go?
Once again, Hamas and other terrorist groups are causing the issues, yet Israel is supposed to be the one who deal with them. I mean, you just yourself admitted that Hamas is the one deliberately putting them in the firing line. Thank you for proving my point.
Its a horribly impoverished country that will continue to be impoverished until Israel and Egypt lift their blockade. All the land borders out of Gaza are closed except for a few select people by both Israel and Egypt. They could go to U.N. locations, except Israel has bombed those too so there's literally nowhere to hide.
It will continue to be impoverished as long as what little aid that does get in isn't abused. For example, you know all of those tunnels that were being used to smuggle weapons? Those were created out of cement that was donated to Gaza for the sake of building infrastructure. The civilians didn't get any for themselves for peaceful purposes, not even to build bomb shelters.

The same could be said for the U.N. locations: they won't be safe havens if the U.N. continues to allow Hamas to use them as launching points and storage facilities for their rockets. And trust me, they HAVE done, there's more than enough proof of that.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Sleekit said:
RA92 said:
Also pertinent is the <url=>systematic <url=>dehumanization and <url=>institutionalised racism being spearheaded by the Israeli government itself. The height of (sad, sad) irony was reached when right wing Jewish Israelis started wearing Neo-Nazi insignias [].
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." [footnote]as someone smarter than i posted in R&P the other day in relation to this very subject[/footnote]
Hey, Hamas are just taking a leaf out of Irgun's (proto-Likud) book. ;)