How has your gaming taste changed with age?

An Ceannaire

New member
Mar 5, 2012
Hardly changed at all really - still almost complete focus on FPS's and Sci-Fi RPG's, but slightly less of a focus on Racing Sims than before.


New member
Jan 16, 2012
I don't think my interest changed due to age, but more to the types of games available. There aren't many triple A, light-hearted, action/adventure games anymore. Most are Indie (as far as I know) so I'll play a lot of Indie games or casual games these days. I've also shifted more to PC games rather than consoles mostly because they can be easier for me to get.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Well, now I guess I like a broader range of games, I am still not very fond of japanese games but now it's not because "ITS JAPANESE!!!", it's more because of some things that usually come along with it. I like Dark Souls and while that game is a mix of weastern and eastern influences it does have that "foreign" feel to it.

I now like that foreign feel, it usually doesnt hold my hand and it can suprise me with some clever things that I had never seen on a different game. I also liked Stalker and E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy because of this, although I didnt get to play E.Y.E. all that much. Boiling Point was fun too.


Feb 9, 2010
I wouldn't say changed just broadened.When I first started gaming I loved platformers,action adventures and hack n slash/beat em ups and I still enjoy those genres but I also enjoy other genres as well


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I've started to put a lot more emphasis on story and a single-player experience rather than a multiplayer experience.


Mushroom Camper
Sep 30, 2009
I don't think my tastes have changed much, if at all, over the years. The industry has changed however. This has narrowed the amount of games I find enjoyable down considerably.


New member
Feb 9, 2012
I grew up with PS2 and for me that was the ONLY console that existed. I played games intended for young people, I played whatever was thrown at me, never did I check on the internet or anything if it was any good. I hammered games like Ratchet and Clank 2 and Simpsons Hit and Run, and many others games intended for that age group, and I played for fun and completion.

Then the first mature game I ever played, when I was about 9, Metal Gear Solid 2. Didn't understand shit, couldn't even play it without a walkthrough, the first walkthrough I ever used. But I loved it and finished it. I subsequently bought MGS3 about a year later and it's since been my favourite game of all time.

Unfortunately, when I got to secondary school, I found out about all these other games that people were now playing. I bought a PS3 and for a couple of years bogged myself down with mindless FPS's and other new releases. I don't regret getting a PS3 because I've enjoyed a lot of games, like Fallout and Portal, but it's the peer pressure I faced which caused me to play stupid games which changed my perception of games in general. In a way, I think I was fairly closed-minded about gaming then and with the introduction of multiplayer, wasted so many hours.

In the last year or two, when I took an itnerest in retro gaming, I actively looked up games from all different consoles, NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PC, PS2 and PS3 - some bought, many emulated. I've been much more open minded about series I'd never played before, most notably Legend of Zelda, and also expanded upon series I already knew by finding more games in their series. I don't really bend towards new releases, unless I personally want the game that badly, and I hold no prejudice against graphics, release dates or reputation. I also mostly disconnect my personal gaming from the attitudes of others around me, although thankfully I have some friends who hold similar views as me and we share game discoveries and tastes frequently.

I also lost a lot of interest in multiplayer, unless it was mandatory like TF2 or a really good splitscreen. I'd come back to prefer playing by myself and a lot of games I have are outdated anyway.

Just like when I was younger, I'll try absolutely anything, but with the internet and a little less naivety I just know of more games than I did back then. Shows what a difference in taste peers can make you have, but I'm past that now.


New member
Mar 3, 2012
The only "major" taste changes I can think of are ...

I was introduced to WarCraft III, and discovered that I could play online to fight other players. This was when I started to become a fan of PVP.

After playing WoW for a few years, I utterly ground myself out, and I no longer have any taste for MMOs or grinding in general.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
endtherapture said:
I can't play a game without an engaging story now - I don't see the point otherwise any more.
This. Also a game need to be involving and complex to grab my attention. Much like tactical shooters, strategies and even open world WRPGs. I can still play MMOs, Battlefield 3 & Halo's multiplayer (thanks to scale and complexity), but I cannot tolerate CoD or much more of ME3's multiplayer due to a lack of complexity and challenge.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
When I was younger I would only play FPS's. That eventually changed to a mixture mainly consisting of RTS games and now it has changed to any genre except sports, I mainly play RPG's now.

No idea why it changed so drastically but then again most FPS now are just generic "get into cover and shoot at the other guy in cover" or just run around like a headless chicken I suppose.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
At first I just used to buy whatever, but now I am more into RPGs (thanks to Oblivion).

Oh and I mostly play PC-games (because of WC3)


New member
Aug 31, 2009
As a kid, I loved beat-em-ups, racing games, platformers and, certain sports games (Like Super Tennis or, Blades of Steel). As a slightly older kid, I loved the free-roaming, 3D platformers like Conker's Bad Fur Day, Donkey Kong 64, etc. As a teen I got into RPGs both J and western. As an older teen and pre-20 something, it was all about the shooters. Now I'm 24 and I'm getting back together with old style games, actively rebuilding my NES/SNES collections and, with plans to build the Genesis and Mega Drive collections I never had.

Top 5 games when I was a kid (no particular order):

* Turtles in Time
* Biker Mice from Mars
* Donkey Kong Country
* Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
* Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Top 5 games when I was a teen (npo):

* Duke Nukem 64/3D
* Conker Live and Reloaded/ Bad Fur Day
* Final Fantasy IX
* Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
* Super Mario World 2/ Yoshi's Island

Top 5 games now (npo):

* Zelda 2: Adventures of Link
* Dragon Warrior
* Donkey Kong Country Returns
* New Super Mario Brothers Wii
* Saint's Row 2


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I used to play a ton of WoW and first person shooters, now I prefer games like Skyrim, fallout, mass effect. I care a lot more about the story in the game than I used to.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
I can't stand older retro games to be honest. I mean, I loved them as a kid. Megaman X was awesome. The problem is, there are better games out now, and no amount of nostalgia is going to make a game like Ocarina of Time better than stuff out now.

Yes, flame me. I didn't like Ocarina of Time. Zelda Games are far too slow in terms of gameplay. Its just not that fun now.

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
I used to really like racing games, had way over 20 of those now I only have 3 or 4 and I don't remember when I last played one of them. Also I used to paly a lot of RTS games, now there is only few that i play regularly.
Now I play more shooters not the military ones the si-fi ones and RPG-s also si-fi ones.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I guess ever since I stop playing Guild Wars everday I came to realise how the game mechanic "click to point" used in game to be quite plain. This proven to be true when I had a weekend try out with Champion Online as I lose the immersion of the game over this mechanic.
This is also one of the reason why I had stay away from KOTOR since while playing an MMORPG Star Wars game look awesome but at the end of the day you are clicking your character to move, fight and etc which quickly loose the appeal to me.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
I care more about the story now though. Back then I could play a bad game with decent gameplay and still have fun then but not so much nowadays. Also I use to love JRPGs now I can barely stand them, I actually prefer western RPGS now.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
I was really into sim games (Roller Coster Tycoon/ Mall Tycoon/ The Sims etc) then I got a Playstation when I was 19 and never looked back.

Most of the games I play now are RPG's