How "into" gaming are you


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
hmm lets see

I have LOTS of games....I keep buying new games before I finish old ones,

I have discovered the joys of action figures/figurines, I have posters plastered everywhere

I tend to end up relating stuff back to games somtimes...even my sister who has no friggen Idea

when I was a kid I had a....bizare obession with games

so yeah, Im into it


New member
May 13, 2009
GigaHz said:
Less and less as I get older.
Call it aging or whatever but I'd say it has more to do with my dissatisfaction for how gaming has evolved. Whether it's hyper restrictive DRM, Micro-transactions, Generic FPS games, or stagnating franchises (some may be all 4).
Get out of my head!

Though I'll still wear gaming T-shirts sometimes, but they're all old-school.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Im really into gaming, well I'm a hardcore gamer (As outsiders call me), if you could see my room you would see heaps of gaming related stuff, collectors Editions, replicas, shirts, and other cool stuff.

I want a tattoo about a game...mabey.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
I have the Hylian Crest tattooed on my left shoulder.
I read game magazines and websites.
I have many gaming shirts, from Angry Birds to Symphony of the Night.
I proudly display my games above my desk.
I have a decent sized shelf of board games and card games next to my desk.
I have a Scott Pilgrim poster hanging above my bed.
I frequently go to midnight releases and hang out with friends at game stores.
I take a trip to MAGFest (Music And Gaming Festival) every year with my friends.
I make remixes of video game music and contribute to a game remix website (Overclocked
I'm 25 years old.

And you dare to call me immature/childish? I know this image has been used a hundred times, but xkcd nails it dead on.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Hmm.. Well I don't think it's that easy to define.
Gaming is easily my biggest hobby and I have been a gamer pretty much all my life. My study is unrelated to gaming, but aside from that I spend my time pretty much on gaming. I make videos from the games I play, but aside from that I do not go to any events or wear any clothes and the likes but that is mostly because events are expensive and most of the time I just can't be arsed to go to a big event like that and the clothes mostly aren't clothes I actually like to wear.

I wouldn't be ashamed of it or anything like that, it's just not something I wear.


New member
May 9, 2011
It's kind of obvious, but there are definitely different contexts where showing off your gamer gear is either an advantage or disadvantage. If there are going to be people there who will "get" the nerd/gamer reference of the tshirt I am wearing (e.g. at a Con, interview with games dev company, Mana Bar!), then I will wear it, otherwise there is not really any point for me. Especially since Tshirts are not the most flattering apparel if you're trying to hide a bit of a pot belly (I'm getting one from too much computertimes.. and it's ironic now that I'm gaming more, I can't wear the gaming merch that I used to be able to)

It's a shame, though, that pretty ordinarily-cut Tshirts are unflattering to less-than-ideal body types. I would love if games merch clothing came in stuff that looks a bit smarter (there are some Blizzard polos and stuff, but there are so many other ways you can put a brand into clothing.. maybe with just colours or minor callbacks to character costumes in ordinary clothes designs: i.e. like the themed Nikes, where it's not just a logo plastered all over it, but you can use colour and shape to reference something)


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Used to be really into gaming but now I'm becoming a casual. Don't really see it as a bad thing 'cause I don't want my life to revolve around video games. Time better spent with university and playing guitar, drums. Now I just buy games that seem interesting(not so many) and look at biggest gaming news. And even though I just called myself a casual I don't play sports games or have a wii nor do I want one.

Has anyone else ever noticed that sometimes waiting for a game feels more fun than playing it? Hype is more fun than games themselves.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
xXxJessicaxXx said:

Like this one but smaller :3 Pew pew pew.

I ordered 1-3 of the new Batman comics from The 'all new 52' among other characters. Looking forward to them. :D
Nice. *slow nod assent*

I personally haven't read any of the New 52, but I've heard from a friend that so far many have been rather good. The only one she said started weak was Detective Comics, but she tells me it ends with one hell of a, as she put it, "brain melting cliff-hanger". So take that as you will.
Jan 27, 2011
I don't have any gaming T-Shirts, But I'm pretty into it.

I game whenever I have the chance. It's what I like to do for fun, and it can lead to hilarious bonding experiences with friends.

irwinemporium said:
Come on gamers, can we be honest about the true nature of gaming please? It's not a socially acceptable medium for adults to engage in.
And why not? What makes it less "adult" than say...Reading a book or watching a reality show or something?

TestECull said:
2: The true sign of not having grown up is caring about the social stigma.
Exactly this. A famous historic figure once said "When I grew up, I left behind all things childish...including the fear of being childish!". You do whatever makes you happy, and should not care about what other people think. Only the insecure are concerned about what other people think of them.


New member
Jul 30, 2011
I say this, while standing in the same pose as the Heroic pose in Fable 1: "I am a hardcore gamer and proud!" I'm 31 and the fact that I'm still a ... doesn't have anything to do with it. I've had offers, everyone has, but I'm a romantic and I think this is the wrong era to care about poetry and romance and true love instead of doing the.. how did Philip J. Fry put it in that episode of Futurama when talking to Lurg? "The horizontal monster mash."

Digression complete. When I was a little kid around the age of 8 I played my first video game, my mom and her twin sister had bought the Atari 2600 when they were younger. I knew then what I know now- my purpose in life is to design and create games. I grew up visiting The Museum of Natural History, various zoos, playing games and watching fantasy movies like The Hobbit and The Flight of Dragons. I spent my life Spocking the entire history of games- campfire stories of ancient legends, book-style RPGs like AD&D, Werewolf The Apocalypse, Earthdawn and Nightspawn. Once Ultima Online came out, the granddaddy of all MMOs, I played that too and still do. My own text-based forum RP is hosted on this site.

I've spent enough of my life to make Urkel look like Ar-kel, and nothing could make me happier or more proud, or more confident in myself. If looking from a totally business sense, the video game market is bigger than the Music and Movie industries combined, and I want to lead my own company. Once I get some investors or production money, I'm gonna hold the TriForce right above my head, and Kaizoku-o ni ore wa naru!

Oh and about apparel- Jim Rivers of Obsidian Entertainment personally called me by name when I met him in person and he gave me a really good quality tee shirt with the company name written on it.

I might just resemble Grandma's Boy a little too much, by why stop now?


New member
Aug 2, 2010
I do it to kill time when I'm not at work or out with my mates.

I only one 2 game t shirts so its more of a personal hobby.

Its just part of the whole range of things I do (read, watch films, watch and do pro wrestling).

Hell, need something to get me through the week!

But if a choice comes down, I'll always drink and go out before gaming. Always!

(I lie, Dark Souls will take over my life)