How many of you dread waking up during mon-fri?

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Getting up in the winter I think "Ugh, another ****ty day of school"
But when I can wake up to the smiling sun peeking in at my window (eh?) then I always feel great for some reason


New member
Apr 22, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
Zemalac said:
@Khell: Yeah, there's just years like that. '07 was a bad year for me, though it looks like you're having it a lot worse than I did. (Warning: Understatement in effect)
Its not that life is all that bad... I have my own home, I'm well fed (a little too well fed), all the amenities of life, plenty of entertainment, my own transportation... I have it pretty good by most peoples' standards, its just however far up you get, thats how far you can fall. I was riding pretty high, got knocked down a few rungs, but I haven't let go of the ladder. Now it's a game of catch-up to get back to where I was and exceed it.
Ah? Things are looking up then. I just was responding to you saying that you're hoping '09 will be better than '08, which might have been quoted directly from my thoughts on the most recent New Year's Eve except I was hoping that '08 would be better. Which it has been thus far. At least nobody I know has died yet.

As for the most recent posts of tragedy (Mobius and Jallil): um. I'm not sure there's anything I can say about that, other than various hollow-sounding sentiments. I'm out of my depth when it comes to bad luck of that scale. I salute you both for surviving this long.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Jallil and Darth said:
Much unhappiness
I really hope your lives are getting better, because I'd hate to see what worse looks like. As the_root (you don't exactly have a petite name yourself, buddy) said, it gets better. I almost didn't survive year 26. It was awful. I like my life now, though.

And if anyone else gets depressed going into high school everyday, hey, that's only logical in most cases.

Duck Sandwich

New member
Dec 13, 2007
Hmm. Lots o' hate for high school. Guess whoever told me that high school is supposed to be the best 4 years of life was wrong. I suppose it's not such a bad thing that it's gonna be over for me soon.


New member
Sep 12, 2007
mshcherbatskaya said:
Cold-calling sales? Oohhhhhhh Khell, I'm so sorry. I tried it and it nearly killed me. I hope you get...demoted or something. I dunno. Damn. I've had jobs that I was willing to die to get out of, literally, and outside sales was one of them.

Also, high school sucked, I would never go back. My 20th high school reunion is supposed to be this summer. If I had a couple of tear-gas grenades, I might consider going.
I never tried outside sales. For one thing, I'm almost totally face-blind, and your customers really expect you to recognize them. Plus you are often expected to lie to people; even as an engineer I'm sometimes expected to lie as a matter of course, and people are amazed that I won't even though there are two other engineers just like me here. (Well, not just like me; they are nicer and not as strange. But they won't lie either.) I did work retail until I got enough college to get a job in engineering. General Public did not deserve commissioning, and I find that with any job the less you see of General Public the happier you'll be.

As to high school, I loved high school. Not necessarily the work, which is generally impossibly boring, but the socializing aspects. And some of the school work was interesting. As to reunions - I went to my first, and that was enough. When you don't see someone for ten years, there's probably a reason.

I would think the lumber business would be pretty interesting, Khell, although imagining who you'd cold-call is beyond me. It's not like you can go door-to-door: "Hello, ma'am. I've got wood, and I was wondering if you might want to buy some?" SLAP!

Anyway, as long as I wake up, I'm happy. Saturday and Sunday are best, but I'll take what I can get.


New member
May 25, 2008
I feel like that on a monday, all I can think of is "Why do I have to get up so early >_<), although the end of the day is pretty sweet, since I get both tuesday and wednesday off, double weekend FTW! :D

Tis a shame I think the same thing on a thursday as well, XD.


New member
May 9, 2008
I'm pretty much happy everyday except for sometimes when I have Geography, and when I have not completed homework/coursework...thankfully no more days of this anymore, cause I only have 23 days of school left! Woooooooooooooooo!!!


New member
Dec 19, 2007
I really don't care if I have to get up for work or not. In fact, I'm happier about it than I was about having to get up for school. I don't have to wear a shirt and tie any more, I don't have to deal with homework and coursework, and there's no such thing as an exam in my life these days.