How many people are here from /v/?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I started browsing /v/ with some frequency recently.

Honestly, I probably picked the worst time to start because half the threads are console war shitposting and everyone calling everyone else a shill. The other half mostly seems to be hating anything and everything about video games.

So that's nice.
Jul 31, 2013
I'd say I spend about 20% of my non-gaming laptop time on /v/. It's a pretty neat place for discussions (even though most people overuse the word "******" and discuss absolutely stupid shite) but I'm more of a reddit person myself.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Here from /tg/ and /x/ to represent!

*light cough*

Well, as far as I've understood, /v/, it's a bunch of people complaining about games they don't like. Doesn't sound like too fun of a place to go to. So, I don't. Doesn't mean others don't find it fun. If you really want a taste of what /v/ is like, just explore it yourself. You might want to hit incognito in case of the occasional porn file that slips through.


New member
Oct 6, 2013
BlumiereBleck said:
Occasionally lurk there. Though I do love 4chan's views of the on there are.
What are their opinions of this place, if you don't mind sharing?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
SKBPinkie said:
BlumiereBleck said:
Occasionally lurk there. Though I do love 4chan's views of the on there are.
What are their opinions of this place, if you don't mind sharing?
Liberal majority, high post ammount sets tone for whole thread (example if some one has 10000 posts their opinion is the threads opinion). Progressive to a fault. Edgy, that sort of thing.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
SweetShark said:
Heh, tell me about.
The whole hate about the Mass Effect Ending ruined my chance to play the game.....
You really should play it anyway. The ending definitely deserves all the hate it got, but the first two games and even 95% of the third game are A+ quality, incredible writing, legendary world-building, great character interactions and arcs. They're pretty, they play well, and they make you feel like your choices matter - it's a really immersive experience. (For reference, I'm an old-school RPG gamer that loved the likes of Baldur's Gate and PS:T - but Mass Effect combined an equally deep world with much easier to learn mechanics and fun shootery gameplay. It's pretty engaging, really).

That said, the ending WAS terrible. Not going to spoil anything, but you spend most of ME3 wrapping up various arcs and plots - visit this planet, do xyz with NPCs there, and based on your performance and decisions in earlier games, you can get really happy cheerful endings. You spend the majority of the game getting really good payoffs to a lot of really good story arcs. Then "the final battle" starts, and seems like it's going to be alright for a bit, but then _____ happens and the last ~20 minutes of the game COMPLETELY phone it in. It's fucking terrible. By this point, pretty much every character except the main one has had payoff. When it comes time for his conclusion, Bioware just had no fucking idea what to do, so the ending is just one huge shit stain on an otherwise legendary, must-play RPG franchise.

But please don't let it stop you from playing the games at all. I mean, really. You are missing out something fierce on one of the best RPG franchises ever made because of ~20 minutes of shitty writing at the end of one of the games. Keep it in perspective and enjoy some incredible RPGs spanning galaxies.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
SKBPinkie said:
BlumiereBleck said:
Occasionally lurk there. Though I do love 4chan's views of the on there are.
What are their opinions of this place, if you don't mind sharing?
Also overrun with bronies and pro-trans activists. /v/ had a heydey with the yahtzee thing, where one of his semi-jokes got turned into a 20 page shitstorm by 2 or 3 trans people, and dozens of channers created accounts simply to troll them.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
I lurk /a/ and /v/ because from time to time there is some interesting discussion and really funny stuff on my favorite things.

They both talk about obscure things that interest me.


New member
Feb 24, 2013
OlasDAlmighty said:
Reed Spacer said:
What's /v/?
Seconded, could somebody explain what we're talking about here? And yes I tried Googling it to no avail.
Third...ed? After some googling I did manage to find the site, though I was expecting something more. I've never felt so out of the loop than when I first clicked on this thread. I had no idea what you people were talking about.

I'm getting old and out of touch.


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
AuronFtw said:
SKBPinkie said:
BlumiereBleck said:
Occasionally lurk there. Though I do love 4chan's views of the on there are.
What are their opinions of this place, if you don't mind sharing?
Also overrun with bronies and pro-trans activists. /v/ had a heydey with the yahtzee thing, where one of his semi-jokes got turned into a 20 page shitstorm by 2 or 3 trans people, and dozens of channers created accounts simply to troll them.
I'll admit that's pretty hilarious coming from the site that hosts both /mlp/ and with multiple boards obsession with dickgirls and shemales, they apparently love masturbating to transgender people, they just don't want to hear them talk.

4chans a fun place at times, but some of those guys buy way too much into the idea that they are so super awesome special, the yahtzee thing got boring by about page 10, which is common with 4chan, they do something funny, and then proceed to drive it into the ground with a bunch of latecomers trying to jump on the bandwagon.

/v/ is decent on occasion, a little nostalgia obsessed at times, but like I said, 4chan can usually deliver the funny, once they stop trying to suck their own dicks.
Jun 11, 2008
I much rather vg to be honest as v is far too negative for me and I get enough of that here. Also I doubt The Escapist and 4chan have massive crossover of active user base given that every site seems to hate every other site while the site they are on is the best thing since sliced fucking bread.


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
Glademaster said:
I much rather vg to be honest as v is far too negative for me and I get enough of that here. Also I doubt The Escapist and 4chan have massive crossover of active user base given that every site seems to hate every other site while the site they are on is the best thing since sliced fucking bread.
More than you'd think, the internet is full of this type of "hate", posting about how much they hate the community of another website, all the while they have an account there, and a post count in the 3 digit range at least.

If nothing else, anonymity tends to turn people into massive hypocrites who will condemn something in one second, and then gleefully partake in that very same thing the next second.

For me, this is only one of a few sites, I regularly visit. Apart from the escapist, I've also been on or am on the forums or comments of: Kotaku, Destructoid, 4chan, SomethingAwful, Spacebattles,, and I've also lurked on many more.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
BlumiereBleck said:
SKBPinkie said:
BlumiereBleck said:
Occasionally lurk there. Though I do love 4chan's views of the on there are.
What are their opinions of this place, if you don't mind sharing?
Liberal majority, high post ammount sets tone for whole thread (example if some one has 10000 posts their opinion is the threads opinion). Progressive to a fault. Edgy, that sort of thing.
I'm a religious conservative nut with >20,000 posts.

Now what?


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
BlumiereBleck said:
high post ammount sets tone for whole thread (example if some one has 10000 posts their opinion is the threads opinion).
I'll agree, there's some truth to this.

I often feel that people here with massive post counts get more attention and get quoted a lot, while people with smaller post counts (like myself) often get skipped over and ignored.


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
EternallyBored said:
AuronFtw said:
SKBPinkie said:
BlumiereBleck said:
Occasionally lurk there. Though I do love 4chan's views of the on there are.
What are their opinions of this place, if you don't mind sharing?
Also overrun with bronies and pro-trans activists. /v/ had a heydey with the yahtzee thing, where one of his semi-jokes got turned into a 20 page shitstorm by 2 or 3 trans people, and dozens of channers created accounts simply to troll them.
I'll admit that's pretty hilarious coming from the site that hosts both /mlp/ and with multiple boards obsession with dickgirls and shemales, they apparently love masturbating to transgender people, they just don't want to hear them talk.
/d/ has surprisingly little crossover with other boards, so its not really surprising that /v/ gets a rageboner for them despite sharing space with /d/. I don't even know if /hc/ allows them anymore, and they mod like hell so not much would slip through. /b/ doesn't count, cause you're just as likely to see snuff photography as nudies.

Interestingly both /mlp/ and a looong time before them /d/ were made specifically to corral those interests onto their specific boards. Also the vast majority is actually futanari, with dickgirls and shemales tailing by a ways. NOT THAT I WOULD KNOW.

I've lurked /v/ before but honestly unless I feel like going rumour-rage hunting I don't really check it out.


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
IceForce said:
BlumiereBleck said:
high post ammount sets tone for whole thread (example if some one has 10000 posts their opinion is the threads opinion).
I'll agree, there's some truth to this.

I often feel that people here with massive post counts get more attention and get quoted a lot, while people with smaller post counts (like myself) often get skipped over and ignored.
This happens on 4chan too, tripfags almost always garner the most attention, and can even derail multiple threads with a single post, even if it is just anons insulting them, the thread still gets derailed. A huge number of actual content creators like writers and artists also tend to become tripfags, and will automatically have far more pull in a thread than any random anon.

For other places, it's probably more that people tend to quote people they know more often, and people with large post counts tend to have a lot of friends and people who remember them and know what to expect out of them. This is true of real life too, if the local mayor walks in to a small town bar he's going to get a lot more attention than Tom the librarian, a lot more people will recognize and know the mayor, than some random guy they've only seen once or twice.

Also, I'm quoting you so you don't feel ignored.

EvilRoy said:
/v/ gets a rageboner at everything, I think they just like having rageboners. As for /d/, yeah I know they call them futanaris, but giving it a Japanese name doesn't change the fact that it's still a girl with a penis. As for crossposting, I know /tg/ gets into /d/ territory, especially whenever Warhammer comes up, something about tentacles I think. I've seen similar content on the porn boards, the others at least try to moderate the pictures. 4chan actually seems to have a lot more moderation and rules than people think, especially outside of /b/.

As for /mlp/? separated or not, it doesn't change the fact that 4chan gave birth to bronies and unleashed them on the internet, so every board on 4chan has forever lost the right to criticize other sites for having too many bronies on it, their existence is their fault to begin with. Not to mention with anon posting, and the deletion of old topics, it's impossible to get an idea of what kind of people are posting on /v/ anyway.


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
EternallyBored said:
EvilRoy said:
/v/ gets a rageboner at everything, I think they just like having rageboners. As for /d/, yeah I know they call them futanaris, but giving it a Japanese name doesn't change the fact that it's still a girl with a penis. As for crossposting, I know /tg/ gets into /d/ territory, especially whenever Warhammer comes up, something about tentacles I think. I've seen similar content on the porn boards, the others at least try to moderate the pictures. 4chan actually seems to have a lot more moderation and rules than people think, especially outside of /b/.

As for /mlp/? separated or not, it doesn't change the fact that 4chan gave birth to bronies and unleashed them on the internet, so every board on 4chan has forever lost the right to criticize other sites for having too many bronies on it, their existence is their fault to begin with. Not to mention with anon posting, and the deletion of old topics, it's impossible to get an idea of what kind of people are posting on /v/ anyway.
Weeeelll futanari are actually unique from both dickgirls and shemales, but I choose not to go into it here for reasons. Also, not that I would know.

But really I just meant to say that in order for a new page for anything on 4chan there either has to be a lot of want or a lot of rage, and believe you me there was a lot of rage for both of those. Bronies may have been born of /b/ and them girls might hail from /h/ but they are not welcome there anymore. Like you said with /v/, there are so many people posting anonymously and quickly that assigning fault or personality to the boards is pretty futile. Hell I just went to check out /sci/ for the first time in a year or so and that is not the place I remember. It's actually mellowed, and that frightens me.