A little, mostly to find out whether the game is at least technically competent. After many of the debacles especially in the past two years I'm wary of new releases. Whether I like the content/tone/setting/etc of a game is not something I usually don't figure out from releases, except maybe if it's a work derived from another, like Alien: Isolation.
That game, for instance, I only picked up after I was assured by Jim Sterling that it was indeed A: technically competent and B: actually managed to capture the feeling of the first film. I didn't want to run into another Colonial Marines scenario. Man am I glad I never actually got around pre-ordering that game. Same goes for Assassin's Creed: Unity.
That game, for instance, I only picked up after I was assured by Jim Sterling that it was indeed A: technically competent and B: actually managed to capture the feeling of the first film. I didn't want to run into another Colonial Marines scenario. Man am I glad I never actually got around pre-ordering that game. Same goes for Assassin's Creed: Unity.