How much do you care about the environment


War does change
Jan 10, 2009
Pretty self explanatory topic.

I will also ask if you believe in global warming. And do you make strides to reduce your carbon footprint (sum of all CO2 emissions induced by your activities in a given time frame). Or are you more layed back in regards to some or many potential environmental concerns or issues.


Oct 28, 2013
I care a fair amount about the environment. Not as much as Genghis Khan, but we can't all be superstars, so I just settle for recycling.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
The environment means enough to me that I don't screw with it. I recycle, I don't drive, I pick up trash I see in the street that some idiot couldn't move three frigging feet over to the trashcan to put away, etc. I'm not a member of a group, and I don't go out on programs.

As for global warming, I live in Pittsburgh. I believe in global chaos.
Feb 7, 2016
Passively, if that makes sense.
I don't go completely out of my way to make sure I do something environmentally conscious, but if the option is easily presented to me then I will take it.
I'll reuse just about whatever I appropriately can, such as bottles, boxes, metal, etc.
When my step father lived with us and his drinking was a problem, he would often fill up a very large garbage bag himself with cans almost every week, and we would always take it to the recycling center.
When I walked to work I would pick up garbage since there were literally 5 public trash cans along my way. (seriously, there's no excuse why it should be there)

I might do a few other things, but like I said, I'm not the type of person who goes out of my way too much to do these things. In other words, I'm still an asshole, just less of an asshole to the environment.


New member
Mar 16, 2012
I try to save as much water as I can. I think that's about it. Other than that, I watch documentaries and go "holy shit..."


New member
Mar 11, 2016
Do I believe in global warming? Yes. If I had to bet one way or the other, that's how I'd come down.

Do I do anything about it? Not really. I don't see the point in running around doing a lot of little things that don't make much if any difference. The idea that every little helps is technically true but in the larger strokes complete nonsense. Ratios; numbers expressed in an appropriate context; count. Numbers by themselves, however, are mostly just trivia. It's like the old crud about how everyone should unplug their chargers when they're not using them.

The big energy expenses I have, that aren't embodied in other purchases (of which I make relatively few), are heating and transport. The house is insulated, though as a relatively old property there is a limit[footnote]For instance, you can't do cavity wall insulation here cost-effectively.[/footnote] to how well it can be insulated. I'm considering ground-source heat pumps and alternative means of obtaining electricity[footnote]Though the more efficient you are in the use of electricity the less that matters.[/footnote]. Those would lower my energy bill quite nicely.

Transport-wise, I don't do a lot of driving at the moment. However, the driving I do is not negotiable regardless of the effects on the environment. Public transport around here is terrible. Insofar as I work, I drive.

If electric vehicles continue to improve, I may end up getting one of those. That's a long-term decision and I've no idea whether it actually works out any better in terms of overall CO[sub]2[/sub] emissions once you factor in the power plant. I suspect it would, because the fuel for combustion engines requires a massive amount of infrastructure to reach one as well, but I haven't looked into it.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I feel it's extremely important.

Global Warming is a fact. Doubters are factually incorrect.

I don't drive or use any more power than necessary.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I care in a starving-children-in-Africa kind of way.

That is to say, I acknowledge that it's a thing and that it matters but I don't really do anything about it. Never was much for activism, although I admire people who are.

Then again, my carbon footprint would be fucking tiny since I walk everywhere, rarely drive and don't use heating, so there's that.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Growing up where I did, South Florida, its hard not to care about the environment. The Everglades is a prime example of how fucked up things can get. I don't want to see it disappear, and since I also grew up specifically in the Keys, the impact of the diversion of the Lake Okeechobee runoff is very prominent in my mind. The Florida Bay is all sorts of dying because of the diversion (as well as recent Big Sugar dumping loads of shit everywhere) that an algae bloom has taken hold and pretty well destroyed the ecosystem. There's a huge difference in what I grew up swimming in and seeing in the Bay and what is there now that I will not get in the water with.
It used to be absolutely beautiful out there, now where it used to be variances of green/blue hues its instead a sickly green and brown sludge.
Also the tourist industry is hell on the reefs and surrounding area, specifically the day-trippers who have no care for where they dump their trash. I may not live there anymore but my family still resides there and it will always be my hometown. I care very much about the environment, sure. I think if most people did a little bit every day to help clean and keep things clean, there'd be a world of difference... but there are some things that desperately need reform.
I'd hate to see the Everglades disappear, they're not just swampland but a unique ecosystem that does not exist anywhere else on the planet, and there's a lot of beauty out there.


New member
Oct 8, 2015
I try to do what i can. I recycle, i don't drive unless i need to, and when i do, i drive a small, eco-friendly car. I keep reusable bags to bring to the grocery store.

I'm poor, so i can't afford to donate or buy eco-friendly things that cost way more, but i try to help when i can afford to.


sneaky sneaky
Jul 23, 2009
I don't care at all. In fact, the faster Mother Gaia dies, the better; because maybe then, we could make like "Interstellar" and start getting some extraterrestrial colonization underway. That is one of the two most important goals for humanity, in my opinion - the other being posthumanism.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Is global warming real? Yes, and pretty soon its going to screw everyone over.

Do I do anything about it? Not especially. There's not a lot I can do about it. Not driving isn't an option, though when it is I don't drive. Recycling is great, but limited in how it helps global warming. Electricity use I am a hog with, because I wouldn't be able to send this message were I not. At the same time I do turn off lights and appliances and such whenever I am not using them.

Overall though, the world cannot be expected to cut its energy use. Even if the public sector does, the industrial sector will continue to increase it, and that is necessary for our way of life to continue. Unless we all want to start growing plants in our backyard and farming to make a living, we're going to need to use more electricity and energy than is sustainable via our current methods.
That said, a difference can be made, but it needs large amounts of funding to both create large sustainable energy arrays, as well as to research new sustainable methods of energy generation and more efficient methods of energy use. Were our funding dedicated to those two pursuits, we'd be a lot better off. Unfortunately, that's not the case, because this world has a million and one issues, and focusing on the big world ending one will just cause people to get annoyed that all the others like healthcare and such aren't being looked at, or that taxes are too high.

But, whatever. Give it another 30-50 years or so and everyone will be screwed over by their apathy now, and all I'll be able to do is sit back and laugh at how entitled they were beforehand whilst the world begins to crumble around us.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I acknowledge environmental problems, but other than recycling(which I think is about effect as pissing into the wind), I don't do anything. Not driving is simply not an option where I live... and you know, I work for a company that kinda profits off more people driving.


Until I get thrown out.
May 16, 2011
It's my main priority when I think about politics. Although, apart from recycling and walking I don't do much to lower my carbon footprint.

Technically it's called Climate Change.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Yes in an idealist high science fiction way where I think we should all live in skyscraper arcologies, where food is grown vertically, crickets make up a significant part of our protein diet, water recycled, energy obtained from renewable and there's free public transportation.

No in a, I have to drive 40km to work everyday with no public transport, I don't own the house I'm in so won't buy solar panels and I keep forgetting to compost sort of way.

Sep 9, 2010
If the world was actually taking the drastic steps necessary to avoid global warming, I'd be doing my bit. But they aren't, and without those huge strokes, I may as well be pissing in the wind.

Also, I don't plan on having children so the survival of this planet beyond my lifetime really isn't a concern for me.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
I care enough that it has become a "side hobby" of sorts... but, not to the point of basically going all "dynasty warriors" on the stuff that can harm it... except recyclables... They had it coming...

Other than that, I care about humanity slightly more than the environment, so I'm usually just hoping for an overlap once in a quwhile...

Disco Biscuit

New member
Mar 19, 2016
I don't care to have this conversation online, anonymously. All possible anonymous, online conversations on the topic might as well be the same conversation.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
DudeistBelieve said:
Also, I don't plan on having children so the survival of this planet beyond my lifetime really isn't a concern for me.
Ditto here.

OT: Do I believe in "Global Warming", no, because the concept is completely at odds with science fact... That said I believe in Global Climate Change, which is a verifiable and observable phenomenon, as the climate of the planet is constantly in flux. I can't say I believe that the process is caused by human activity, for one rapid climate shifts have been happening longer than humanity has existed. Also human output of "green house gases" is dwarfed by geological and biological factors, such as insect biomasses and volcanic activity. Besides the fact that geologically we're supposed to be in a warming period and global climate change is a mass enviromental process, that happens on the geological time scale, and which we don't fully understand. That's beside the fact that single causes for scientifically observed phenomenon generally prove to be wrong, especially in complex systems like the Earth's environment. So the shouting over man-made global climate change always strikes me as purely short sighted political fear mongering and nothing more, especially when it gets shelved when it's convenient politically.

All that said I do care about the environment, for reasons both of human survival and stability, as well as the long term stability of the planet. We pollute far too much, dumping horrifying amounts of toxic materials into land fills, the oceans, and our water tables. We so poorly manage the resources we have access too, for example there is no sustaining the population of the Los Angeles area with the water accumulation the area receives yearly. We also rely far too heavily on very limited resources, like fossil fuels, metal, and mineral supplies. We absolutely need to recycle far more than we currently do, we need to develop cost effective and efficient renewable power sources. The unfortunate problem is that such solutions aren't being pursued as seriously as necessary and they won't be, at least until we're on the verge of a cataclysmic crisis and it's too late.

As for my carbon footprint? I don't really have much of one, considering that I currently don't own a car, I live in a fairly small apartment, I conserve energy by unplugging things not currently in use and turning out lights, and I recycle where ever possible. That said, I'm not that worried about my carbon footprint as I am about the amount of resources used and contribution to toxic pollution I contribute to. Which is why I take the steps I can afford to be as environmentally friendly as possible. This planet isn't going anywhere and the way we're abusing it is going to adversely affect us in both the short and long term. If we're not careful, our carelessness could lead to the collapse of both society and our population, potentially even causing us to go extinct.

In all honesty though, what I do to help preserve the environment is outweighed by a majority of people who just don't give a single toss. The people who just drop trash where ever, burn through fuels with gleeful abandon, leave all their lights on all the time, and so on. There are more than enough wasteful people in the world to make up for what little I'm able to contribute against their trend, this is why I say things aren't going to change until we're facing a crisis. That's because people are notoriously short sighted and self concerned, humans tend to care more about personal convenience, than their effects on the environment, animals, and other people. We'll eventually be to a place where these things aren't nearly as much an issue, but in the mean time, those of us who do our part to reduce strain on the environment are out numbered by those who seem to focus all their energy stressing the environment harder.