How much effort do you put into being "normal"?


New member
Jan 18, 2010
I have genuine respect for those of you who are capable of not caring about how other people perceive you. I used to be like that, actually, but then I realised that the world really does not like individuality or "edgy" people. This especially applies to social situations! I suppose I still believe in the whole "be yourself" thing, but in my experience that has yielded nothing but trouble. There is a middleground; people must realise that they should change themselves to an extent.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
Not that much. I'm a pretty normal guy.
Talking to myself is something i try not to do too much when not alone.

I just be myself most of the time. Suck my stomach in a little bit, wear black and or red everywhere and basically just act well spoken and shy everywhere.
The girls love it. I don't look too bad, and my hair is simply awesome. I dress fairly well most of the time too.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
I think most people like to think they're not normal. They think they are special. That, somehow, the rules do not apply to them. Obviously they are mistaken.

But seriously yeah, granted that "normal" people are supposed to be the majority, there are very few people who think they are normal, because being normal is not cool.

Personally I do try very much to fit in because being a weirdo isn't good for career progression.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I put absolutely no effort into behaving normally. I treat others with apathy bordering on disdain unless I want something from them, not even attempting to fake simple courtesy, have frequent conversations with myself that border on rants (though I often render them silent when near other people because I don't like anyone looking over my metaphorical shoulder), neglect my personal hygiene to the point of rarely washing clothes or cleaning teeth, and spend the majority of my time perusing random websites. Consequently, my social life is non-existent, I have no goals, skills or prospects, and the only people who want anything to do with me are my parents (who have a long history of self-delusion where it concerns their children). I'm the reason why people normalise, because the alternative cannot function in any form of society.

I agree wholeheartedly with CryoSynth above me. If anyone claims to not normalise their behaviour and/or character in some form and yet haven't encountered any problems because of it, then they are quite simply lying through their teeth.


New member
May 6, 2009
I know what I should act like, and who I shouldn't say certain things to, but it's hard to remember, so most people think I'm weird.

I'll probably have to deal with that at some point.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
the spud said:
Wow, that talking aloud thing is pretty much me.

OT: Absolutely no effort whatsoever. I actually try my best not to fit in. Who in their right mind would want to become one with the herd? Wouldn't you want to be your own, unique person?
There's a lot of leeway with this.

For one, everybody is part of the herd no matter what you say. That's what the herd is. If you were truly trying to be your own unique person, you would go out of the way to be as different as possible. Something that would become exhausting.

Fitting in with society isn't automatically a bad thing.

OT: Not really much. I became much more comfortable with myself after High School ended. I never really was one to dress a certain way, or act anything. I used to kind of just tell myself to be quiet around people I don't know, and that sorta became part of my personality.

But as of late, no, I don't really do anything to restrain myself. I'm a rather laid back guy as it is in real life.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I do absolutely nothing to conform nor do I do anything to avoid conforming. That is just how I do.

A Free Man

New member
May 9, 2010
DanDeFool said:
And by that I mean, how much effort do you put into covering up your little idiosyncrasies and personality quirks to fit in with your peers, not get funny looks at the grocery store, get along with your parents, etc.

For me, a big one is talking to myself. Not like a schizophrenic talks to themselves, like there's another person inside their head (though the association with mental illness seems to be why it's such a cultural taboo). Most of the time, I'm either trying to work through some problem in my head and talking myself through it, or I'm imagining myself in some type of social situation and rehearsing what I would say out loud. Sometimes, it's just muttering a song to myself while I'm running errands. I try to avoid doing it as much as possible, but sometimes I wonder if more people don't do it when they think nobody's looking.
Haha is that supposed to be weird? I always sing songs aloud whenever I'm walking places. I suppose it would look strange to others but meh. Hmm, I think most of my weird personality traits are pretty easy to cover up. Doesn't take too much effort.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Trippy Turtle said:
Tried and failed to be normal. I now just try to avoid being insane.
Why must Pandas make the best points.

Normal is boring, and I fucking hate boring, almost as much as....



New member
Jan 11, 2008
Agreeing to people's political ideologies when I don't.

Trying to hang out with co-workers I don't like so much, but have to dedicate time to so I'm not completely outcast.

A fair bit actually, but most people still see me as different from others in the workplace. Some embrace it, a lot of people stay away from me.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I put zero effort into it. I don't try to be different or special, I just do not care one bit if I fit in or not. If I do, that's great, and I get to hang out with people. If I don't fit in anywhere, I don't much care, I can deal with it. I'm secure/happy enough with myself that I don't feel the need to try to fit in. But, I don't feel the need to try to be different, either, because trying to be different is just as bad as trying to fit in/be the same.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
How do I act "normal", you ask?

Hmm...well, society has it's own basic borderline rules that pretty much everyone follows and uses to pass the basic "you're-a-mentally-fuctioning-human" test.

Honestly, I think the best way to act normal and be yourself is too not think about it.

As for me...yeah, I'm pretty much like everyone else. And by everyone else, I mean that I follow the basic rules of society or whatever, yet have enough of the capacity to do what I see fit as an individual.

Just do what you want to do and don't worry about normal. If someone calls you out on something for "not being normal", think about it and either realize they have a point and maybe you should correct it or tell them to go fuck off and mind their own business.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
My Mother was a very loud woman. She had literally no shame when it came to being out in public. Just her presence was humiliating, and she'd also do it on purpose, to see my humiliation. As if she enjoyed it. Shopping with her,...wasn't a treat. Since she's hit her 50's she's quieted down, and I can stand to go out with her when she comes to visit. But the memories still haunt me. It takes a while for me to open up to people and when I finally spend enough time with that person, I am more 'free'; but still watch what I say, and how I say it. I am a female version of my Father basically. Quiet, reserved, hates ruffling feathers, homebody, and fears public humiliation.

I wouldn't say I am Abby Normal, but quite geeky. Though, that's not easily apparent until we get into a conversation about my interests.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
CryoSynth said:
I think most people like to think they're not normal. They think they are special. That, somehow, the rules do not apply to them. Obviously they are mistaken.

But seriously yeah, granted that "normal" people are supposed to be the majority, there are very few people who think they are normal, because being normal is not cool.

Personally I do try very much to fit in because being a weirdo isn't good for career progression.
you are right in alot of ways....theres always somone out there who is just liek you..and we all generally conform to some group/type of person

though it all depends on your definition of "normal" its "normal" for girls to be into girly things and fashion and such...but alot of girl dont like that crap (me included) I wouldnt force myself to watch rom coms or like pink in the name of "fitting in" (tried it sucked)

it could also be considered "normal" to go out and drink oneself into oblivion and be a party animal..however some people dont enjoy that so much (mabye occasionally btu I dont make it my 1# focus in life)

anway Im normal in alot of ways in that I have a job...enjoy certain activites and Im not a sociopath

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
Much like most here, I don't put in much effort at all. Neither does anyone I know. But I do live in a town where it's normal to see someone walking down the street in full chainmail.