How much less funny is Yahtzee than he was 13 years ago?


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Is merely the entropy of the creative mind. Moreso found in comedy and music. Most people eventually run out of new tricks and tantalisations, alongside committed fans exposing themselves to all their material will inevitably find the cracks and repetitions. Especially when starting strong it's like gravity where the only way is down if you don't put the effort into feeding the brain with inspirations. The greats seem to be able to save their best till last. Which is my excuse for being so shit right now: keeping the good stuff to leave on, hehe šŸ˜‰

Also have a half-arsed theory that getting married and saddled with kids generally dulls the fire within, or any other equivalent of attaining philosophical contentment, dare I say even happiness. In music it happens so much where their music loses bite once they get family stuff on the go. If you have a favourite artist I would recommend making sure they stay alone and miserable, it's the only way to keep that fine material flowing!
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Is merely the entropy of the creative mind. Moreso found in comedy and music. Most people eventually run out of new tricks and tantalisations, alongside committed fans exposing themselves to all their material will inevitably find the cracks and repetitions. Especially when starting strong it's like gravity where the only way is down if you don't put the effort into feeding the brain with inspirations. The greats seem to be able to save their best till last. Which is my excuse for being so shit right now: keeping the good stuff to leave on, hehe šŸ˜‰

Also have a half-arsed theory that getting married and saddled with kids generally dulls the fire within, or any other equivalent of attaining philosophical contentment, dare I say even happiness. In music it happens so much where their music loses bite once they get family stuff on the go. If you have a favourite artist I would recommend making sure they stay alone and miserable, it's the only way to keep that fine material flowing!
All of the Linkin Park band members are married and have kids. They are still going on strong. The only exception is the new lead singer, Armstrong, but
I do not know about her private life. All the members of the band like keeping their private life close to the chest. I can't blame them and I respect them for it
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Yahtzee has slowed down considerably, as in literally, in his videos. The whole zero punctuation setup let him pack a lot into his videos, puns and actual criticism both. I think it's great for him to slow down in his old age, but I also feel like a lot of his new videos have puns that don't really add to the actual review. Like the STALKER 2 episode, the end bit about Bear Grylls felt way too long and was just a bit for the bit's sake. Wasn't particularly funny either.
Interestingly enough the two videos have nearly the same number of words.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky has 1211 Words and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 has 1260
I like him and I watch his videos for the same reason he makes them (habit) but I couldn't care less for Second Wind or the entourage he's... allowed around himself, as lone wolf YouTubers are prone to do with age.

He's mellowed out a whole bunch. I get it, he married old money and is set for life. Quit his job as a matter of principle, fathered a couple of kids. He's aged, he's balded, he's matured. Power to him, I hope I get there one day. But all this bourgeois complacency has kinda dulled his sense of humor, which always hinged on feeling angry and embittered and misanthropic.
It's true. A lot of his humour relied on a feeling of youthful anarchic rebellion, which you can't have when you are comfortably married with children. Without that the humour is lacking it's edge.

Yahtzee just couldn't write a video like this anymore. It's impossible.
Angry reviewing died a long time ago by 2014. Yahtzee was just a late coming exception. You can only angry and misanthropic so many times before it gets tiring and boring. It's why I dropped most of his videos early on by 2017. That type of mind set I despise and get bored of real quickly. Especially when it's coming from people with heads up their asses.
"early on" by 2017 Yahtzee had been reviewing for 10 years.
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Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I don't call myself a Star Wars fan much nowadays (not because of the assholes), but even back then, I always consider myself a casual SW fan. Yahtzee wasn't the only one doing this, but it gets annoying when a lot of the people out in the sea start doing the same thing and copying each other. You're not creative nor unique, you're just doesn't shallow jackass thinking they're being clever or smart by ragging on groups for being a fan of something. It's fine if you're weren't upset but I don't blame people who were upset who aren't fans or feel the jab is unnecessary or not warranted. I feel that there is some projection going on in the case you described and some self hatred for being a fan. I get it when there's annoying or bad fans to things you like, but just remember to separate yourselves from them and remember that you're not trying to hurt anybody nor be a conceited asshole.
Thanks for the concern, but my own character flaws actually tend to go the other way. Narcissism and false superiority rather than self hatred. Gatekeeping even pokes its head in, "I'm a REAL fan, and better than THOSE fans." It is something I'm working on, and it usually only rears its head when a portion of a fandom is being particularly vocally awful. And it does leave me reminding myself no to sink to their level, and conceited... that's something else I've been working on for a while too.
There are some problems with the game, but it doesn't do "everything wrong". MW is still one of the best and unique games on the console ever made and actually has the best motion controls. I put it above even No More Heroes controls. My problem is the intellectual dishonesty on his part for that review. Also, just because "everybody else" was ragging on motion controls doesn't make it better, nor excuse the non review biatch fit. What you're saying is the effect of "These people jumped off the bridge. It would make sense for him to do the same".
Wii waggling complaint wasn't just reviewers though. At the time it was the dominant mainstream criticism about the console from fans, casual gamers, videogame professionals, influencers... everyone I knew, everyone I ever heard from or talked to. That's not me saying Yahtzee was right about it. That's me saying I heard it so much, I just tuned it out. Hence me not even remembering that was a part of the review. And MW was fun, but his complaints were valid. At least the couple I remember. He specifically says the commentary was fun, but tied in with another point it could get repetitive as there were things that would happen over and over in the game. Tied in with that, there needed to be more variety in environmental hazards to interact with. Which would also have further diversified the commentary. And he was totally right about the point scoring making no sense. And yet... those flaws aren't enough to blot out what a good game MW is. And I knew they wouldn't be, even having listened to Yahtzee's review.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Wii waggling complaint wasn't just reviewers though. At the time it was the dominant mainstream criticism about the console from fans, casual gamers, videogame professionals, influencers... everyone I knew, everyone I ever heard from or talked to.
I know; that's not the point. My main point being that whatever waggles problems there are in MadWorld, are very miniscule. There are many games that did it worse than MW ever could. Here hint: when it comes to vertical motions, don't turn your wii mote sideways, otherwise it will read it as a horizontal input.

Tied in with that, there needed to be more variety in environmental hazards to interact with.
For what's there, you get good enough amount. While I wish for a little more, Platinum was doing something new and they have a schedule to keep. The game has a creative achievement system to make up for it and loads of different weapon and non-weapon/melee finishers.
. And yet... those flaws aren't enough to blot out what a good game MW is. And I knew they wouldn't be, even having listened to Yahtzee's review.
Thank you. Heartwarming and showing you can think for yourself, unlike is echo chamber and parrots.