John Funk said:
Straying Bullet said:
I am actually surprised I have some love for Pirates, so long they keep torrenting they are denying those CEO's all the luxury.
CEOs, and the thousands of people they employ who all probably make much more reasonable salaries.
That's a bullshit justification that hurts the "little guy" far more than it does CEOs, and it boils my blood.
This is where you obviously think I am really serious that I want money to be taken away from those who worked on a product and shipped it. You assume that I have love for Pirates wheras in several posts I talked about how I converted heavy-duty pirates to actually legal consumers. Of course it's a bullshit justification, for me, it as well. It's merely the perspective of a Pirate who would jump to that conclusion right away.
CEO's have a reason for their salaries, because they worked their asses up there, regardless the public opinion.
Either way, I hope your blood is cooling down, honestly I admit sarcasm/jesting is hard to see through in posts but your reaction is less than stellar.