How nerdy are YOU?


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I have read the entirety of the wheel of time series 5 times (Starting on number 6!)
Until I got a Kindle recently I picked pants and jackets under the criteria of if I can fit a book in the pocket
I have an encyclopidic knowledge of every League of legends champion abilities and lore
I have read multiple tabletop RPG rulebooks cover to cover but never played one
I Drive three hours every year at least once to go to the Texas Renaissance Festival and I am seriously considering having my wedding there
I read TV tropes for fun
My work playlist is 80+ Miracle of sound songs
My Ringtone is Bergentr?ckung and my Alarm is Spear of Justice
My keys are on a Gengar lanyard
I use a 45 inch 4k TV as a computer monitor
I watch LCS with the same level of fervor that others Watch the NFL
I fall asleep to the sounds of let's players or twitch streams

EDIT: I forgot I also know waaaaay too much about 40k for a person who owns no models
Totally would buy a Warlord Titan if i had the money

Borty The Bort

New member
Jul 23, 2016
To keep it forum-relavant, I have some gaming statue figurines. And a Dark Souls wallpaper on my phone. I also frequent gaming chat boards...


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I see no real shame at being a nerd... that being said it seems like I'm not "out" really. I don't have any merch cloths. I have more sports cloths than "nerd gear." I have a "one ring" replica on my keychain and that's about it. Someone would have to get into my bedroom before they saw any real hint (dvd collection, Joanna Dark poster, retro consoles, bookshelves with sci-fi fantasy and 6 or 7 different tabletop roleplaying game sections.) Rest of the house is kinda normal. Larger than average cpu screen I guess, and the xbox controller in the USB port. Oh, my phone screensaver is a nuka quantum, ringtone is the codec ring from Metal Gear Solid and the notification is the beep from Metal Gear Solid. Oh, I forgot a Dr. Orpheus bobblehead next to a couple of sports bobbleheads.

I need more nerd gear. But regardless of not looking the part, I qualify with over 30 years of consuming popular culture entertainment considered "nerdy."

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I was nerdy enough to speak out toward my cousin (who is more into beer and sport) and his friend when they were wondering whose Bruce Banner father powers is suppose to be from (Absorbing Man and Zssx) from Ang Lee Hulk.

Johnny Novgorod said:
Going by the dictionary:

1. a person considered to be socially awkward, boring, unstylish, etc.
2. an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit.

1. a digital-technology expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often used disparagingly by others).
2. a person who has excessive enthusiasm for and some expertise about a specialized subject or activity.
3. a peculiar person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual, unfashionable, or socially awkward.

1. a silly, out-of-touch person who tends to look odd or behave ridiculously around others; a social misfit.

The one thing in common is some form of obsession and social awkwardness apparently.
Yup I am definitely a nerd going by number 1 and a hint of Geek number 2.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Not that much. I was much more of one before college, but I've pretty much drilled the social awkwardness out of my system at this point.
I have a huge passion for gaming, a casual interest in anime, I like reading and writing about fantasy, and my interest in TV is pretty much limited to Game of Thrones.

I think that covers all of my nerdy bases.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
No idea, I don't really think of it as something I should measure.

Some stuff I guess counts towards "nerd cred":

-In general I spend a lot of time gaming, and I'm pretty good at it (probably just above average).
-I met my boyfriend of nearly 8 years on WoW.
-I spend wayyy too much money on games.
-I get briefly obsessed with games (I spent so much time on Oblivion back in the day I used to see the loading screen in my dreams).
-I'm still around in a hobby which has some pretty shitty people in it, some of whom take personal exception to women playing at all, I know a lot of dudes who wouldn't be able to put up with it.


Regular Member
Apr 21, 2010
Aspergers syndrome, master of science in computer science, double-majored with math (so I've got some BS Math, yo), 3.9 (out of 4) GPA in college within my major, won a chess tournament, spent many an afternoon reading math books for fun (and entirely skipped Calculus 1 in college because I picked up enough skills on my own), was into programming since I was a very young child.

...And I'm supposed to wear some thick-ass glasses (but don't because they're really uncomfortable). Just 'gotta live in states that only require you to pass a vision test with one eye.

I also like games and anime... but those are firmly in the"geek" category and aren't nerdy at all.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I spent roughly $7,000 USD to have a suit of Colonial Marines armor from the movie "Aliens" custom made for me. I had it painted to resemble Hicks' gear from the movie. In addition to the armor it comes with a set of "frog and leaf" camo BDUs with proper USCM insignia, a working helmet camera and radio, a working shoulder lamp, a prop plasma cutter, a "working" motion tracker (the screen display works, and it produces the sweeping sound, but it doesn't actually detect motion; it has a switch on it that I can flick to change the display and sounds to simulate no targets, one target, or a whole bunch of targets), a box of dummy M40 HEDP grenades, a non-firing replica H&K VP-70 handgun, a non-firing replica Ithaca M37 shotgun and leather shotgun holster (for close encounters), a non-firing M-41A Pulse Rifle (with three spare magazines, a working ammunition counter, working collapsible stock, and working pump-action for the under-barrel launcher), and a non-firing M-240 flamethrower.

I've never actually worn it. I keep it on display in my "man cave."

I'm currently in the process of getting my hands on a live-firing M-41A Pulse Rifle replica, because clearly, I'm great with money.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
The only thing that I don't match with a stereotypical nerd is that I will never become a wizard.

Got a fair bit of gaming/movie/anime paraphernalia, am into all of the above, utter science nerd and spend a lot of my spare time researching stuff to do with Physics or Chem because I find them really interesting. Classical music buff, can play Violin and have sung in choir. Live with my parents and live only in my room with them. Abundance of gaming platforms and games. Play D&D and the likes. Favourite game types are complex strategy games or RPGs. 90% of the music I listen to is from games or anime. History nerd, and love learning about that sort of stuff too. Philosophy nerd, same as before. Computer and tech nerd, build my own rigs and such. Studying engineering, and a double degree at that. Diet consists of junk food and soft drinks, caffeine mixed in when needed. Am nocturnal, play all night and sleep all day, if I sleep. High skill level at the things I do. Programming nerd, self-taught and love using it to mod or make games. Wear glasses constantly. Fashion is either comfort, or utilitarian. Predominantly a social outcast.

I could go on, but I think we all get the picture. Ironically, it depends greatly on who I'm with as to whether I'm nerd or not. Alone and with most friends? Yep. With others I'm really outgoing and party/drink/socialise type, am into all the mainstream shit, and get confused for being normal. I just kind of do everything, it works out well for me.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Let me see...

I have Aspergers syndrome, I obsess over the lore of some games and book series, I watch cartoon series religiously, struggle socially (despite having little aversion to it).

I can talk about niche subject matter in an esoteric way for way to long to people who are clearly (not to me) not interested, can build and maintain your computer, operate any 3D modeling and Animation software with the barest of introduction, and can tell you rudimentary differences between the different Linux operating systems (at least which ones are best for content creation).

On the other hand I am also immensely powerful and fit. Competing in power lifting competitions while maintaining the endurance for long distance running. I also hang out with the jocks of the gym where I can spend up to and over 2 hours, 4-5 days a week.

Soooooo, I guess it all sorta cancel themselves out...



I'm just a Smeg Head
Jun 30, 2010
I have two curio cabinets filled with comic character statues, amiibos, sci space ships and pokemon plushes. 3 wall shelves of funco figures, official DC Barbie dolls and Monster High dolls. 5 bookshelves of comics, manga, anime and scifi novels. 3 bookshelves of board anddeck building games and ttrp games. My Ps4 is Batman, my Xbox is Mass Effect, my Wii U is Bayonetta.

There is then the wall of prints and the Master Sword. Or the bedroom of pinup Supeheroes


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Phasmal said:
-I'm still around in a hobby which has some pretty shitty people in it, some of whom take personal exception to women playing at all, I know a lot of dudes who wouldn't be able to put up with it.
Also, Me and my wife's wedding rings have the portal logo [] on them, the stick figure entering on mine and exiting on hers. In our old apartment all the pictures on our walls were gaming related, 3 BioShock posters (from the BioShock 2 collector's edition) and 4 Left 4 Dead posters (the loading screens). During a Halloween party, me and my sister also spent the entire evening mandating that the only music that was allowed was the Nightclub music [] from Payday 2.
Oh, and I've read David Glantz When Titan's Clashed: How the Red Army stopped Hitler twice just because I think it is a good read.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
I've sunk quintuple digits of money into Games Workshop products, and merely the amount of unopened boxes is starting to become a storing issue. To say nothing about the literally hundreds of unpainted figures.

I bought Dark Souls II and all its DLC twice. Okay, the second time was the SOTFS edition for PS4, but it still counts, right?

Fuck it, compared to what people have already stated in this thread I'm the normiest muthafuckin normie who ever normie'd it up. I don't get obsessive or passionate enough about any subject to really qualify. Though I do deconstruct and watch movies far more keenly than the average moviegoer (thank YMS, Chris Stuckmann and Chez Lindsay), and will be the first one to bash a movie whenever the subject comes up. I'm also a relentless grammar Nazi.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
Lets see, at one point I was planning to build an entire company of Blood Angels in WH40k, all the battlesuits in my Tau army are painted to represent Characters/mecha from Rayearth, Gundam Macross and Bubblegum Crisis, my computer room is filled with transformers, I have wallscrolls from Rayearth and Evangelion, and I got 100% of the achievements in gears of war 3 (though frankly that gave ,me gaming burnout for a while), I've got japanese trading figures of the nostromo, marine dropship, alien warrior, colonial viper and the Defiant around the place (also, the gunbuster and the three heroines from the show)


By the power of greyskull.
Aug 22, 2011
Borty The Bort said:
Just an idea for a thread, this is effectively a competition. Everyone say one thing about themselves that says they are the alpha nerd. Go!
Dunno realy, probably average levels of nerdism, but i can tell by your name you probably watch too much wanderbots, if not disregard statment and pretend you never read this.

Borty The Bort

New member
Jul 23, 2016
Seishisha said:
Borty The Bort said:
Just an idea for a thread, this is effectively a competition. Everyone say one thing about themselves that says they are the alpha nerd. Go!
Dunno realy, probably average levels of nerdism, but i can tell by your name you probably watch too much wanderbots, if not disregard statment and pretend you never read this.
Well if that isn't the most inflammatory thing I have ever read, I don't know what it is.


By the power of greyskull.
Aug 22, 2011
Since sarcasm is nigh on impossible to detect in text form, suffice it to say the term bort has some significance to wanderbots, including the tribe of bort and the act of being a bort. Since your name is litteraly borty the bort i just assumed, apologies if i offended, i certainly didnt mean to.