How to destroy the Earth


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Why destroy the earth? Couldnt they just push us out the way and then we could become a hyperspace bypass diner. We would make a fortune from hungry aliens needing dinner and stretch their flippers.

Samantha Burt

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Tom_green_day said:
I'll invent a laser that turns whatever it shoots bigger. Then just find a cat. Or a bunny rabbit.
If this kind of hypothetical technology is allowed, I'd just point it at the moon and let us be ripped apart by tidal forces.

If it has to be a semi-realistic situation, obviously the degree to which you want the destruction to occur is important. Are we talking broken in half, or space-dust?


New member
Jan 29, 2009
WongKy said:
Crash the moon the earth

In theory this wouldn't destroy the earth, though it would cause massive might not even wipe out all life on the planet even.

If done right, it could "bump" the earth out of it's current orbit at least a bit though, which could possibly end all life at least. Rememeber, the moon only has a bit over 1% of the mass of the earth. Hitting the earth with the moon would need to be done at precisely the right time to cause any change in it's orbit around the sun (if it's even possible at all, considering the moon is already in orbit around the sun as well, so the differences in speed would not be that great).

If you could reach out and grab the moon, pull back further into our solar system and then throw it at the earth, then you would probably get a decent reaction. But, if you simply used some method to change the moons orbit so it eventually degraded and collided with the earth, not only wouldn't you destroy the planet, but you might not even destroy all life on the planet either.

But......without the moon, the tides would not be nearly as strong as we currently have. I believe the sun would still cause there to be some tides, but I'm not sure if it would be enough to prevent stagnation and eventually kill off life in the oceans (which would eventually cause the planet to be unable to support life more then likely).

Add in the fact that a collision with the moon would throw up so much dust we would have probably very little sunlight getting through for many years, and all life might indeed be destroyed by collision with our moon.

Plus the wolves would be upset.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Drill a big hole into the core and throw some nukes down there, see what happens. Failing that, I'd build a giant rocket and de-orbit the moon. If that doesn't work... I guess I'd go out into the Oort cloud and keep pushing asteroids onto a collision course, maybe the repeated collisions would alter the orbit of the Earth enough to plunge it into the Sun.

I COULD do all the maths for this, but I'm already avoiding working on my 1200 word essay by just writing this post, so that would be very silly.

[small]...I should get back to work[/small]


New member
Aug 4, 2013
This one is complicated. Build a giant robot with only one nut in his sack, hear me the earth inside said sack to make a pair, I said hear me out. Then build a BIGGER giant robot dominatrix whose into stomping with heels on and poof no more earth, I have sketches and diagrams of both robots, but surprisingly no one on the internet wants to give me funding for this.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Set up the conditions to tunnel to a lower vacuum energy and cause a vacuum meta-instability event, instantly annihilating not only Earth, but taking out the entire universe in the same deal.

Don't get much better value-per-omnicide than that.


New member
Jan 16, 2014
to be honest..(if I had to, by all means I wouldnt want to, I believe for every 100 things that are crappy, theres 1 thing thats worth fighting for.) if I had to? Easy choice for me, some may see it as boring and generic but, if we are in the situation where I can blow it up anyways, I doubt this abstract thought would make it any less unrealisitic then it already is.

Step 1: put nukes at specific points.
Step 2: A giant Nuke at the core that is heat resistant by all means so it wont blow before I push the button.
Step 3: Build something on the moon so I can chill there and watch it from afar.
Step 4: Build a giant numbered platform where I can set off nukes with the push of a button, aka, nuke 1 goes off when I press 1.
Step 5: Put on Fur Elise from Beethoven
Step 6: Press the buttons madly to the tune of it..

Voila, thatd be my way.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Vegosiux said:
Me, I'd likely play a game of galactic pool.
Actually I saw a movie where a girl orders a replacement 8 ball online after she's lost her parents... and it turns out she's ordering across the universe to an alien race that ships the ball as a huge asteroid plummeting straight to Earth. The girl then has to figure out a way of cancelling her order.

It's actuall the third segment of a movie called Doomsday Book.

Austin Manning

New member
Apr 10, 2012
Wait! People! Stop replying to this thread! This person is clearly Invader Zim or some other alien intelligence in disguise as human. They must be looking for new ways to destroy us puny earthlings now that their own methods have failed. Stop giving them ideas!


New member
May 13, 2009
I would put the Earth on a descending orbit around the Sun, one that takes about a month to reach mass-extincition level heat. Then I'd let different scientist inform their governments that their little spot of land will be saved, but only if they pillage everything from their neighbours, because of reasons. Then just sit back and have a fun little half-time show people destroying eachother, knowing it will ALL end in a month.


New member
Feb 26, 2014
Didn't we already come to a conclusion on this? The Reapers will come in a couple hundred years and kill us off. And if we put up too much of a fight, they'll just destroy the planet. See, we don't even have to do anything.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Cover the entire equator with a ring of thousands of gigantic jet engines, each one larger than the Burj Khalifa, pointing straight up to the sky, and make it so that the engines always fire during the night, while the ones on the day side recharge. The Earth will eventually start to spiral closer to the sun and destruction will be inevitable.

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
Uhh launch all nukes?
that's a bit boring though.
How about....... Dig to the centre of the earth and detonate a nuke?


New member
Jun 26, 2012
The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy Mark II, this also solves the problem of multiple universes.