How to Make a Sandwich Like the God of War


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
I was expecting the usual silly vidya tribute with crappy production value, but this was an absolute riot. Best laugh I've had all week.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
The camera angles and the resistance and sounds of stress were perfect!

I was thinking this was gonna be lame and poorly made, but that was actually funny!


New member
Dec 26, 2008
I thought it was hilarious...and I don't think you need to defend it's silliness or even suggest that it "might" be a comment on QTE only for people who "read deeper into things."

I mean, c'mon, the last thing that happens is the button cloud of QTE doom, accompanied by [what is supposed to be] Dan Forden complimenting you for your button mashing skills...right before you fail to keep up the breakneck pace that requires the hand-eye coordination of a neurosurgeon, the foresight of an oracle, and the ability to create Brownian Motion on demand and instantly die.

The little vid was funny, the actual execution was good, the flab not so good, and it was obviously satirical commentary. Don't confuse being diplomatic with being a fanboy-hatespeak-fearing-weenie. If you go to the time to post a vid, don't spend half of your article apologizing for it.

Good up, and thanks, in case you were wondering.