How to save the new Final Fantasy?


New member
Jun 29, 2008
I've been reading a lot of Final Fantasy post lately and have noticed that most people didn't like 12. I was indifferent towards 12 myself and I was just thinking, most things get worse with squeals so how can we save Final Fantasy? Include any thoughts you have on the new game, what they should keep, what they should get rid of, what you liked in other games that they should bring to the new Final Fantasy. I know Square-enix will never read this list but just maybe they will.

BTW my post to start things off is this - Bring back a truly evil main villain. Evil villains have gone down hill since the day's of Kefka and Sephiroth. I want a villain I love to hate and kinda secretly want to be like.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Remake the entire game as FFVII, except not kill off Ariel... That should please some fanboys.
Nov 28, 2007
Reap3r said:
Remake the entire game as FFVII, except not kill off Ariel... That should please some fanboys.
First off, that would not be a new Final Fantasy. Second, her name is Aeris or Aerith. Third, her death is a key point in the plot.

On topic, the villain thing is a good idea. Make a truly dangerous villain, not some annoying dude who won't stay dead. Also, I would add moving away from the dark, angsty plot-lines, and making sure you have clearly defined genders. Finally, bring back the goddamn ATB system!

Graf Zahl

New member
Dec 12, 2008
For me the game stands and falls with the combat system. If it's shitty like the one in FF12 I won't buy the game. If it's good, like in any other FF I it's a must have.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
I think they've pretty much cracked it by giving Tetsuya Nomura his own little wethead playground (FF Versus XIII) so he can't cack up the main series any more.


New member
Mar 12, 2008
Well, specifically in regards to FF12, here are some suggestions:

*More interactive combat - FF12 was too hands-off (it's the only game I've ever played which put me to sleep).

*Character customization that actually requires thought and effort - The license grid was dumb.

*Make the protagonist the actual main character - Vaan was alright but it wasn't his story at all. I understand this was the whole point but as an experiment into hero-perspective changing it was a failure. Just ask Konami how well it worked out for them in MGS2.

*Put someone in the game as awesome as Auron - as if that were even possible!


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Grampy_bone said:
*More interactive combat - FF12 was too hands-off (it's the only game I've ever played which put me to sleep).
You want to go back to holding down X to win?

Hurray Forums

New member
Jun 4, 2008
I really despise the complaint that Final Fantasy 12 was too "hands-off". The gambits are an OPTION, no one sat there and forced you to use them. If you enjoy hitting the attack button 20 times a minute and micro managing every single skill be my guest but don't ruin the option of not having to do that for the rest of us that don't enjoy that type of gameplay. There are plenty of valid complaints that can be thrown at Final Fantasy 12 but the option of using gambits is not one of them.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
superpandaman said:
Look her is my list of things they need to do
1. Guy characters look like guys not pretty girls
2. Hair doesn't work like that in real life so fix it
3. Guns suck in a final fantasy remove them forever
4. Put characters that people will remember not ones people forget the second a new game comes out
5. Think up a new plot it seems they've been using the same plot only a little different for so long now
6. Girl characters don't all have to be sex idols make realistic women but not ugly
7. It's called armor not skinny ass leather crap that wouldn't protect from a leaf
8. No more unnecessary characters in your party keep it to 4 people
9. NO MORE EMO BULL CRAP how many times am I going have to sit threw "I'm my own monster"
10. Guy characters look like guys not pretty girls
yeah, what he said.

Except the guns.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Reap3r said:
Remake the entire game as FFVII, except not kill off Ariel... That should please some fanboys.
That was one of the most pivotal and emotional powerful moment in gaming history. She has to die.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Praelanthor said:
Danglybits said:
Stop making them and declare the series legally dead.
i agree let it die already before they make "final fantasy: now its just sad"
Out of of opinion I loved the final fantasy series im not a fanboy though, but they need a few more movies advent children kicked ass.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
superpandaman said:
1. Guy characters look like guys not pretty girls
Uhhhmmm...Yeahh...Weird statement...
I have the impression that this thread already exists in like 5 different ways.
But anyway. Back to the roots, should make everybody happy.
In terms of gameplay you may use newest technology available but if it comes to charactercreation we have some great examples in the Psone-era of how to do it right.
Most important, Square should stop to reuse their own stuff so shamelessly.
The FF-Design team is big enough to occupy an own town, there has to be at least one creative mind hiding somewhere.

Theo Samaritan

New member
Jul 16, 2008
Am I the only one thinking that FFIX was actually decent for having most of the changes people mentioned above?

Sorry, I find it ironic that people hated it, but now that is exactly what they want...


New member
May 30, 2008
*Sigh* I'm one of the new*er* generation of gamers, 16, no life, ect. And even to me FF XII Was bad. Quite bad, in fact i didn't even like FF X-II, or do we just not talk about it like an retarded second cousin?
It wasn't just that the storyline is screwed, that there were way too many coincidences, that the customisation technique was screwy, or even that the way the males dress in this game may have made my nephew gay, Final Fantasy has lost it's touch. Let's face it, FF I, was a stroke of genius, a stab in the dark that paid off, two, well wasn't too much different, but still, reiteration on a good theme seemed to work well, and the storyline of both was original (at the time (I think)). I played 3 and 4, and I liked them, nothing too notable, but still, I likes them, then I scored a second hand copy of FF VII for my 14th birthday, that was amazing, that's when I went and said 'Final fantasy is bloody awesome!!!'. Then it went downhill, admittedly I didn't play 8, 9 was okay, 10, not great, nothing to complain about, but now.

It's dead, it had a good run, but it's gone guys.
Everything that made these games good, has dissipated, I just don't feel it any more. I think it's time to move on.


New member
May 5, 2008
Make characters that i actually care about
They could have wiped the whole cast of ff12 from the storyline and replaced them with crash test dummy's and i would probably care more.

Bring my god damn world map back :(
have been going through my ps1 rpgs and snes recently and i realize just how much i miss the world map :(

Revert to trusted atb turn based combat. The system in 12 was interesting I'll admit (I never really looked into Gambits that much) but i didn't like not controlling all of my characters moves and it didn't really add anything to the gameplay imho but rather took away from it.
and for those that say atb turn based combat is slow it's freaking final fantasy its a slow game stop trying to appeal to a wider demographic there's enough people in this world that love final fantasy for Squenix to make a huge profit all they are doing is alienating there core market