Yeah, I have to go with AVGN when it comes to this matter. I like numbers. If you want to be creative, make the body of work itself interesting, not the title. If you want to be fancy, have it in Roman numerals.
I really can't stand it when titles go with subtitles, or reboot names to sound original. There has to be some form of connection that lets the audience know which title they're about to watch/read and in which chronological order it came in.
There has only been a few exceptions that I've let slide. Bond is one of them, one reason being that I can never imagine them all being in chronological order or having continuity considering there's been like 6 bonds within 50 years. And the idea that all those movies are in continuity of each other makes my head hurt.
Now take Harry Potter for an example. I'm no fucking Y-gen millennial, I'm an X-gen, so I have no fucking clue where to begin with this series because when the first book came out I was too old to get into it (well, you're never too old, but I was told this was originally a children's series, so I never bothered till I was told different) and by that time the movies came out and I started noticing them, I had no fucking clue where to begin since none of them were numbered. And what is there like 10 of them? I don't know, because they're not numbered! One of the is about some Asgard, Ashhard, something prisoner right? I don't know because the series is expecting me to know about weird names in the movies, and I'm a complete outsider on this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, google schoogle. I've already lost interest again just thinking about how chronologically confused I am about them all.
Another has been giving subtitles for trilogies, and as long as they don't have stupid names. Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rinds, and Star Wars movies come to mind. When there's only three titles it's easier to remember which came before which. And as for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dooms sake (given the fact that it's a prequel) it was probably a good choice that it wasn't called Indy 2 because that would have been confusing. Now I mentioned stupid subtitles, and I think I don't need to explain myself on that part. If the subtitles stars with re- and ends with -tion, it sucks and the guy that came up with it needs to die.