how will it end?

Jun 10, 2011
If they can replace us in terms of reproduction, they can replace us just about everywhere else. I'm thinking robots that are fully functional and anatomically correct. Then they can just program in whatever personality they want.

Face it boys, we're doomed. I just hope I get cryogenically frozen and wake up in time for all the other men to be gone but everyone else has gotten bored with robo-stud.

I could live in that world.
Jun 10, 2011
We will most likely be annihilated by the evolution of a race of hyper advanced hypnotic badgers, who will enslave us, force us to build their decadent homes, then ultimately eliminate us when they build a race of hyper advanced robots, who will eventually destroy them.



New member
Apr 28, 2012
Superior Mind said:
sephyboy said:
Superior Mind said:
Collision with the Andromeda Galaxy will eventually end it all.
While that is an inevitable, our sun will actually increase temperature range through expansion caused by helium and hydrogen consumption in about 1 billion years. It's great that us and Andromeda are going to duke it out, but it sucks that we'll be too damned melted by then to notice.
Well I would hope as Stephen Hawking does that eventually we'll get off our arses and remember that space exploration is fucking cool and not just an "unnecessary expenditure". When did strapping yourself to a missile and stabbing the sky with fire and math need to be necessary? That being said aside from Earth we don't have many other options in our own solar system. Mars will be toasted too in the big Sol Kablooie and what hospitable worlds does that leave us? Maybe one of the moons of one of the larger planets.

Thing is Andromeda is predicted to collide in around 4.5 billion years, the sun is expected to reach it's Red Giant phase in about 5.5 billion years as far as I know, (there would be conflicting views no doubt, I don't think it's particularly exact science.) Of course it will be getting bigger and life on Earth may become increasingly uncomfortable if we don't adapt but conceivably we could actually still be twiddling our thumbs on Earth when Andromeda comes to wreck up the place.
Actually, some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn may eventually be hospitable. Jupiter's Europa may eventually be probable thanks to its subsurface oceans. Saturn's Titan may eventually be hospitable if we can find some way to add Oxygen and rid the heavy nitrogen and methane-based atmosphere. Another helpful thing is a strong Magnetosphere, which Ganymede has. Who knows? We kind of stopped throwing man in space after they kept exploding. Maybe when we revolutionize shuttle programs, we'll be well on the way to further space exploration that doesn't give us awesome radiation poisoning, and thus can go even further than the moon.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

mr leigh

New member
Aug 16, 2010
RedBird said:
That or the internet goes down for a week and everyone kills themselves.
I can imagine that.
Lets check my facebook.... Wait? What? No internet? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!


If it ain't broken, get to work
Jun 9, 2010
Slowly, by attrition. Only if we do not master space travel and find an habitable planet.

fish iron4

New member
Dec 6, 2010
The English Chav epidemic will spread to other country's and politicians, so the world will end up looking like the London riots, or people discover that human flesh taste's like bacon...


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Souplex said:
We will all be crushed under a giant pile of repeat threads.
2 repeated threads in 3 years?!



New member
Jan 6, 2010
We get blown to pieces when Earth is destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass.


Apr 8, 2011
mr leigh said:
Wow my discussion still going? I notice no-one has mentiond the wrath of god yet or the devil?
The Wrath of God caused the Devil to rise, who strode atop the Earth standing 100 feet tall, swinging a sword of fire and blood, smiting the human race in their hubris and pride of their technology. And when he was done he feasted on the flesh of those left alive and drank the souls of those he had killed, thus the world knew a terrible new era, the era of Lucifer, Prince of Darkness.

Happy now? :p

Daystar Clarion [] with his thread derailings and bangers and mash shall end the world. We just don't know it yet.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Regnes said:
Grey Day for Elcia said:
Regnes said:
Statistically, we're already overdue for a massive meteoroid collision, so that's probably how we're going to go out. Unless we can establish a proper early warning system and build enough emergency shelters to preserve the planet as we know it, not much chance for survival.
Care to prove that claim? So far as I understand, the odds of a large meteoroid colliding with the Earth are quite minute. For starters, the universe is pretty damn large, making the likelihood of something hitting us fairly tiny. For seconds, our atmosphere means it's very, very rare that anything large enough to create even a football field sized hole ever strikes the surface of our planet. No doubt it will happen eventually (and it has happened before) but I fail to see how we are "overdue" for one such event.

But if you have some sort of proof, I would love to see it.
Statistics can put many things into perspective. For example, it may be unlikely that at any given moment you're going to stub your toe. But based on how many times you estimate you've stubbed your toe, if you went a year without doing so, that would be considered unlikely and statistically you are overdue for a good toe stubbing.

Given that within the past billion years we have been struck by multiple massive meteorites, so much that we even have official statistics on how often we can expect to be struck by which sizes. The past while we've had exceptionally few impacts and of minor significance, the Earth is overdue for a good toe stubbing.

Given that we've got roughly 1 billion years margin of error, it's almost certain that's how we will go out.
If I were to flip a coin 500 times and land heads every time, that would be EXTREMELY unlikely, but it would not mean that any further flips are more likely to be tails; the result of each flip is completely independent from previous flips.My next flip still has a 50% chance of being a head, assuming the coin hasn't been altered in any way.

So just because we have gone a long time without a pandemic meteor strike, does not mean we are more likely to be struck soon than any other time.

Sep 9, 2010
When that valcono in Yellow Stone finally erupts. Thats what my money is on.

Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Well way to take the fun out of this...

My guess would be asteroid since there's proof that there's one barreling in our direction, and if that one misses, depending on how the earth's gravitational pull influences it, it will have another go and try again.


EDIT: Or a total financial collapse, and then everything snowballing from there. FUN! :D
The 2038 one right?

I actually thought even if it hits us... like it'll be bad, sure, but not end of the world. At least last I did research on it.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
The world itself as in humanity i do not think will ever come to an end. at least nt in the for seeable future.

I believe that outside of a random blackhole swallowing up our solar system or some other random cosmic catastrophe Humans can adapt to survive just about anything the universe can throw at us.

I assume this question is about civilization as we know it today, because most apocalypse movies don't kill off everyone, just most people.

With that i'd say the most likely scenario to societal collapse and or end of civilization as we know it today would be: possible solar flare that fries all electronics,
likely a deadly worldwide pandemic,
more likely World War 3,
near certainty Global economic collapse


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
Souplex said:
We will all be crushed under a giant pile of repeat threads.
That thread is nearly three years old, do you really expect the OP to necro that?
Dec 14, 2009
Idsertian said:
mr leigh said:
Wow my discussion still going? I notice no-one has mentiond the wrath of god yet or the devil?
The Wrath of God caused the Devil to rise, who strode atop the Earth standing 100 feet tall, swinging a sword of fire and blood, smiting the human race in their hubris and pride of their technology. And when he was done he feasted on the flesh of those left alive and drank the souls of those he had killed, thus the world knew a terrible new era, the era of Lucifer, Prince of Darkness.

Happy now? :p

Daystar Clarion [] with his thread derailings and bangers and mash shall end the world. We just don't know it yet.
[HEADING=1]Who dares summon me![/HEADING]