sephyboy said:
Superior Mind said:
Collision with the Andromeda Galaxy will eventually end it all.
While that is an inevitable, our sun will actually increase temperature range through expansion caused by helium and hydrogen consumption in about 1 billion years. It's great that us and Andromeda are going to duke it out, but it sucks that we'll be too damned melted by then to notice.
Well I would hope as Stephen Hawking does that eventually we'll get off our arses and remember that space exploration is
fucking cool and not just an "unnecessary expenditure". When did strapping yourself to a missile and stabbing the sky with fire and math
need to be necessary? That being said aside from Earth we don't have many other options in our own solar system. Mars will be toasted too in the big Sol Kablooie and what hospitable worlds does that leave us? Maybe one of the moons of one of the larger planets.
Thing is Andromeda is predicted to collide in around 4.5 billion years, the sun is expected to reach it's Red Giant phase in about 5.5 billion years as far as I know, (there would be conflicting views no doubt, I don't think it's particularly exact science.) Of course it will be getting bigger and life on Earth may become increasingly uncomfortable if we don't adapt but
conceivably we could actually still be twiddling our thumbs on Earth when Andromeda comes to wreck up the place.