How Will Shepard Beat the Reapers? (Minor Mass Effect Spoilers)


New member
Oct 7, 2007
In a hollow and stupid anticlimax, more than likely. Extra points if Bioware shoehorns a "Shepard is Jesus" moment into the plot.

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New member
Jul 9, 2008
Maldaris said:
I'm not an English teacher so my typing grammar is going to be horrible but bare with me
The one thing that strikes me is that the protheans couldn't be reaperfied only genetically altered to be slaves, But another thing is that orb in showing how man has either existed during the last Reaper Invasion or that the protheans are still around Ilos was 1 world chances are they could have survived in stasis on another maybe even saving just a hand full with a huge generators. I doubt all protheans could have been so benevolent. Another theory in conjunction I've been trying to work out is that Reapers like all have said wasted unimaginable resources in traveling might have also cannibalized there own so to ensure they have made it back,thus making the fleet smaller giving the current galaxy an edge.
One thing in my mind is for sure I think the citadel is A Key not the Key because what Virgil said that the last protheans huddle on it til death but since you can't really know with the one way trip. Those Protheans might have been the ones to reprogram the keepers so they can also delay the return or depending on the scanning mission in ME and the email you get in ME2 is that the count down Hasn't stopped and the keepers are still waiting for the masters signal.

Or since Reapers are Tecnorganic race EDI having had Experience with RCV (Reaper Computer Viruses) And Mordin who is a Genius in medicine they put their minds to make a ARV( Anti-Reaper Virus). With an ARV you can either cripple the Reapers or wipe the existing reaper program so you can upload EDI then being able to ride her to take down the the Kinetic barriers of the ships while the fleet just blast the unprotected reapers since they have not an impenetrable hull. But I'm glad they have said they have scraped the Reaper off switch Idea because it was dumb and would say a lot of the Bioware creative team. NO McGUFFIN SWITCH FTW!
Well, think about it. We existed 50,000 years ago, we just weren't uplifted. In fact, at the time, we would have been Cro Magnons; that is to say, we existed, but the Reapers did not care about us because we had no tech.

Ilos was a special case; it only survived because it was top secret and the few records that existed were destroyed when the Reapers attacked the Citadel. Surely some other Protheans (besides the Collectors) would have survived, but not in the numbers necessary to revive the species.

I don't really think the Reapers could cannibalize their own. They're machines; they may have scavenged one another for fuel (which is doubtful in itself), but there's no reason they couldn't just drop more fuel off on the way back if that happened. It's not like if a Reaper goes without fuel for a while it dies, even the Derelict Reaper was still partially alive.

And the Protheans who built the Conduit on Ilos certainly were the ones who reprogrammed the Keepers, that's precisely what Vigil said. The Keepers are not still awaiting their Masters' signal; Sovereign gave it and nothing happened, which is why the events of ME1 happened at all. The Keepers are more or less out of the equation. Now, it's about the Reapers invading the slow way, without using the Citadel to cripple us.


New member
Jan 9, 2007
More than likely Mass Effect 3 will have Shepard finding another McGuffin Artifact of awesomeness, temporarily saving the universe, but will end like Halo 2. See video for reference

"Shepard, what are you going to do now that you have the MacGuffin?"

"I'm going to finish the job!"

*screen goes black*

Mass Effect 3

Directed by M. Night Shymalan

In other words, Mass Effect 3 will end with Mass Effect 4: The Quest for More Money.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
I would just like to say that according to the Mass Effect Wiki, the Reaper fleet contains roughly 295 ships (assuming the video at the end of ME2 shows their entire armada)

I strongly doubt the Reapers have thousands of ships.