How would you dissuade someone from committing suicide?


New member
May 30, 2009
Also, if someone was driven even just to the point of using suicide as a cry for attention then I think they need some kind of help anyway. Ignoring that means leaving somebody feeling possibly preventably like shit.

Unless you look at one of those vacuous types where it's immediately obvious that they're just trying to guilt you into indulging them


New member
Feb 2, 2008
The best method to gauge intent is to ask the person if they have considered the method by which they wish to commit suicide. If they have thought of a way then alarm bells really need to ring:

1) it's that bad that they are actually considering how, which is a clear signal of the need for intervention for suicide support charities, etc.
2) some methods can leave people brain damaged or severely impaired and in a lot of pain for the rest of their lives and, more importantly, not dead.

If someone is making a cry for help, they may not yet have considered how. If they have considered how and are choosing an option that leaves them at risk of not dying, then they may be crying for help. If they've chosen one of the "good" methods for actually ending up dead, then they need to be told that this should be their actual intent. Any one of these discussions could be enough for the person to be jolted out of a vicious cycle and to talk about it. The Samaritans is a good universal charity to make contact with, and they are there for people concerned about friends, just as much as potential suicides.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
Beldaros said:
chewbacca1010 said:
Also, those saying "suicidal people are attention whores" would do well to educate themselves on suicide. There sure seems to be a lot of ignorance floating around this board, and that is rather dangerous, considering the stakes for some people.
I have lost a friend to suicide, I've brought one back from the brink and I have had a lot of friends use sicidal claims as a scream for attention. There is a big difference and you can always tell. That is not to say that anyone should be ignored, not ever. The sad truth is though a lot of people who talk about suicide do not want to end it.
How do you know they just wanted attention? And it has already been said that most people who even go so far as to attempt suicide don't really want to die, they just think they have no other options when it comes to deal with life or the pain they feel or whatever else.

And how can you always tell? Are you a licensed therapist or psychologist? Unless the person was obviously joking or just exaggerating in the moment, then I don't see how you could possibly know.

Saying that the person doing the topping is just whoring for attention is foolish and a rather dangerous attitude that really should be avoided. Your personal experiences aside, of course.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I'm surprised no one has said it, but depression and suicide can be caused by chemical imbalances and the like. Bipolar disorder, for example, can make people feel immensely depressed and suicidal, but it can be controlled effectively with medication sometimes. I think giving up on someone in this situation and saying, "well, you can't really stop them" is really irresponsible.

Believe it or not, sometimes calling the police, putting them into a psychiatric ward and just waiting it out (like the orderly described) while medications are tried out can save lives. People who get through these situations sometimes look back on these periods with deep regret and thank those who cared enough to intervene.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
If they really want to jump, they would do it without letting anyone interfere. If they were just attention seeking, I'd feel compelled to help anyway, though I don't like attention seekers.



New member
Jan 18, 2009
Tonimata said:
We all feel down every once in a while, but there's points in life were life itself seems to lose meaning. At those points, there's many people who start feeling suicidal, and there are a few who actually manage to see it through. Yet, imagine, for a moment, that this someone is a valued friend of yours, that a good friend feels like his life isn't worth living anymore.
Would you stop him, and if so, how?
Tell him, Living in misery isn't as bad as dieing in it.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
BonsaiK said:
I had a partner who did it. You can't stop someone who really wants to do it. There is no way.
This. I've lost 2 ex boyfriends to suicide and a handful of friends. There's no stopping someone who can't see a way out. I've tried.

Sorry to hear about your partner x


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Connect with them. When I've felt angry/sad enough to hurt myself, or hurt other people, it's because I had cut myself off from friendly human contact. I literally become a different person when deprived of friendly people. So, to deal with potential suicider, talk to them, express interest in them, be engaging and full of life. Remind them that there are people who love them and who would miss them, you for instance. Invite them to act; I always find that having a duty to perform keeps my mind healthy.

There's no blanket solution, but as others have said, you have the power to help. You have the supply, your friend has the demand. Go help!


New member
Jan 24, 2009
chewbacca1010 said:
Beldaros said:
chewbacca1010 said:
Also, those saying "suicidal people are attention whores" would do well to educate themselves on suicide. There sure seems to be a lot of ignorance floating around this board, and that is rather dangerous, considering the stakes for some people.
I have lost a friend to suicide, I've brought one back from the brink and I have had a lot of friends use sicidal claims as a scream for attention. There is a big difference and you can always tell. That is not to say that anyone should be ignored, not ever. The sad truth is though a lot of people who talk about suicide do not want to end it.
How do you know they just wanted attention? And it has already been said that most people who even go so far as to attempt suicide don't really want to die, they just think they have no other options when it comes to deal with life or the pain they feel or whatever else.

And how can you always tell? Are you a licensed therapist or psychologist? Unless the person was obviously joking or just exaggerating in the moment, then I don't see how you could possibly know.

Saying that the person doing the topping is just whoring for attention is foolish and a rather dangerous attitude that really should be avoided. Your personal experiences aside, of course.
hmmm. I'm not expressing myself well today. I concede defeat and agree with what you say, not that I didn't anyway. I was kind of trying to support your note about attitude but saying there are still alot of people that do "whore for attention."

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Heh man dont jump
youve got bioshock 2
aliens versus predator
battlefield bad company 2
and halo reach to look foward to!


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
Beldaros said:
chewbacca1010 said:
Beldaros said:
chewbacca1010 said:
Also, those saying "suicidal people are attention whores" would do well to educate themselves on suicide. There sure seems to be a lot of ignorance floating around this board, and that is rather dangerous, considering the stakes for some people.
I have lost a friend to suicide, I've brought one back from the brink and I have had a lot of friends use sicidal claims as a scream for attention. There is a big difference and you can always tell. That is not to say that anyone should be ignored, not ever. The sad truth is though a lot of people who talk about suicide do not want to end it.
How do you know they just wanted attention? And it has already been said that most people who even go so far as to attempt suicide don't really want to die, they just think they have no other options when it comes to deal with life or the pain they feel or whatever else.

And how can you always tell? Are you a licensed therapist or psychologist? Unless the person was obviously joking or just exaggerating in the moment, then I don't see how you could possibly know.

Saying that the person doing the topping is just whoring for attention is foolish and a rather dangerous attitude that really should be avoided. Your personal experiences aside, of course.
hmmm. I'm not expressing myself well today. I concede defeat and agree with what you say, not that I didn't anyway. I was kind of trying to support your note about attitude but saying there are still alot of people that do "whore for attention."
Fair enough. I guess it could be said that since most people don't actually want to kill themselves even when they try to, they want/need the right kind of attention, like from a mental health professional. I just take issue with the whole "they just want attention" attitude, as it makes those in these situations seem like drama queens, you know? There is a unpleasant connotation, or it at least seems that way to me.

Anyway, glad we kind of agree.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I'm sorry, but I don't know how I would stop my best friend from that. I can't imagine it, it's too much. I'd probably cry and tell her that I love her too much to let her go. Weak attempt, but that's all I would be able to say to that person.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Indecizion said:
Give them a box of kittens, no one can be depressed with a box of kittens :D
I feel sad, I want a box of kittens.

Kittens aside, I suppose that I would try to talk them out of it as logically as I could and try to persuade them to get some professional help.

I think that many suicidal people feel trapped, and that many of the negative feelings would go away if you remove them from the situation for a while. Take them away for the weekend for example, arrange a trip, maybe when removed away from the situation they can gain more perspective.

Overall, I do not think I would be very effective yeah, box of kittens.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
i've actually gone through talking someone out of doing it. i grabbed the pill bottle out of said person's hands before she could swallow them, then just talked for hours. you've got to help them remember what they have to live for.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
It depends on their personality. In situations like that you need to know how to trap them, or lure them into a false sense that you're on their side. I know that sounds insane to some but when someone is in that frame of mind they're obviously not thinking rationally and are prone to unpredictable behaviour. Only chance you're going to have is to try and think one step ahead and stop them before they can do anything.

When all else fails...
Indecizion said:
Give them a box of kittens, no one can be depressed with a box of kittens :D