How would you end one of Nintendo's franchises

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Yopaz said:
Since people realize it's bullshit it hasn't been enough to stop us from having pets so it wouldn't stop Pokemon either.

You're trying to apply real-world logic to a joke about a fantasy game.



New member
Aug 12, 2010
I would end it with the only thing powerful enough to stop Nintendo. A nuke. More specifically a DUKE NUKEM.. a failure that powerful would end all credibility.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
Yopaz said:
Since people realize it's bullshit it hasn't been enough to stop us from having pets so it wouldn't stop Pokemon either.

You're trying to apply real-world logic to a joke about a fantasy game.

No. I am trying to inform you that this was the main plot of the games from the newest generation, but you ignored all of that it seems.
So in other words. It's been done. It didn't end.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Zelda: With the game about the great flood and all the trials and tribulations an unknown Link to legend had gone through to prevent it. In the end, it was the people's reliance and need of a hero that killed them when they should've stood up for themselves. Finally, we'd get the entry to that series and we'd have all the answers needed.

Metroid: Samus as an old bounty hunter in the middle of a war looking for a target, going from space station to planet, etc. Give her all the limitations of Old Snake. Tries too hard? Her limbs start hurting. Also, make her smoke to give her a lack of care for her own life. Make the target turn out to be a corrupt Adam in a new, mechanical body. Make sure Retro makes the damn game too >_>

Mario: Mario imprisons Bowser, his minions leave him and no longer have any faith in him. Then Mario's condom rips.

I could do more, but meh. I'm content with these three.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Pokemon- All the scientist had discover finally every single Pokemon out therefore no more scientific research on them and went out of business (no more getting the kids to catch them all).

LoZ- They find a way to break the cycle once and for all and finally allow themselve to advance the culture and technology to this present day or futuristic. (If they are in the same timeline why is there no age progression between the series like no cars or planes?)

Mario- The world is fading away only to realise that Mario (in real life being high) is having a overdose from the drugs he had taken.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Mario gets the plauge fro ma sewer rat the first time he does any bloody plumbing in his life, goes on a quest to find the cure then dies slowly and painfully about an hour in.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
One of the Zelda timelines has ended hasn't it? I'm pretty sure A Link To The Past is at the end of one of the two timelines (the one that after OoT goes to Twilight Princess and then LoZ and then AoL and then ALTTP?) cos that ends with Link restoring the world, and ending happy?

And Wind Waker was a very good end to the other timeline (well the Link and Ganondorf) side of that timeline...

So I dunno, 3D remake of a ALTTP with the incredibly happy ending, instead of a bittersweet one like in OoT?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Yopaz said:
No. I am trying to inform you that this was the main plot of the games from the newest generation, but you ignored all of that it seems.
So in other words. It's been done. It didn't end.
The evil organization there is just as evil as Peta with the same MO and just as much bullshit.

Since people realize it's bullshit it hasn't been enough to stop us from having pets so it wouldn't stop Pokemon either.
Application of real-world logic to fantasy game.

There, deconstructed for you.

Additionally, I know this plot, and no, not the same thing. Not really close, either. PETA are not cartoon supervillains, sorry.

I'm curious, though. With the real-world comparison, you think that opposition to dogfighting is also bullshit, yes? Because the analog is the primary thing the cartoon supervillains are opposing. Sure, it's not their only problem, but...It's the listed motivation over and over again....

Hitokiri_Gensai said:
an axe and fire. thats how.
Sometimes, I feel this is the only way.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
JesterRaiin said:
Ending cutscene : dirty, Italiano plumber waking up in some metro wc vomitting after drugs overdose. On his way home he sees policemen with turtle shell-like unifroms, princess - some rock star, and such. He swears to go to rehab.
I believe this is relevant:

OT: I would hope any of them would leave with a swan song game, but it will probably end for all of them with a slow decline into oblivion


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Pokemon: This should be kind of obvious... But have a game that spans all 5 regions of the world, with all 600-whatever Pokemon available to catch in-game. And add more in-game battle variations.
And could we give it a story for once?


New member
Oct 14, 2011
I'd hate to do it, but if it meant getting one last, decent installment in the franchise, I'd say end Star Fox with one last Star Fox game, harkening back to the multi-course 64 version. Mostly Arwing, with a few landmaster levels thrown in, and the final level be a combo of three parts; one part on-foot shooter, one part landmaster, and climactic Arwing finale. As for the plot, end it similarly to "Goodbye Fox" from Command; the team agrees to disband, Fox retires, and his son eventually leads the team. Effectively ends the storyline, but leaves the possibility of a continuation down the road.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
Yopaz said:
No. I am trying to inform you that this was the main plot of the games from the newest generation, but you ignored all of that it seems.
So in other words. It's been done. It didn't end.
The evil organization there is just as evil as Peta with the same MO and just as much bullshit.

Since people realize it's bullshit it hasn't been enough to stop us from having pets so it wouldn't stop Pokemon either.
Application of real-world logic to fantasy game.

There, deconstructed for you.

Additionally, I know this plot, and no, not the same thing. Not really close, either. PETA are not cartoon supervillains, sorry.

I'm curious, though. With the real-world comparison, you think that opposition to dogfighting is also bullshit, yes? Because the analog is the primary thing the cartoon supervillains are opposing. Sure, it's not their only problem, but...It's the listed motivation over and over again....

Hitokiri_Gensai said:
an axe and fire. thats how.
Sometimes, I feel this is the only way.
So basically what you're saying here is that a organization that acts like Peta except it got more influence and power than Peta would make it end while Peta an organization not capable of fighting off the police would?
Now I am applying fantasy logic to a fantasy game and I still don't see how Peta would have any chance to end the series when their stronger, angrier cousin could not.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Worgen said:
I would end zelda with zelda, link and gannon teaming up to take out the goddesses, like half the game would be the standard zelda game but then the other half would be them realizing they are playing the same roles over and over and being manipulated by the goddess so they set out together to deal with her to stop the cycle.
That would actually be pretty epic. It would give all three main characters the chance to grow outside their archetypes by taking up a common cause.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Mario's head finally explodes from hitting all those things with his head.
Link cuts his wrists since he has been looking for Zelda for 20+ years..
Sonic gets a heart attack from all his amphetamine abuse.
Bioware stock male romantic interest (Carth and everyone else) gets disemboweled by angry girlgamers.
Gordon Freeman dies from old age while waiting for HL2 episode 3..


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Mario shaves off the tash to show... he was Princess Peach all along!


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Mario finds salvation in a strange heaven, and then has an epic boss fight with Turtle Shell Jesus, and ends up becoming supreme ruler of everything.

He then impregnates Peach while allowing her to stay a virgin. She ends up having a messiah baby named Alberto who ends up becoming an IT themed bad ass, and surfs the internet killing Koopas and trying to deal with early teen pregnancy from a a girl named Kiwi.