How Would You End the World?


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Big Boom.


Okay, I suppose I should elaborate... (throws Max at OP and escapes)


New member
Feb 5, 2008
Every person on the planet would get something like an remote control, with an big shiny red button on it that says: 'Don't push this'. If they do push the button they will instantly explode. Curiosity is going to kill us all eventually.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
HentMas said:
I would ask for absolute power and invulnerability, teleportation, flight and a bunch other abilities, then I would judge all man in existence and kill horribly those who have committed crimes against humanity, after that I would make it so that the people who never did wrong would have a soothing death, I would destroy the earth in a single push against the sun and then i would remain alone flying from universe to universe looking for a place to live...

damn those Dragon Ball Episodes hahaha
Damn, I wanted that one...

The death-by-orgies seems like a pretty fun idea tbh.

Definately have to go for the zombie apocolypse one though as its the one we're all most prepared for.

Although I would love to have one with us all finding a way for outerspace travel sometime this year, shortly followed by us finding some alien race. Unfortunately as we're all dicks, we become caught up in an interstellar war and I lead the charge on their planet in a final mission that saves what little of earth there is (they will die out in a generation of two) and I am praised for my death.

Better still. I could just start developing an army and I slowly begin to just take over the world finally getting bored and probably going quite mad and blowing us all up.

OR there could be a button that blows us all up so I can utter the words "What does this button do?" before pressing it.

Yankmy Armoff

New member
Apr 22, 2009
im not sure how i'd want the world to end but if i was the last human on the planet i'd probably spend my remaining days gathering all the porn in the world into a huge pile so that when god/the aliens/time travellers/whatever turn up they'll just see a huge mound of porn and be confused into thinking it was mankinds greatest accomplishment :)

Cpt. Red

New member
Jul 24, 2008
I would erase the current earth and replace it with Earth v2.0...
Earth v2.0 would be practically identical but with some minor adjustments...


New member
Mar 4, 2009
I would wish to become an invunrable master samurai and slice the people of the world up with my sword. Then when everyone is dead my head would explode


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I would end the world with me being able to eat everything and in the end i would have eaten the entire world.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
Oh that's easy. War with aliens. I get to pull a Master Cheif while defending human kind.
then your clearly not destroyin humanity! silly goose, i would love to suddenly have the earths mantle push upwards making loads of volcanoes, then this is the totally sweet bit, i would have the outer core expand outwards and lose pressure, then cos of that the inner core would turn to a liquid, expand, expand further become a gas and escape through the masses of volcanoes, then because the earth isnt as dense anymore we would all float away cos if reduced gravity!

and ignore the fact that whatever comes out of the earth as a gas in the volume woul kill us all anyway cos otherwise my plan wouldnt be totally sweet!


New member
Feb 20, 2009
I was gonna say zomies but i just read Zombie CSU, and it bassically says that if zombies did come, they would rot away in a couple weeks so i'm gonna say....invasion of muffin peoplecome to seek revenge for killing their kind :)
Mar 16, 2009
I would wish to have the ability to edit Wikipedia without being banned. With this God-like power, I would vandalize Wikipedia's entry on Earth, and replace the words in Adjective section ("Terrestrial," "Terran") with "Apocalypse-d." Due to Wikipedia's ability to manipulate the masses, within a week the entire world would be hiding in homemade bomb shelters.
With the entire population hiding underground, shrimp would have the freedom to evolve to live on land. Generations later, humans would peek their heads out of their hidey holes only to find shrimp having taken over the world, creating new governments, armies, and Little League Baseball teams. When the first group of humans check the internet, they shall go on to Wikipedia, only to find the words "LOL trolled" on every page.
Being replaced by shrimp as the dominant land creature, humans shall go into the sea, to try and reign supreme over all things aquatic. During preperations, they shall find that Wikipedia has one article on "humans," describing them as aquatic mammals with the ability to breath underwater. This being all anybody needs to hear, they dive into the depths of the ocean, where they all drown.
As the sole human left, I will take it upon myself to rename every animal on the planet something immature. Shortly after, I break into the unoccupied White House, gain access to the world's nuclear stockpile, and launch all weapons. Shortly before detonation, I will die of laughter from renaming the daddy long leg "buttcock."


New member
Apr 27, 2009
I would wish that mankind have FTL travel and the ability to terraform planets.
We could make firely a documentary


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
First I would evolve into the ultimate in evolution (which is apparently some kind of mutant giant hedgehog with a beak). Then I would crash into the planet at about 65,000,000 B.C. wiping out the dinosaurs and quickening the evolution of humans. Then I would remain buried underground for millions of years. A few times I would be called forth and at one point I would be sent into a limbo with some girl. In 1,999 A.D. I would arise from the Earth and destruction would rain from the heavens.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
zombie apocalypse easy as that, fun and once your dead you get to be a zombie too so you dont really even die