Humble Indie Bundle 3: Now With Minecraft


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Your Nightmare said:
I take it I'm not the only one who has donated just $0.01 ..
Start's from 11:08 onwards.

Total Biscuit thinks you are scum, and I have to agree with him.


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
Your Nightmare said:
I take it I'm not the only one who has donated just $0.01 ..
I am only 14 years old
I have around 20 cent on my creditcard (at time of writing)
and i wont do such a low thing

Somtimes i wonder who are the adults around here


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Your Nightmare said:
I take it I'm not the only one who has donated just $0.01 ..
Why, oh why would you way that in public?

You've COST the hosts of the sale money. You've given them ONE CENT whilst they pay bandwidth and hosting fees to give it to you.

If anything, this makes you WORSE than a pirate. At least pirates don't download the game to the developer's expense.

Your Nightmare

New member
May 28, 2010
Jazoni89 said:
Your Nightmare said:
I take it I'm not the only one who has donated just $0.01 ..
Start's from 11:08 onwards.

Total Biscuit thinks you are scum, and I have to agree with him.
Good job I didn't buy 100 copies and selling them off for in-game items then.
I don't know who total biscuit is anyway, plus I have done nothing wrong. If I had pirated the bundle, then by all means berate me. They said pay how much you want - so I have.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Generic Gamer said:
Uh...I don't know whether to get this one or not...

I love the concept and I really like indie games but frankly the killer title in this is VVVVVV and I already have it. I also have Minecraft so I don't know whether I would really enjoy this one.
"Cogs" and "And Yet It Moves" are at least worth five dollars together. Go for it.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Can we get the (gene?) pool cleaners in here? There seems to be some scum buildup.

(My god, stealing from a charity drive. That is so incredibly low that.... I'm going for a walk. The roadside flowers might make me feel better.)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Your Nightmare said:
Good job I didn't buy 100 copies and selling them off for in-game items then.
I don't know who total biscuit is anyway, plus I have done nothing wrong. If I had pirated the bundle, then by all means berate me. They said pay how much you want - so I have.
You know how no system is perfect, because there's always people who exploit it?

You're the exploiter here. I dare you to tell me otherwise. The point was "Pay what you think it's all worth", and I simply do not believe you think it's all worth one cent.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Your Nightmare said:
Good job I didn't buy 100 copies and selling them off for in-game items then.
I don't know who total biscuit is anyway, plus I have done nothing wrong. If I had pirated the bundle, then by all means berate me. They said pay how much you want - so I have.
Pirating it would have cost them less money.
What you have done is morally worse than simply pirating it.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Your Nightmare said:
I know we're of different opinions, but if it makes you feel better - I have donated £0.01 to charity (on the first HB) and £0.02 to the devs (HB 2 + 3)
That doesn't even pay for the bandwidth you used downloading them.
Mar 16, 2009
The big deal here is that Notch is only using the Humble Bundle to advertise. The game makes enough money, you think he could... I don't know, support a good cause instead of piggybacking on it. Yes, he has donated money but if he's really so strapped for cash he can't sell his game then why even donate?

Hey Escapist staff, chill the hell out. Yeah he spent the lowest amount possible, but they did offer it. He's not turning around and selling copies of the game on eBay like others, at least. Yeah he advertised the fact that he paid so little, but try to act with a bit of professionalism, please? As one of the faces of gaming, you can't post all these articles saying how non-aggressive video games make people and then publicly bash one of your own readers. I understand this is a charity, but if they didn't want purchases under a dollar then they would set a minimum.

I spent $40 myself. With the average Windows purchase currently being under $5, why don't we just go ahead and say I got this guy covered?

GeorgW said:
I already have two of the games, don't like one, haven't heard of the rest and have no interest in MC. I don't think I'll pick this up. I know I can pay how much I want, but it just doesn't feel right to not give it its due. I'd still love to support indie devs, are the first 2 bundles still available?
I say go ahead and buy, anyway. Gift the bundle to a friend, and use this as a chance to support the EFF or Child's Play.

Jim Grim

New member
Jun 6, 2009
Your Nightmare said:
I know we're of different opinions, but if it makes you feel better - I have donated £0.01 to charity (on the first HB) and £0.02 to the devs (HB 2 + 3)
You've probably cost them more than you've given them.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Wow, people are really getting big dicks over some guy who spent one cent. There are many people who only payed one cent, and if the charity wanted to stop people from paying one cent, then they should have set a minimum limit. I spent 1 dollar when I bought the last indie bundle and I have no regrets.

Also the big issue is Notch just demoing Minecraft, but can't blame him for being prudent (like other people).

Scizophrenic Llama

Is in space!
Dec 5, 2007
xillicis said:
Wow, people are really getting big dicks over some guy who spent one cent. There are many people who only payed one cent, and if the charity wanted to stop people from paying one cent, then they should have set a minimum limit. I spent 1 dollar when I bought the last indie bundle and I have no regrets.

Also the big issue is Notch just demoing Minecraft, but can't blame him for being prudent (like other people).
If he gave out full-game gift codes with it, people would just spam the website with penny purchases and sell the full gift codes later. It'd end up hurting the website in bandwidth more than helping it.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
I get that in a perfect world, everybody would pay $5000 dollars to support the developers and the charity. The thing is, we don't live in a perfect world. I'm going to take the same stance as Team Meat do with piracy. If, after the bundle is over and person X who payed 1 cent for the bundle and is seen playing something like VVVVVV, let's say their friend sees them playing it and decides he wants in on the action. Bam, another sale and victory for indie developers, and it wouldn't have been possible without person X; lover, gamer, cheapskate.

Nothing bad can come from sales like this, Notch alone has probably paid enough to cover the, "scum," who only payed the minimum amount. These always make plenty of money for Childs play and the developers, there will always be people who either can't, or won't pay more than the minimum amount. Finger pointing and name calling won't correct that.

On a semi related note i paid $8 dollars 50-50 split.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Scizophrenic Llama said:
xillicis said:
Wow, people are really getting big dicks over some guy who spent one cent. There are many people who only payed one cent, and if the charity wanted to stop people from paying one cent, then they should have set a minimum limit. I spent 1 dollar when I bought the last indie bundle and I have no regrets.

Also the big issue is Notch just demoing Minecraft, but can't blame him for being prudent (like other people).
If he gave out full-game gift codes with it, people would just spam the website with penny purchases and sell the full gift codes later. It'd end up hurting the website more than helping it.
Oh, hmm, I think I understand what you are saying. But the people willing to pay a reasonable amount of money on the bundle would buy from the actual website rather than the scalpers.

But I may be misunderstanding your statement.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Let me be sure I've got this straight: some of you are unhappy because Notch is "advertising" Minecraft in the bundle? He's not charging for it, he's just throwing in something a little extra to sweeten the pot, but that's somehow wrong?

Seriously, what in god's name are you talking about?