"I Accidentally Walked Into A Christian Book Store"... Got Any Good Store Stories?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
LysanderNemoinis said:
RaikuFA said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
I once walked into a Christian book store and didn't proceed to act like a smug, self-righteous, anti-religious bigot.
So a Christian bookstore regular?
Nope, ever been. But I just get sick and tired of the way people treat Christians like they're the scum of the earth and look at them like some kind of monster. And ironically, when there is a religion whose followers with greater regularity do things far worse than stare at someone in a bookstore or judge people based on bad behaviors, no one will say a damn word.
I don't think you're aware how atheists are treated in most places.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Secondhand Revenant said:
Fox12 said:
Secondhand Revenant said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
RaikuFA said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
I once walked into a Christian book store and didn't proceed to act like a smug, self-righteous, anti-religious bigot.
So a Christian bookstore regular?
Nope, ever been. But I just get sick and tired of the way people treat Christians like they're the scum of the earth and look at them like some kind of monster. And ironically, when there is a religion whose followers with greater regularity do things far worse than stare at someone in a bookstore or judge people based on bad behaviors, no one will say a damn word.
It's almost as if on the countries people here are often posting from there are a lot Christians who seem to think the country should cater to them and vote based on their religion. And then have thr gall to act like *they* are oppressed by not having the bigotry they support be enshrined in law.

But sure let's pretend it is unreasonable to be pissed at the people being a pain in your own country.
To be fair, is that the fault of a clerk at a christian family bookstore? It's the evangelicals you have to watch out for.
Well it looked like he was starting to make a more general statement on how people view Christianity and not just the bookstores.

But yes it's probably not the clerk's fault XD
Ah, hell, maybe it is. We don't know.

I'm fine with "normal Christians." Most of my family and friends are, after all. It's just the bible thumpers that try and cause trouble for the rest of us. I like Neil Degrasse Tyson's view. "I don't go knocking on their church until they come knocking on my classroom."


New member
May 8, 2013
Dreiko said:
If you walked into a religion-based bookstore, there should only be a fiction section, all the other ones are oxymoronic.
I see that in this moment you are euphoric! *tips fedora*

Denamic said:
I don't think you're aware how atheists are treated in most places.
You're from Sweden... yet the OP is also from Sweden, and claims it's "one of the least religious countries in the world". So either you have a massive victim complex by proxy, or you're confusing "southern USA and the rest of the third world" with "most places".


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Not in a store, but at an event. I was working some corporate convention (I think it was Microsoft) and I was waiting outside meeting rooms to troubleshoot problems and such. The client hired Christian volunteers to work as ushers. Since I had to stay next to a small block of meeting rooms, I was held as a captive audience for this girl to tell me how great Jesus was for an hour and a half 9_9

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Uhhh...I used to work at a Wal-Mart and would get asked religious questions, does that count?

Two of the guys I worked with were Satanists.

LysanderNemoinis said:
RaikuFA said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
I once walked into a Christian book store and didn't proceed to act like a smug, self-righteous, anti-religious bigot.
So a Christian bookstore regular?
Nope, ever been. But I just get sick and tired of the way people treat Christians like they're the scum of the earth and look at them like some kind of monster. And ironically, when there is a religion whose followers with greater regularity do things far worse than stare at someone in a bookstore or judge people based on bad behaviors, no one will say a damn word.
You know, Christian terrorism and atrocities are a thing, too. A thing that rivals "the other guy," if not surpasses it. Christian terrorism in North America and Europe eclipses "the other guy," even though what people complain about is "the other guy."

You might want to rethink that argument is all I'm saying. This doesn't seem to be an argument rooted in reality.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
no funny bookstore stories from me.. but i do have 2 jehovas witnesses that come to my door every month ish to have a chat as i always invite them in for tea n bisquits and a good argument.. (im agnostic..wich in my world means i believe in everything and nothing)
course it helps that they're both grannies and seem to absolutely relish the time spent trying to convince me :)

not sure if that was relevant in the slightest.. meh.. its early


New member
Jun 12, 2009
LysanderNemoinis said:
RaikuFA said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
I once walked into a Christian book store and didn't proceed to act like a smug, self-righteous, anti-religious bigot.
So a Christian bookstore regular?
Nope, ever been. But I just get sick and tired of the way people treat Christians like they're the scum of the earth and look at them like some kind of monster. And ironically, when there is a religion whose followers with greater regularity do things far worse than stare at someone in a bookstore or judge people based on bad behaviors, no one will say a damn word.
I made a joke... I was pointing out that the people you decribed in your initial post is practically a regular at Christian bookstores.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
LysanderNemoinis said:
RaikuFA said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
I once walked into a Christian book store and didn't proceed to act like a smug, self-righteous, anti-religious bigot.
So a Christian bookstore regular?
Nope, ever been. But I just get sick and tired of the way people treat Christians like they're the scum of the earth and look at them like some kind of monster. And ironically, when there is a religion whose followers with greater regularity do things far worse than stare at someone in a bookstore or judge people based on bad behaviors, no one will say a damn word.
Dude, people might have been with you on the first part, even if it's a bit of an exaggeration with "scum of the earth", but the last part is blatantly untrue, and comes across as potentially bigoted too.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Something Amyss said:
You know, Christian terrorism and atrocities are a thing, too. A thing that rivals "the other guy," if not surpasses it. Christian terrorism in North America and Europe eclipses "the other guy," even though what people complain about is "the other guy."

You might want to rethink that argument is all I'm saying. This doesn't seem to be an argument rooted in reality.
Citation please? I hear this argument all the time from people, but the only thing I've ever seen them come up with is:
A: Timothy McVeigh
B: The murder of an abortion Doctor about 17 years ago.
C: Kinda sorta evidence that this one person who did some crimes considered themselves "Christian". The problem with that is that there's usually not any evidence that their crimes were committed from religious motivation.


New member
Jun 28, 2014
LysanderNemoinis said:
I once walked into a Christian book store and didn't proceed to act like a smug, self-righteous, anti-religious bigot.
Uh, I don't know if this or your following posts were directed at me, but when did I say that Christians are "the scum of the Earth"?

It was the one clerk who creeped me out because she wouldn't stop following me, being less than two meters away from me and stare at me for no apparent reason; If she hadn't done that and just gone back to helping other customers, I would've been more inclined to look around at the fiction section more. The first clerk was a polite and pleasant man who immediately went on about his own business when I declined. Why couldn't she have done the same? As I said, because of where I live, I haven't met many fundamentalist Christians, or perhaps many Christians at all; your religion isn't really something you talk about here, though I'm not sure why. Therefore, I got some vibes from that woman that she was half a second away from interrogating me on how religious I was. She was being really creepy, so I hurried out.

The story was moreso about how awkward it was to find yourself in a religious book store when you're not religious, not some kind of statement on Christians as a whole. What would make you think that me being from one of the world's least religious countries was some kind of hinting at superiority rather than just stating a fact?
As long as they don't infringe on other people's rights, i don't care what religion others believe in.

Please don't assume that I was acting smug and superior in a religious store just because I'm not religious. Not all atheists and agnostics act like the memetic "euphoric" atheists you see on the web. I was more than happy with just looking around; just because a book is religious doesn't mean it can't be a good book even for the non-believers, you know? I might've found something interesting if not for that one clerk who wouldn't leave me alone.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Ihateregistering1 said:
Citation please? I hear this argument all the time from people, but the only thing I've ever seen them come up with is:
A: Timothy McVeigh
B: The murder of an abortion Doctor about 17 years ago.
C: Kinda sorta evidence that this one person who did some crimes considered themselves "Christian". The problem with that is that there's usually not any evidence that their crimes were committed from religious motivation.

Stuff like that?

If people are saying these are the only examples, they're not looking.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
I went to Meijer a few days ago and heard Christmas music playing. I walked out and went to a different store.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Twintix said:
Uh, I don't know if this or your following posts were directed at me, but when did I say that Christians are "the scum of the Earth"?
What, you mean "I'm agnostic" isn't the same thing?

Well, I'm American. Maybe it's a translation issue. <.<

Seriously, though, identifying myself as an atheist tends to lead to three questions: why do I hate God, was I molested by a priest, and what an atheist is. And I live in the most secular portion of the US. We have people who think that atheists and agnostics shouldn't be allowed to hold office or citizenship and there is constant talk about Christian persecution that usually translates to "you're not the only people in the world, other people have rights."

I wouldn't be surprised if some people didn't hear "scum of the earth" when you wrote what you did. Not through any fault of your own, but through the filter of this constant message that Christianity is under attack.


New member
Jun 28, 2014
Bat Vader said:
I went to Meijer a few days ago and heard Christmas music playing. I walked out and went to a different store.
I wish people at least could wait with the Christmas stuff until after Halloween, preferably near the end of November.


silver wolf009 said:
Twintix said:
I wonder if she could tell that I listen to Ghost, who've got a psuedo-Satanic theme going on...
Excuse me wat? "Psuedo."


I really like melodic metal, so I don't really care what image the band has as long as I like the music. "He is" is one of my favorites. :D

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Something Amyss said:
Twintix said:
Uh, I don't know if this or your following posts were directed at me, but when did I say that Christians are "the scum of the Earth"?
What, you mean "I'm agnostic" isn't the same thing?

Well, I'm American. Maybe it's a translation issue. <.<

Seriously, though, identifying myself as an atheist tends to lead to three questions: why do I hate God, was I molested by a priest, and what an atheist is. And I live in the most secular portion of the US. We have people who think that atheists and agnostics shouldn't be allowed to hold office or citizenship and there is constant talk about Christian persecution that usually translates to "you're not the only people in the world, other people have rights."

I wouldn't be surprised if some people didn't hear "scum of the earth" when you wrote what you did. Not through any fault of your own, but through the filter of this constant message that Christianity is under attack.

No in your case you the question that you bring to mind is your total lack of any sense of proportion.
You know, Christian terrorism and atrocities are a thing, too. A thing that rivals "the other guy," if not surpasses it. Christian terrorism in North America and Europe eclipses "the other guy," even though what people complain about is "the other guy."
This is totally untrue. It is without any form of foundation whatsoever. You need to read the papers more if you think this is true. Since the year 2000 279 people in europe have been killed by islamic terrorism, in the same time the number of people killed by christian terrorism is europe is zero. Number of people killed islamic terrorism in the US since the year 2000 3087. The number of people killed by Christian terrorism since the year 2000 is 1.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
albino boo said:
Since the year 2000 279 people in europe have been killed by islamic terrorism, in the same time the number of people killed by christian terrorism is europe is zero. Number of people killed islamic terrorism in the US since the year 2000 3087. The number of people killed by Christian terrorism since the year 2000 is 1.
Except I already posted a link that demonstrates half of that claim wrong. I'm betting the Europe numbers are false. In fact, I've seen numbers posted on this very site that claim otherwise.

So yeah. I'm not bothering with the rest of the response.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Something Amyss said:
albino boo said:
Since the year 2000 279 people in europe have been killed by islamic terrorism, in the same time the number of people killed by christian terrorism is europe is zero. Number of people killed islamic terrorism in the US since the year 2000 3087. The number of people killed by Christian terrorism since the year 2000 is 1.
Except I already posted a link that demonstrates half of that claim wrong. I'm betting the Europe numbers are false. In fact, I've seen numbers posted on this very site that claim otherwise.

So yeah. I'm not bothering with the rest of the response.
Guess what in the real world outside twitter, people understand the difference between white supremacists and christians. Holding a minority view that doesn't make you brighter than everyone else and some kind of genius, it means you are blind to the bleeding obvious.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
albino boo said:
Guess what in the real world outside twitter, people understand the difference between white supremacists and christians.
To start with, I don't use Twitter. To continue, the FBI is probably a better source than your assertions that the "real world" knows something. To finish, not all white supremacists are Christians, but there is overlap and there are terror groups which are both. That argument has no bearing on the fact that you're making claims which are not true.

It seems there's no point in continuing this further.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Something Amyss said:
albino boo said:
Since the year 2000 279 people in europe have been killed by islamic terrorism, in the same time the number of people killed by christian terrorism is europe is zero. Number of people killed islamic terrorism in the US since the year 2000 3087. The number of people killed by Christian terrorism since the year 2000 is 1.
Except I already posted a link that demonstrates half of that claim wrong. I'm betting the Europe numbers are false. In fact, I've seen numbers posted on this very site that claim otherwise.

So yeah. I'm not bothering with the rest of the response.
I was just kinda trying to figure out who his "1" was. I can name one that happened less than a mile from where I'm sitting right now. It just seems to me to be odd if that one was the specific one he was talking about.

And somewhat off topic... how did this thread get THAT off the rails. I was going to comment about playing football in a store that was deserted because everyone in town was snowed in. And instead it devolves into a theism debate.


New member
Jun 28, 2014
Kyrian007 said:
Something Amyss said:
albino boo said:
Since the year 2000 279 people in europe have been killed by islamic terrorism, in the same time the number of people killed by christian terrorism is europe is zero. Number of people killed islamic terrorism in the US since the year 2000 3087. The number of people killed by Christian terrorism since the year 2000 is 1.
Except I already posted a link that demonstrates half of that claim wrong. I'm betting the Europe numbers are false. In fact, I've seen numbers posted on this very site that claim otherwise.

So yeah. I'm not bothering with the rest of the response.
I was just kinda trying to figure out who his "1" was. I can name one that happened less than a mile from where I'm sitting right now. It just seems to me to be odd if that one was the specific one he was talking about.

And somewhat off topic... how did this thread get THAT off the rails. I was going to comment about playing football in a store that was deserted because everyone in town was snowed in. And instead it devolves into a theism debate.
I just wanted people to share store stories. Instead, everyone are just focusing on the "Christian" part of "Christian bookstore". Focus on the Adrians too, you jerks.

Goddamnit, can you even mention the word "religion" on this forum without everyone starting a fight about it?