I am a male, but always make a female player-character.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
SageRuffin said:
conflictofinterests said:
SageRuffin said:
I'm one of those players that plays a game from my character's perspective, not my own. I like to experience the story in their shoes; I more or less what I'm gonna do in the situation. It's far more entertaining to see what happens when they have the reigns.
So does that mean you play whatever the character looks like in the box art? Because I have to say, after playing Fem Shep, Male Shep's voice acting is physically painful.
You forgot the second part of my post:

SageRuffin said:
And I think a women who can fight is the sexiest thing in the world. Add to that I don't have too many males who can be inserted in the various roles of, say, Mass Effect (where two of my female were actually Marines).
I admit, I could've worded the whole thing better, but there you go.

And to answer your question, no - I flat out refuse to play MaleShep or even the infamous "Sheploo". The bad thing is that Mark Meer is actually a damn good voice actor.
Fair enough, fair enough x3


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I do the EXACT same thing! BUT I do it because in most games the dudes just aren't aesthetically pleasing.


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Jun 15, 2010
Greyah said:
Given the option, I will almost always play a woman. Why? Because I like my game characters to look pretty and wear fancy dresses.

I am male, or... so I think. I'm not too sure actually.
Brotip. Try looking down at your... genitilia. That should be a pretty good indication wether you are a man or a woman.

On topic. I always make a male character because when I play an RPG I want to be able to relate to my character, therefor I always make them look as much like me as I can, except in Mass Effect, I always just choose the standard Shepard

Nami nom noms

New member
Apr 26, 2011
Da Orky Man said:
Nami nom noms said:
If you always make female characters, it means that deep down, you hold women to be 'superior' in some way to men (for want of a better term). This could be because you see them as more powerful, more fun, more manipulative; any number of reasons.

Likewise someone who always makes male characters believes men to be superior to women.

It's pretty common for one to have the subconcious impression of one gender besting the other.
So, that means that should you make a male character most of the time, you think that men are superior to women. If you make female characters, you think women are superior to men.
So, what option is there for non-sexists?
The option is when one does not particularly favour one or the other gender; that person will make characters of either gender. It's pretty obvious. Bear in mind this is not sexism. It is not sexist to perceive the other gender with a slight adoration and/or greater respect (then the other gender) for no other reason then the fact they are a male or female.


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Sep 10, 2009
MassiveClitAttack said:
I think you're a closet heterosexual.

I always make the hulk. I think I'm mentally retarded.
Still, indeed, I like women sexually. So why would I spend 80 or more hours looking at a greased up muscular guy, when I could also be looking at an absurdly athletic chic the same time?


New member
May 18, 2011
I've never wondered why i make my characters female. instead i wonder why most other male players don't. Especially on oblivion, its half the challenge of the game to make an attractive looking female with that facegen.