I am against fat acceptance


New member
May 15, 2008
curlycrouton said:
KaZZaP said:
Theres some new study that says that some cases of obesity could be caused by a virus.
Source please?
Some believe that it's a "social disease". If you hang around with larger people, you're more likely to eat more to "fit in". It works the same with thinner people.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
I'm fat and I don't call myself overweight or 'big.' I also do no favors to others that are as fat or fatter than I because what one is is what one is. Who one is should transcend a few extra pounds. I understand that there are those that are grossly, morbidly fat and I understand the impact this can have on one's personality, but if it comes down to me not being able to refer to fat as fat, or call any spade a spade then I'll tell anyone to fuck right off. This is a free country. I also don't go around trying to make people feel miserable just because I can, just to let people know that this notion that if allowed, people will be dicks. I'm not like that and I'm sure many of us aren't. There are some, but they're just dicks, dismissible as always.

Taking offense and being a victim is a choice, especially because words don't hold you down and rape you. Your weak personality does. So, how about it? Stop pointing the finger and be the bigger person? I know, that was cheap, but if we can't laugh then we can get pissed, and when we get pissed that's when shit hits the fan.

Laugh more.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
You can't magically legislate universal acceptance into existence. Get over it and go find someone that WILL accept you.
Logic falls flat. Legislative options exist, and obviously abet any attempt at generating equality (franchise for blacks, for example). I think the real questions are: a) when do legislative options impede individual freedoms too much, and b) is obesity something someone often doesn't have a choice in (analyzing genetics would be interesting), or should it be treated like an ailment borne solely of indulgence?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Goon165 said:
Say's the Man with a Sandwich for an Avatar...

Ok sorry I couldn't help myself BUT ANYWAY. The hole "zomg yur fat, u gonna have Heart Attack cus your Fat" stereotype has really bin jammed into our heads by the media and it really gets annoying sometimes when you have someone like my Grandmother who has nothing to do but sit at home all day and watch daytime television. you know the garbage I'm talking about and the endless news story's about 800 lb people and their health problems and the horrendous over hyping of this "health epidemic".

I'm fat, I've always bin fat and as it stands I'm perfectly fine with always being the fat guy. my problem is the people around me haven't excepted this fact and still hold fast to the idea of "your fat, theirs something wrong with you!" as long as this idea still exists in peoples minds this argument will continue without end and these fat acceptance laws are an incredibly misguided attempt to forceful change peoples opinions. what we really need to be doing is trying collectively to move past these shallow ideas of not just fat people, but of the appearance of all people and truly make progress.
Amen. Exactly how I feel.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
B T A M R D said:
I hate it when people are fat and they dont even try to do anything about it
Yeah like those people who have to use walking sticks because their knees can no longer support their weight and I'm certain they weren't born like that.
Simple fact is everybody can store and lose fat and yes peope will vary in ability to do so, in much the same way as muscle building or VO2 levels (oxygen in blood).


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I don't think it makes sense to call obesity a "disease." It's more like a symptom. One may inflict a cough upon themselves by smoking constantly, or it may be the result of a disease. Arguably obesity has a greater impact on day-to-day life, but calling it a disease that people are obligated to accommodate is quite a leap.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Stasisesque said:
No. People who are genuinely nice, warm people - who happen to be unattractive to look at, get far more sympathy from me than someone who hasn't got the willpower to stop eating.
Good God, do they make you in single?


New member
Oct 3, 2007
There's a number of problems with our current culture's outright hatred for 'fat' people.

1) Unclear definitions. Medical science is indeterminate on the medical costs of being 'overweight'. Actual obesity is medically demonstrated to be negative, but simple 'fat' is to imprecise in its measurement and consequences to be pinned down yet.

2) The health consequences of unhealthy diets and insufficient nutrition are greater than that of simply being overweight: More people, especially women, suffer from the consequences of being too thin, insufficient nutrition, etc, and these medical consequences are more serious than being overweight.

3) It is clear there are class, race, and gender issues at play: Lack of 'fat' is seen as a communicative symbol of class privilege, and fat is perceived differently between different ethnicities and genders.

4) Misplaced emphasis: Being overweight is simply a symptom of a sedentary lifestyle and bad diet among people with a genetic disposition to gain weight more easily. Some of their thinner peers are just as badly off, but thinner thanks to genetics. Placing the emphasis on fat encourages unhealthy behaviors such as dieting, falsely leads thin people with sedentary lifestyles and bad diets to believe they are fine.

5) Moral and social judgments for an alleged public health issue are inappropriate: Many times, the allegedly fat are treated as genuinely lazy or some similar defect. Scorn, shame, etc are used. No other alleged 'public health' issue is treated in a similar manner, which leads to questions of how genuine the problem is.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
JMeganSnow said:
hypothetical fact said:
Fat acceptance is an anti discrimination movement aimed at creating laws that punish people for discriminating against the overweight, I am completely against this.
I'm against laws that prevent private citizens from discriminating against anyone for any reason. (2)If a potential employer is a jackass who irrationally hates black people, would you *really* want to work for him even if the law makes him hire you?

(1)You can't magically legislate universal acceptance into existence. Get over it and go find someone that WILL accept you.

So should gender selection be legal or banned?
I agree with (1), and that's about it. While it's true that people are out there who will get away with breaking every single law, and most lawbreakers are shitty people to be around, this does not mean we should repeal the law against murder, or against embezzlement, or against discrimination.

I know plenty of black people who (2) would want to do exactly that. Your anti-civil rights argument seems a bit flimsy.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Argh, two threads in one.

I am no expert on fat loss and I am no dietitian but if you put down the cakes and fizzy drinks and pick up fruit and drink water and get off your backside and exercise every other day you will lose weight.

If you burn more calories than you take in you can't help but lose weight, it's just how it works.

All these quick fixes/fad diets are total crap, just cut the crappy food and do some stuff and you will lose it.

If this didn't work then how come you never see fat sports people, they all eat healthy and keep active. They don't stagnate in front of the T.V with a take away the expect to win anything.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
We shouldn't hate fat people, but bringing into law anti-discrimination measures would be entirely moronic and just spread the message that it's ok to be obese and unhealthy. Do what you like, get fat or stay fat or whatever, just don't think it's ok to be killing yourself. And as for 'not having time' to make your own healthy food, forcing you to eat fast food, I've had a healthy dinner every night for the last week that only took me 20 minutes to make. Who's so busy that they don't have 20 minutes to spare for the good of their own health?

About the sex selection thing, I'm not in favour of it. It's one more step towards engineering designer babies. I don't condone that kind of tinkering or potential for discrimination.

EDIT- and yes, there's some evidence that a side effect of the human adenovirus can trigger a genetic form of obesity, but it's not known how widespread this is. Pending more research I don't think it's appropriate to use it as evidence that obesity's ok.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
I see your point. People who are born fat can get a little mark saying its not their fault. But if we begin to accept fatness it gets focked up (sorry about my language). I dont mean we have to pick on overweighted people, but just dont accept it as something its ok to be. Many persons dies every year because of this.

I think if a mother what the one gender over the other, its her choise.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
My mother is obese due to Thyroid problems and my sister is obese due to Cushing Disease (for those unfamiliar please look it up.) So I would prefer they not get lumped into the same stereotype as others simply because you feel like blindly discriminating.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Face it, people don't all want to look the same, they can't possibly look the same, if you take issue with that, I think you're a dick.
There are any number of reasons for being fat, but regardless, you think just because the meat that makes up your body being slightly leaner means I should listen to you over a fat person?

Also, I am fat, pretty heavy, but it doesn't really show so I don't get many comments.
But, that doesn't matter, I'm unhealthy, but nobody ever notices, they only care if my appearance offends them, not about my health.

What I'm saying is, nobody really cares about how healthy I am, they just don't want to see if I jiggle or not and seeing as I don't jiggle about like a 40 stone Mcdonalds fanboy, I get no attention, even though I'm pretty sure, health wise, I'm in bad shape.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Its not how big you are, whats important is how healthy your body is. Most of the England rugby team would be considered clinicly obese ads they are much heavier than they should be for the heights they are. We have a couple of lads who are only about 5ft 6/ 5ft 7 but they weigh around 16 stone.

Gender selection is not a human right. You should love your child for whom ever they are, irrespective of gender. Thats my thoughts anyway


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
tbh I eat a fuckload of unhealthy food, for example yesterday I ate:
- for breakfast breakfast sandwich of fried egg (using butter) and 3 pieces of bacon and three weetabix
- chicken stir fry for lunch
- for dinner 2 large lumps of lasagne, 2 mince pies, a piece of fruit cake and two chocolate mousses.

I can't understand why I'm not fat, although I do eat a lot of spicy food and chilli is supposed to increase metabolism and also act as a hunger suppressant. It's also addictive so I recommend it for dieting.