I am essentially impossible to buy gifts for


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Ok, the title isn't entirely true. I'll give a little background.

My partner wants to get me something but she doesn't want to get me anything for my car or gaming related. Because she got me a 360S for my birthday this year; a buster sword & DnD Mini's for my birthday last year; 12 months xbox live, play tv and a blu ray remote for the PS3 for our anniversary (among other things).

Yeah, she spoils me. But she doesn't want to buy anything gaming related (as I mentioned) and she doesn't really like the idea of getting me new basketball shoes for chirstmas as she's concerned that they'll be wrong in some way.

I've explained to her that, a) Eliminating my two biggest hobbies as gift ideas is silly and that, b) A gift can't be "wrong", if the shoes don't fit I'll just get a different size for free, no biggy.

So basically I'm asking for some non-gaming, non-car gift ideas. And unfortuntely I don't like titanium sporks or USB missile launchers.

So far I thought of
- Straight Razor
- Music CD's
- Mogworld

That's it. All my other suggestions are car or gaming related.

So, gift ideas. Don't worry too much about price, but somewhere under $200.00 is prefferable. Don't worry if it sounds silly, I just need a large quantity of ideas to put forward next time I'm asked what I want.
Even if they're dumb ideas, they might make a different escapist think of something.
Dec 14, 2009
MassiveGeek said:

... That's how my list looks. :/
This. I don't trust my grandmother to get me the right game so she just gives me cash.

How do I know this? Years ago, I asked for Spyro 3. She bought me Spyro 1. I already had that game.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Yeah, money's great but I can't say to my partner "Hey, take some of our money, stick it in a card and I'll go buy something I want."

I may as well just go buy something. She enjoys the process of getting a gift and surprising me with it. She's just sick of getting me gaming related gifts and I can't think of what to say I like.

If it helps I like the following:
General Nerd Culture
Nerd Humour
Fantasy Novels
My Car
... that's about it. Gosh I don't like a heck of a lot of stuff.

Maybe some shirts from the store... Charismatic Stallion still for sale?


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Danzaivar said:
Just get her to buy you an ironic t shirt of some form.
Yeah, I think that's where it'll be going... I like this [http://www.splitreason.com/product/theescapist/730] one


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Nerd humour eh?

How bout some of Mister Prachett?
Or continuing on the ironic T-Shirt theme, she could get you a unique T-Shirt.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Can't go wrong with a book, and it seems you've already got one listed: Mogworld. I'd go with that.


Anas Charisma
Oct 17, 2007
How about a Nothing? The perfect gift for the person who has everything.

If that's a little existential, what about something you can both enjoy like a weekend away someplace or some sort of experience thing like hot air ballooning or a tandem skydive?


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
I understand how your partner feels. I have a family full of people who are tough to buy for. My dad is really difficult to get things for, as is my nan. My mum is slightly easier, but still tough to buy for. My brother is the only person I can easily get things for that he'll like. He's really into music so I can just get him a CD or something for his guitar (like a new strap or put some money towards a new amp or something). My mum I usually just get a gift card for, or something like a CD if there's a new Take That or James Blunt album out. My nan I make little festive hampers of things for, like cakes and toiletries and toffees and stuff. And I tend to get my dad Waterstones gift cards, or a voucher or card for somewhere like Next or something. Or shirts for work :p.

Anyway, my point is that no matter how tough someone is to buy for the people who care about them will somehow be able to come up with something for them. My advice? Request something that you like, and make suggestions (as you have done in your OP), or, simply ask them to get creative. Just as I make the festive hampers for my grandmother, your loved ones could do something similar for you with things you like and need, and that would make a really nice present. Plus, it shows that they've put some thought and effort into getting you something really special :D.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
I'd suggest clothes, books, music and/or movies, or maybe some kind of decoration for your house. If all else fails, something you need like pots/pans or general household utensils. Eliminating your two biggest hobbies does make it difficult.

Personally, I'm in the same boat. Largely self-inflicted because I don't want to ask for games from my family due to expense. Besides, most anything I want from music to games, IF I want it that bad, I'll just go buy it. Lol


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Gifts don't always have to be materialistic. Offering a unique experience can be worth a lot more than shiny trinkiets (and that comes from a guy that loves shiny trinkets). A meal at a restaurant that is usually outside of your budget limits, a day at a spa resort, an erotic day just for the two of you in a hotel with some new accessories, etc. Everything that excites your senses and create very memorable moments are priceless.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
She got you a Buster Sword?! My friend, that angel is a keeper, just ask for her eternal love.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Stuff for both of you... for the bedroom... if you get what I mean...

That, or both of you save up and go on holiday somewhere. Stuff gets old and clutters up the place, but experiences, especially shared ones, are awesome, and bring people closer. By the sounds of it, you probably have a portable console to keep you happy...