I am feeling alienated and offended by Bioware


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Saulkar said:
archvile93 said:
Saulkar said:
archvile93 said:
Saulkar said:
archvile93 said:
ravensheart18 said:
Saulkar said:
P.S. I did not forget money is a key factor, but that excuse can only hold for so long.
You could have just posted this. It's the reason. It will sell better with the American target audience and most Canadians aren't so immature as to care about the setting or the flag on the protagonist's coat.
And this is a perfect example of why you should just realize it's not a big deal. We Americans get mocked all the time, but you don't see me at least whining about it.
Read the post! Find out why it hurts first!
I did, it's still not that big a deal.
It is to a Nation with a weak sense of identity in the current generation.
Maybe you think that, but since I've never heard anyone but you complain about Canada's cultural identity, it's probably just you being overly patriotic like backwoods rednecks are here. By the way, one of my cousin's entire nuclear family is Canadian and I never hear this from them.
Not patriotic, concerned (Patriotic sounds too jingoistic from a personal point of view). This is an issue because a culture is an indentity of a group. When you fail to acknowledge it has the potential to show other cultures that you do not care for it. This is on the PERSONAL LEVEL. While it has no real political influence, it affects how the goverened body feels about itself deep down. Using one family instead of a studied group holds little merit. Not to be offensive.
ha ha. "Five people I know don't mind that Canada has no clear national identity, so you must just be a whiny *****"

The only thing worse than having a weakly defined culture is having other people get that culture totally wrong.


New member
May 20, 2009
What I'm more annoyed by is the fact that Bioware have been making a shooter with dating sim elements and pretending it's the best RPG ever made. Baldur's gate is spinning in its grave.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Interesting. I worked on the game for two years years and didn't even know that. I suppose that shows how much it mattered to us development-side.

As in "not at all."

It shouldn't come as any surprise, really. Even we can joke about the comedically "inevitable" annexing of our own country. My question is: if we can laugh about it, why can't you?

By the way, we have plenty of cultural identity. We're just humble enough to not have to shove it down everyone else's throat. Please try not to mistake humility for a lack of identity. Not everyone needs to scream patriotism from their roof for a country to have a strong sense of self.

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
Saulkar said:
Once again a comment that missed the point. The point is a universal lack of Candian content in Canada's own industry. I was stating why it is easier to ignore another nations gests at another than ones own gest at itself in the case of Canada.
What do you want? Bioware to add a hockey minigame into Mass Effect 3? Maybe Sheperd needs to defeat the Reapers with mapel syrup?

If you're truely offended by the lack of reference to the developers' country then I think you have some personal issues in regard to your national identify that you need to work out pronto.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Saulkar said:
*Crikey, you type a lot*
Well, it's not just Canada you know. America pokes fun at Mexico, England, France, Asia as a whole... essentially, America is one big bully! A very, very fat bully.

Feel free to make a joke about my accent now Americans, it's only fair.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Amethyst Wind said:
Perhaps the Canadian Videogame Industry is aware of the fact that Canada is A LANDMASS, not an identity. Perhaps they aren't fond of Jingo-istic nonsense like this.
You don't know what you're talking about. Canada is a nation.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Mcupobob said:
Saulkar said:
Mcupobob said:
Canada makes fun of America all the time(maybe not as much through media) and America does the same. Is it because we hate each other? No, its simply because it just sort of a understanding. I would like to say that we both respect each other enough not to get overblown about simply good hearted jesting.
Once again a comment that missed the point. The point is a universal lack of Candian content in Canada's own industry. I was stating why it is easier to ignore another nations gests at another than ones own gest at itself in the case of Canada.
I've been up for a good amount of hours so bare with me if I'm not getting it. So what your saying is that you want more games based around Canada or at least gaming counties to put out other nations other than America and counties America is at war with right? Well as far as I know theres just not a great enough demand or profit for any industry to take the risk as far as I know.

Again bare with me because I'm a little slow right now(waiting up for a call). So if I didn't get it right this time just tell me to walk away.
I think you are getting close to the point even if you do not agree with it! Even though I understand it is a profit driven decision, I fail to see how a Canadian videogame developer making the protagonist Canadian could hurt sales. Not asking to advertise it, just a quiet satisfaction feeling of self acknowledgement.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
JuryNelson said:
Saulkar said:
archvile93 said:
Saulkar said:
archvile93 said:
Saulkar said:
archvile93 said:
ravensheart18 said:
Saulkar said:
P.S. I did not forget money is a key factor, but that excuse can only hold for so long.
You could have just posted this. It's the reason. It will sell better with the American target audience and most Canadians aren't so immature as to care about the setting or the flag on the protagonist's coat.
And this is a perfect example of why you should just realize it's not a big deal. We Americans get mocked all the time, but you don't see me at least whining about it.
Read the post! Find out why it hurts first!
I did, it's still not that big a deal.
It is to a Nation with a weak sense of identity in the current generation.
Maybe you think that, but since I've never heard anyone but you complain about Canada's cultural identity, it's probably just you being overly patriotic like backwoods rednecks are here. By the way, one of my cousin's entire nuclear family is Canadian and I never hear this from them.
Not patriotic, concerned (Patriotic sounds too jingoistic from a personal point of view). This is an issue because a culture is an indentity of a group. When you fail to acknowledge it has the potential to show other cultures that you do not care for it. This is on the PERSONAL LEVEL. While it has no real political influence, it affects how the goverened body feels about itself deep down. Using one family instead of a studied group holds little merit. Not to be offensive.
ha ha. "Five people I know don't mind that Canada has no clear national identity, so you must just be a whiny *****"

The only thing worse than having a weakly defined culture is having other people get that culture totally wrong.
Get off the computer mom.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Its just an event that happened in the mass effect universe, Canada was properly annexed since most countries formed an alliance anyway. instead of being many small, why not be one HUGE nation?.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Rickyvantof said:
All I can say is...avoid Fallout games.
I am offended yes but it was not intended to offend Canada thus I can ignore it. It is a story element, something I acknowledged. But when your own industry ignores you, it hurts. That is the point.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Could you provide a TL;DR version. I don't want to think you are just whining about something pointless.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Probably the story Bioware used because it's the truth.


And if it's anything like here in Europe sovereignty will be dissolved to nothing. Kiss the border goodbye... Apart from that America has 10 times the population of Canada, which means products where the lead character is ambiguous in origin and accent will sell better unless there's a relevant reason for it to be referenced - for example, part of the game being set in Canada.

I know, it sucks. I'm Irish and I have yet to hear a real Irish accent in a game or movie. It's insanely rare, and pretty offensive a lot of the time.

Upbeat Zombie

New member
Jun 29, 2010
JuryNelson said:
Upbeat Zombie said:
I don't see what the big deal is. So your upset that Canadian developers don't make enough Canadian protagonists?
There are better things to be upset by then that.
There are better things to be upset by than ANYTHING.

I don't see what the big deal is. So you're confused why OP is upset that Canadian developers don't make enough Canadian protagonists?

There are better things to be confused by than that.
Not really confused by why he is upset. Just why this is an issue for him to begin with. Its a fictional story for a video game, is it really worth getting upset for?


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
JuryNelson said:
Saulkar said:
It is done all the time but someone from a Nation that has no real standing "MODERN" cultural icon in a medium we are pioneers in, the lack of said national support and pride in the industry makes every statement crippling rather than dismissable
Well, there's your problem.

I think to a certain extent, every nation is having this problem. What does a Canadian look like? What kinds of things might a Canadian do differently than an American? Than an Indian? Than a German?

If a game was to come out that was quintessentially Canadian, what sorts of values would it even have? What would its protagonist say and do to mark him or her as Canadian? If Canada was to become the dominant world power in some potential fictional future, how would that world be different from if Canada was annexed by the United States?

I get that it's a rant, and you don't have to provide the counterexample to a worldview you don't agree with, so I'm totally with you there. But Canada is actually a SUPER interesting case of post-modern nationhood. Canada's history (from what I know and have researched) is incredibly interesting and complicated, especially as concerns a shared national history. There's a lot of conflict, a lot of failure or refusal to agree, and I'm pretty sure that Montreal is the most ethnically diverse/segregated city in the world.

Canada is interesting, but very hard to explain to people. I think that's why it's easier to just say "America Everything." Canada is a powerhouse of videogames (Radical in Vancouver, my favorite Ubisoft in Montreal? These aren't just boutiques is my point) but the demand is all in the United States and Europe. And the culture is so much easier to sort of sum up. And people will knee-jerk to make fun of Canada if they start to stand up and ask to be looked at.

What you need is a Stompin' Tom of videogames is what you need. I'd sneak across the border for a game like that.
I get the impression you oppose or at least disagree with my point of view and I am ok with that because you understand where I am going with it. When you say what makes a Canadian so different from the States? Because of the State's close proximity to Canada and possesing a much stronger presence. Its culture dominates our own and because of this we are not very different. Something that is sad to see since you can go back 30-40 years and see something described only as alien to the current generation.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
rekabdarb said:
um... who cares? nationalism is the bane of human existence. Do you know what happened when Germany and Britain (or france whatever floats your boat) started penis measuring in 1914? World War 1 damnit
No. Bad.

Nationalism starts wars, but it also builds economies, encourages education and is the center of civilization. To modify a phrase, Don't throw the country out with the cunts.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Bioware is in Canadia. They're allowed to mock their ridiculous nation all they want.


New member
May 24, 2010
Um, so the point is... that you don't think it will happen?

Need so much text for that.

But really, if countries get very similar (and I'm not suggesting anything, although it seems like I do), it's logical to make a union for various security reasons beyond military and territory.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Sparrow said:
Saulkar said:
*Crikey, you type a lot*
Well, it's not just Canada you know. America pokes fun at Mexico, England, France, Asia as a whole... essentially, America is one big bully! A very, very fat bully.

Feel free to make a joke about my accent now Americans, it's only fair.
No, it was all in good nature plus I'm too lazy to check your orgin.
Saulkar said:
Mcupobob said:
Saulkar said:
Mcupobob said:
Canada makes fun of America all the time(maybe not as much through media) and America does the same. Is it because we hate each other? No, its simply because it just sort of a understanding. I would like to say that we both respect each other enough not to get overblown about simply good hearted jesting.
Once again a comment that missed the point. The point is a universal lack of Candian content in Canada's own industry. I was stating why it is easier to ignore another nations gests at another than ones own gest at itself in the case of Canada.
I've been up for a good amount of hours so bare with me if I'm not getting it. So what your saying is that you want more games based around Canada or at least gaming counties to put out other nations other than America and counties America is at war with right? Well as far as I know theres just not a great enough demand or profit for any industry to take the risk as far as I know.

Again bare with me because I'm a little slow right now(waiting up for a call). So if I didn't get it right this time just tell me to walk away.
I think you are getting close to the point even if you do not agree with it! Even though I understand it is a profit driven decision, I fail to see how a Canadian videogame developer making the protagonist Canadian could hurt sales. Not asking to advertise it, just a quiet satisfaction feeling of self acknowledgement.
Well, characters or more about what they do, who they act, their feelings and motives. Most of the time it has little to do about where their from. I can understand wanting acknowledgement, but in less the story calls for it I don't see the point of just having the character just being form Canada. But hey who know maybe some day a game will be made about it, like a fallout Toronto or something.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Any Finnish game (that tries to reach international success, or success at all) most probably has an American protagonist.

Big deal. It's fictional.