I can't help but feel a bit prophetic now...


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Einspanner said:
So basically, you're rubbing this in three people's faces, and everything else seems like an afterthought. I'm not one of those people, but let me tell you, I'm not a fan of this. The best that could be said is that it's necessarily self-aggrandizing, preening, and confrontational.
Eh, there's nothing wrong with taking pride and satisfaction that you're original idea was right when others disagreed with you. He's left the people he quoted as anonymous which I think is the right thing to do here.


My favourite example of this that I know off is the countless rejections that JK Rowling got from publishers for her first Harry Potter novel. If I were here I couldn't resist lording it over the publishers who turned my work down. It goes to show that publishers can't be relied on to know what their audiences want to buy.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Well, the truth is that it IS a terrible idea, because people are distracted by their cellphones enough, and now by something as pointless as Pokemon. So, regardless of the success, it's still wrong.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Einspanner said:
So basically, you're rubbing this in three people's faces, and everything else seems like an afterthought. I'm not one of those people, but let me tell you, I'm not a fan of this. The best that could be said is that it's necessarily self-aggrandizing, preening, and confrontational.
Isn't this the reason for the internet.
And porn


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I did better than that, as soon as george bush jr was elected I called that we would be in Iraq again. That ended up well.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I thought of the cooling vest when I was like, thirteen. I also thought of this, except for the exhaust ports because I thought the design would be fuel inefficient and I also thought that it would never create enough power. <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/163543761" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
..uh, third video down http://liquidpiston.com/technology/x-mini-gasoline/


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Fox12 said:
Everyone thought Ben Affleck would make a terrible Batman. I was the only one who defended him. Now he's the only thing people liked about BvS.
FPLOON post="7.826175.20057722" said:
Um... I'm more concerned that it's still Snyder directing this new "Bat-leck" alongside the "Cavill of Steel"... Don't get me wrong, I still respect Zack and his directing... and how this is suppose to be a more mature/older Batman that's going to be in this sequel...

But, I'm having a hard time trying to wrap around how Zack is going to pull this all off... Because I can so imagine Ben being the Dark Knight (without trying to pull off an old-sounding Bale impression) and I still be like "That was a good batman"...
I... did not disappoint myself...

OT: I knew that there would be an after-credit sequence in the movie Keanu after everyone else [all 6 of them] left the theater... Fucking called it!

Other than that, I seem to keep predicting various one-liners in certain TV drama hits... Then again, it's like predicting a cliche...


New member
Mar 6, 2016
Nickolai77 said:
Einspanner said:
So basically, you're rubbing this in three people's faces, and everything else seems like an afterthought. I'm not one of those people, but let me tell you, I'm not a fan of this. The best that could be said is that it's necessarily self-aggrandizing, preening, and confrontational.
Eh, there's nothing wrong with taking pride and satisfaction that you're original idea was right when others disagreed with you.
It wasn't though, as has been shown several times in this thread. Also, I don't think that "HAHAHAHAHA" and rubbing it in people's faces is part of "Pride" and "Satisfaction" in any positive sense. Your argument is ridiculous given the actual OP.

Madner Kami

New member
Jan 14, 2013
bartholen said:
Roughly two years ago I made this thread: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.850674-Augmented-Reality-Pokemon-How-has-this-not-been-made-yet

In short, I was wondering why no one had had the idea of... well basically what Pokemon Go is. I had the idea of the basic concept, and worked achievements, gyms, item shops, the whole shebang into it.

Terrible idea is terrible. I doubt the majority of players - even Pokemon fans - would want to go on what equates to a scavenger hunt with their phone to catch pokemon in the real world. You'd look like an absolute goon.
As far as I know, the big wigs at Nintendo aren't exactly fans of developing or putting their games on smartphones. I say the chances of us ever seeing this is slim to none, on smartphones at least.

Honestly, IMO, even if Nintendo did support smartphones, I assume they would rather use the 3ds instead because it's Nintendo hardware.
Pokemon Snap would work well with this kind of format, as well. Though as others have mentioned, there is the problem of being in public and not wanting to be swinging your smart phone or DS around like you're trying to get a signal in an old Verizon commercial. I just started playing Bravely Default last night, and while I thought the opening sequence where you use the AR card and camera to see this girl who appears to be in your room was cool, I was very glad I had started the game in the privacy of my own living room, because there's no way in hell I would have done all that sweeping about with my 3DS in public or in a cramped space like a bus or subway.

Well, unnamed posters who recognize their writing? HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW?????!!?!?? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!

For further discussion value, what similar instances have you found yourself in? Where you had the idea of something, and years later it turned out exactly the way you'd envisioned it?

Edit: on second thought, this belongs more in Off-Topic. Can someone move this please?
So you are basically saying, that you had a brilliant idea, but didn't act on it. Now somebody else rakes in the millions and you think you are smart. GG


New member
Mar 6, 2016
Madner Kami said:
bartholen said:
Roughly two years ago I made this thread: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.850674-Augmented-Reality-Pokemon-How-has-this-not-been-made-yet

In short, I was wondering why no one had had the idea of... well basically what Pokemon Go is. I had the idea of the basic concept, and worked achievements, gyms, item shops, the whole shebang into it.

Terrible idea is terrible. I doubt the majority of players - even Pokemon fans - would want to go on what equates to a scavenger hunt with their phone to catch pokemon in the real world. You'd look like an absolute goon.
As far as I know, the big wigs at Nintendo aren't exactly fans of developing or putting their games on smartphones. I say the chances of us ever seeing this is slim to none, on smartphones at least.

Honestly, IMO, even if Nintendo did support smartphones, I assume they would rather use the 3ds instead because it's Nintendo hardware.
Pokemon Snap would work well with this kind of format, as well. Though as others have mentioned, there is the problem of being in public and not wanting to be swinging your smart phone or DS around like you're trying to get a signal in an old Verizon commercial. I just started playing Bravely Default last night, and while I thought the opening sequence where you use the AR card and camera to see this girl who appears to be in your room was cool, I was very glad I had started the game in the privacy of my own living room, because there's no way in hell I would have done all that sweeping about with my 3DS in public or in a cramped space like a bus or subway.

Well, unnamed posters who recognize their writing? HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW?????!!?!?? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!

For further discussion value, what similar instances have you found yourself in? Where you had the idea of something, and years later it turned out exactly the way you'd envisioned it?

Edit: on second thought, this belongs more in Off-Topic. Can someone move this please?
So you are basically saying, that you had a brilliant idea, but didn't act on it. Now somebody else rakes in the millions and you think you are smart. GG
That, and he wants three specific people to know that. ?\_(&#12484;)_/?

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
I envisioned people rejecting the at-the-time prevalent notion that Bioware only makes perfect rpgs. I envisioned Bioware being mostly criticized and resented. Most of all, I foresaw the disillusionment of their fans.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
I remember once a long time ago when I was like, 11 (I'm 21 now, for reference) one of my friends said they couldn't wait for Halo 2.5.
Several years later, ODST released.

Hm, Halo 3 wasn't even close to out yet, we were at an age where we had no idea that game journalism was a thing, if we knew Jason Jones on a personal level we still wouldn't have heard anything about it because I'm not sure if they even plan games that far in advance (I'm not sure if that's true or not but you get my point).

Maybe I should ask him when Half-Life 3's coming out, I'm not even interested in Half-Life, I just wanna know.