I did it, you guys! I finally did it!


New member
Jan 23, 2014
bartholen said:
My first, only, and likely last game I got 100% trophies in was The Binding of Isaac. And you better believe it, it took some goddamn time and effort.
Ooh, I for got about Isaac. That's my other "platinum". I remember in the vanilla version missing one item for ages (raw liver from the secret room, I think). Finally getting Golden God was so satisfying. Then Wrath of the Lamb comes along and we have to do it all over again. I don't remember my one final item in Wrath of the Lamb. Probably Guppy's hairball or something.

Wolf In A Bear Suit

New member
Jun 2, 2012
Well Oblivion but that's really easy. Like it's literally just complete all the different questlines. Nothing challenging or advanced, as long as you own the DLC.

Alexei F. Karamazov

New member
Feb 22, 2014
Sniper Team 4 said:
Alexei F. Karamazov said:
Sniper Team 4 said:
Resistance 2 baby. Kill 10,000 people in ranked online matches. Never. AGAIN.

Second one was Call of Duty: World at War.
I'm surprised you didn't say "Never. AGAIN." for CODWAW. THAT GAME...
The game itself isn't that hard, it's when you dive into Veteran difficulty that things start to get insane. And in order to get every achievement, you MUST finish the entire game on Veteran. It is one of the most difficult game in the series on Veteran; let's just say, it earned it's nickname "Call of Duty: Grenades at War" extremely well. In addition, there are two achievements that REQUIRE you to get to max prestige (the first is prestige 1, the other is max), which would require more patience than the campaign, but if you've played the multilayer recently, it's hacked to hell! I've played several games where random people were invincible, or everyone had infinite clips, one where everyone had low gravity, one person was walking on the skybox noob-tubing everyone... it was bad.

OT: There was a point in life where I was dedicated to getting 100% achievements in every game I played, but that time has passed as my free time has evaporated. I've gotten quite a few, such as AC2, Skyrim, Modern Warfare 1, 2, and 3, Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3, Fallout 3 and NV, and I think a few others.
I think you might be mixing World at War up with Black Ops or Black Ops II. The only online multiplayer trophies for WaW are the co op campaign ones.
As for the grenades, I never really had a problem with them, even on Veteran. I guess I just don't remember it being that bad, but I'm sure if I went back and played it now I would see the pain. The only spot I recall having trouble with on Veteran was the second-to-last Russian mission, where you have to storm up the steps to the building. So many Germans. So...so many...
It took me about two days to get through that level. I died literally on the steps of the building- the Nazi jumps out with the flamethrower to kill the until-this-point-unkillable NPC, and I was caught in the flames because I was trying to use him as a bullet shield. I didn't make that mistake a second time, instead watching with satisfaction as his body was engulfed with flames, but needless to say, I raged a bit when I fell victim to the plot-armor-piercing flames.


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
Plants vs Zombies, baby! I know, so hardcore...

[small]Not actually "platinum" since I don't have a console, but I got all the achievements[/small]

I got obsessed with that game for a while and chased all the achievements, including the one where you have to grow the Tree of Wisdom to 100ft.

What can I say? I'm a WoW player, I've grown to love the grind. I'm pretty sure it's a form of Stockholm syndrome.