I disagree with Yahtzee in a lot of areas.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
A lot of people disagree with Yahtzee. Sometimes I agree with him, but most of the time I think otherwise. I really liked Grand Theft Auto 4, and I didn't think Painkiller was all that great.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
The only review i actually agreed with him on, the only one he seemed to actually know what the game was like and played it through, was Too Human. Which was dead on.

But if this "joke" of "reviewing games like someone who hates games" is his thing then he should not present it as an actual review. At least the Angry Video Game Nerd actually reviews games and makes observations about them, if he wants to just make a joke series then fine but he presents it as a legit game review and by that standard it is wanting.

If the only response, the only possible argument, you can make in defense of someone is to say they should not be taken seriously you're tacitly admiting that they're either wrong or saying something unfounded. And saying that opinions and taste don't matter is asinine, as i already pointed out, anything can be determined to be TRUE or FALSE based on objective criteria. If someone says the sky is red, and yet it is clearly blue, would you not say they're either wrong or ignorant of the facts? So if someone claims to review a video game and yet fails to even grasp the crontrol scheme before doing so, then complains about being unable to control it properly, wouldn't you also say that person is wrong or ignorant?

If you answer yes to those questions, congrats you've been able to suss out OBJECTIVE CRITERIA. A winner is you.

Bored Tomatoe

New member
Aug 15, 2008
fullmetalangel said:
Personally, I don't think anyone's tastes are "stupid" anymore than liking vanilla over chocolate is "stupid".
Well.....that is stupid, I mean it is obvious that chocolate is better.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2008
Yahtzee is just saying what he thinks. You dont have to agree with everything he's saying


New member
Dec 25, 2008
tooktook said:
I disagree with Yahtzee in a lot of areas, namely in his hate for great titles that don't try many new things and his love for ridiculous wacky titles that try many new things. Many times he has spoken of his love for ridiculous things like A French chef shooting veloceraptors out of a gun or the wackiness (stupidness) of Saints Row 2.

I realize now that I disagree with him a lot because I actually find his tastes in gaming quite often very stupid. The idea of a French chef shooting veloceraptors out of a gun doesn't appeal to me at all. To clarify I'm not saying Yahtzee is a stupid person, I'm saying I sometimes find his tastes in games stupid. He seams to me like the dumb guy in the movies that laughs loudly when someone trips on a banana peel, he just happens to be very intelligent.

EDIT: To clarify I'm not calling his opinions stupid, I'm saying some of them don't appeal to ME. They seem silly to me. I want to see your opinions.

Post title edited for clarity, superfluous poll removed. -mod
I believe what Yahtzee says he means well by; in pursuit of better gaming and to shed light on what makes a bad game, he destroys any semblance of the "bad" in the games he reviews.

Directly, any bad idea, bad setting, bad twist, etc he finds, he makes sure to bring out. He's very pessimistic, I understand. I believe that's why we watch, though - he reviews differently, brings out the bad and torments it. I especially enjoy his Branston pickle metaphors.

So, to argue your point, he reviews games as he sees them, honestly and outspoken to every detail he regards as untasteful. It's a matter of opinion. Enjoy what he has to say, and if you disagree, then take it with a grain of salt. He's an entertainer. Laugh at his jokes, but don't take everything he says to drastically as you have. Everyone is entitled to their opinion - Yahtzee has his, and you have yours. He's not forcing you to agree with anything said.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Sure, Yahtzee has shot down a bunch of games that I like, but you need to keep in mind that if he's nice to a game, it's not funny. A long as you don't take it seriously, you wont get offended. If you are, you are too into your games.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Most "authoritative" reviews are written by journalists who don't know how to program. At least Yahtzee has written some games and is actually prepared to respond to more than the narrative, graphics and orchestral score. Edge magazine has gotten so poncey you'd think they were reviewing Opera.

Flap Jack452

New member
Jan 5, 2009
yahtzee nitpicks. He finds any miniscule flaw and bashes it to get a few laughs. That being said, i love his reviews and i am a huge fan.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
It's his opinion, at least he explains it so if you disagree you can at least understand why he says what he says. I like his reviews and he has a valid point that I agree with, and I hope it reaches developers, games are supposed to be fun, and if you sacrifice the fun factor for something you're doing it wrong.
And I would definatly play a game where a french chef shooting raptors out of a gun if it was fun.

Dramatic Flare

Frightening Frolicker
Jun 18, 2008
Quote the man in question himself,
Yahtzee said:
It's worth remembering that all reviews are subjective personal opinions, and if you personally enjoy a game then they really shouldn't get to you. Unless of course there's a despicable little niggling doubt in the back of you mind that you're not having as much fun as you convinced yourself you're having...
I just have the "applied Yahtzee Rule":
Given that his bar for a good game is set so highly that damn near no game is ever going to reach it, I can simply assume that his opinions on a "good game" will probably be a great game considering that I enjoy all genres of gameplay. However, just because Yahtzee doesn't like a game doesn't like a game does not also mean I will dislike the game.
Such as tactical JRPGS.
If anything, I think Yahtzee is just saying "think for yourself" an opinion I give high regard to, considering the whole V for Vendetta storyline.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
Yes what flawless logic.

"If anyone calls me on my BS and ignorance of the game, then it's YOUR FAULT!"

Wow, yeah, i see it now.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
tooktook said:
I disagree with Yahtzee in a lot of areas, namely in his hate for great titles that don't try many new things and his love for ridiculous wacky titles that try many new things. Many times he has spoken of his love for ridiculous things like A French chef shooting veloceraptors out of a gun or the wackiness (stupidness) of Saints Row 2.

I realize now that I disagree with him a lot because I actually find his tastes in gaming quite often very stupid. The idea of a French chef shooting veloceraptors out of a gun doesn't appeal to me at all. To clarify I'm not saying Yahtzee is a stupid person, I'm saying I sometimes find his tastes in games stupid. He seams to me like the dumb guy in the movies that laughs loudly when someone trips on a banana peel, he just happens to be very intelligent.

EDIT: To clarify I'm not calling his opinions stupid, I'm saying some of them don't appeal to ME. They seem silly to me. I want to see your opinions.

Post title edited for clarity, superfluous poll removed. -mod

You fool! Dont disagree with Ben! If you do, his fanboys will flame you forevermore. What horror! What horror!


New member
Jan 16, 2008
Seriously though, is there some virus floating around nowadays that makes people adverse to actual logic an objectivity.

I think Yahtzee is funny too, but he's a terrible game reviewer and half the time he's either saying something utterly unfounded (i.e., lying) or has no idea what the hell he's talking about. He complains about things that sometimes aren't in the game, nitpicks things that are to the point it's absurd, and shows he knows little if anything about the actual games he's playing. Things that take all of five seconds to look up on Google, or read about in the game booklet. It's not hard. It's not even complex.

Seriously the "wall run then turn around in mid-air" button in Mirror's Edge is EXPLAINED IN THE FRIGGING TUTORIAL. Seriously...i mean either he missed it or he's purposefully not bringing it up because he wants to slam the game. It's not like it's even a great game, i'm just saying, don't BS about it or get defensive when you can't be bothered to actually play through the tutorial. Is this really so unreasonable? Do people get a freepass now if they can make a good joke?


New member
May 14, 2008
again everyone has a diffrent style that they are looking for in a game i prefer gta4 and saints row 2 the same


New member
Aug 3, 2008
delta4062 said:
Dommyboy said:
Well if you judge by that then most people have 'stupid' tastes. Though I found Saints Row 2 to be superior to GTA 4 so I agree with him a lot.
Honestly if someone finds Gta4 to be more fun than Sr2 then they are a mindless drone
Thanks for calling me a mindless drone!

Pillock. :)