I don't Like The Xbox Community


New member
Oct 22, 2011
So i recently got Gears 3. I've been playing it wildly while waiting for Saints row 3 and other good james (not a typo). But, i'm not pleased with the online play. I know everyone who plays Gears 3 is super macho and bored by Narrative, but it's my first playthrough and i've found that nobody online wants to watch the cutscenes or cinematics, so i'm left completely in the dark as to why the hell i'm shooting at these weird new creatures as a new character.

(i know i can go on singleplayer but i'm a social person by nature and Ai is not as social as you'd think)

So i'm getting a bit steamed at the community, maybe it's just me. I just want to know WHY THE HELL i should even continue. I've noticed that people like to rush into skipping scenes while i hunt for collectibles too.

I do understand that some people online can be douches. but that doesn't excuse SHIT (I say this before more little brats and douchebag teens show up using THAT as an excuse) I have found that the escapist community can be very understanding at times.Which is why i come here for refuge from the big bad assholes on Xbox live.

(P.S: i know not everyone on Xbox Live is an Asshole, but i haven't seen anyone nice yet except in Portal 2)


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Well, I would comment on this thread but seeing as I play Gears 3 and enjoy it, I'm distracted very eas- OH MY GOD, LOCUST, MUST CHAINSAW IT IN HALF, RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARW!

Anyway, putting my outright stupidity aside for a minute, the best way around it is to play with friends online if possible. Or get a buddy next to you to play, as man intended split screen shooters to be played. With your mate in punching distance if he fucks up.

Apart from that, and telling you to avoid using the LIVE campaign mode, that's the only advice I can give ya right now.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Hunting for collectables while playing coop is bad form if your partner has not consented to help you hunt collectables. Just saying, I'm sure the people playing with you are annoyed as well when they're facing down an entire army and they're down a man because you just had to go off and see what's in the corner just in case there might be a collectable there. If you're going to look for collectables do it in single player, or with friends who have the game.

Seriously though, I understand they you're a social person, but that obviously hasn't been working out too well for you if you're here complaining about it. Go play some single player, you might even enjoy it. Hell, go play some single player and just party up with some friends who are playing another game, and talk to them while you play, that's two birds with one stone, you can go at your own pace, watch all the cutscenes, and still socialize with people who aren't brain-dead assholes.


NAPs, Spooks and Poz. Oh my!
Aug 4, 2011
It's not just the xbox community, every on-line community, xbox, wii, ps3, steam/pc, all of them a hive of scum and villainy. The only reason they seem more prevalent on xbox is that a headset came/comes as standard in most console bundles so you hear them a lot more yeah it sucks for us that frequent Xbox Live but that's what the mute option is for. But if the only complaint is that they skip cut-scenes your're pretty damn lucky


New member
Feb 19, 2011
From what I see here.

Xbox Live Community -> Gears of War 3 -> Online Co-Op Campaign -> The randomly selected people you were put with.

Small percentage for a blanket statement.


To go with your point, the people who play Co-Op with randoms most likely just have 1 thing they want to do in mind, and theyve most likely already played it once before on single player, so they dont want to see the cutscenes. Ask them if they want to do what you want to do before playing if your that concerned with it.

Also, im trying not to sound rude or anything like that... I just dont like blanket statements.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Well the best way if you want to play the campaign co-op is to find a friend to play it with. Random people online aren't the best playmates.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Someone doesn't like the Xbox community? Alert the presses!

Get Anderson Cooper down here stat!

For reals, Yeah. If the PS3 came with a mic, people would hate that more too.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
All those players have probably seen the cutscenes already, dug in that same corner for a collectible, etc. You're generally just slowing them down for things you could accomplish on your own.

It baffles me why you would try and be getting into the story in the company of other people who can end it in a single button press and likely will so they can get on with the gameplay.

ABadOmen said:
(i know i can go on singleplayer but i'm a social person by nature and Ai is not as social as you'd think)
You're not really doing anything 'social' though. You're trying to watch a movie that's hogging the other 3-ish TVs they're playing on.

Free Thinker

New member
Apr 23, 2010
I'm lucky if I even get team mates with a head set on Gears 3. No communication whatsoever. No team work. Just silent, steroid pumping, meatbags roadie running and shotgun fighting all over the map. Fun.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
ABadOmen said:
This is why I always play through a game's story in singleplayer first. Unless it were something like Dead Island which is meant to be played with others.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
ABadOmen said:
\So i'm getting a bit steamed at the community, maybe it's just me. I just want to know WHY THE HELL i should even continue. I've noticed that people like to rush into skipping scenes while i hunt for collectibles too.
That's your complaint? Really? No offence, but you should probably know better than to try to glean from the story of grab collectibles while playing with randoms. Unless you're playing with friends, they have no obligation to wait around while you turn over every rock or watch every cutscene as they probably already have a dozen times.

So yeah, this is a pretty basic lesson that you should probably learn from. On your first playthrough, either play with friends or by yourself.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
This is why I play with friends.

Though I'm sometimes the one skipping the cutscenes. I respect my friends' wishes not to, though.

I like the co-op games where all parties have to opt to skip. That way, we have to agree to skip the storry for the shooty shooty.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
You're playing this for the first time online co-op with strangers and complaining because they're not playing it the way you'd prefer? Cry me a river.

Here are some eggs, make me breakfast. What? Scrambled? I obviously wanted them sunny side up!

Cosmic Humor

New member
Dec 8, 2009
This has been pointed out before, but online interaction prevents the social need for courtesy because there's no risk of genuine violence or chastisement.

Also, you're probably not going to ever talk to these people ever again.

Honestly I'm not one for Online Play. Gaming is a solitary experience for me. If I want a social experience I'll go for a walk with people or play D&D or something.


New member
Jul 19, 2011
You expect the Xbox Live community to care about the story? The same people who shout bigotries and rage like children throwing temper tantrums when you kill them multiple times? HAHAHA!

Plus, a lot of them have probably played through the campaign already, so they don't need to watch the cutscenes again.
Mar 26, 2008
ABadOmen said:
So i recently got Gears 3. I've been playing it wildly while waiting for Saints row 3 and other good james (not a typo). But, i'm not pleased with the online play. I know everyone who plays Gears 3 is super macho and bored by Narrative, but it's my first playthrough and i've found that nobody online wants to watch the cutscenes or cinematics, so i'm left completely in the dark as to why the hell i'm shooting at these weird new creatures as a new character.

(i know i can go on singleplayer but i'm a social person by nature and Ai is not as social as you'd think)

I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
Luckily I played it through in local co-op so I got to see all the cut-scenes


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Play with friends! Personally, I don't mind the community at all unless they team-kill me or do something else douche-baggy.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Yeah online campaign with random people is a bad idea unless you're with friends. In any game.

As for the multiplayer I find it about the same as Halo or TF2's mutliplayer. Filled with jerks and asshats that you'll undoubtedly have to interact with at some point or another but a relatively ok community underneath that.