I Just Lost Faith In The Internet


New member
Mar 31, 2011
enzilewulf said:
We are the opposite of 4chan really which to me is like the opposite between god and the devil really... except the sites actually exists heyyy ohhh!. No just kidding that last joke was mean but by my god reference I mean this, yes we know the Devil is bad and that is 4chan and we are God. Yet it is safe to say that god has made people do some fucked up things and isn't short of killing almost all of the world or making a dad kill his son and then say just kidding. This sight is big on a few things that I have bitched and whined about for a while now and its this: Their stance on Evolution and how most of the population here thinks your a total fuck up if you don't think Evolution was how we came about, their stupid obsession with being the biggest grammar Nazi's ever, and how glued everyone is to ZP and maybe this last one is just me but I see alot of people using the same grammar as he uses but maybe this is just me. Now the reason I pointed that out is because we take fire for those reasons. Its just best to ignore it and move on because despite the reasons mentioned above we still have a awesome community that is very civilized.
Please, don't ever put this place above 4chan. First off, only compare us to /v/. Each board within 4chan is a completely different community, and this is comnig from someone who hates the place and refuses to go there.

Both sites contain hardcore gamers, people who are actually knowledgeable in the medium, casual players, bioware fanboys, and people that rag on IGN. We're really no different.

EDIT: For all else who just got here, I refer you to my post on the bottom of the previous page.

Seriously, you're all getting worked up over nothing


New member
Jan 3, 2009
What it says about the ads are pretty true. I use a couple scripts to prevent programs from running that I dont want to while browsing and that sometimes makes the web players not work which can be annoying. Also there are some valid points about the moderation of the forums. Looking at the responses posted I have some things I would say, but decided not to because I do not want to be banned.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I have to admit, I did get a good laugh from the short term memory joke. We have had our share of "Am I the only one that..." threads.
Jun 11, 2008
Colour-Scientist said:
Stasisesque said:
These forums are possibly the biggest laughing stock on the internet. Which is just fab publicity.
Nah, I don't think people care about us that much. I think we believe we're a bigger deal than we actually are.

Besides, those were made by a member or former member who was banned (hence the accuracy on some topics) so it's not an outside thing.
Well those are the general bad opinions of the Escapist held by people about the Escapist. Obviously they do not go out of their way to bring us up in every single topic so no we aren't big but if we are brought up you will find that these sentiments make up the core of the prevailing negative opinion. We are a bit of joke.

OT: I really don't see anything wrong with this. It is just a simple attempt at satire and you what they said well some of it was true. More so in my opinion the short term memory thing. Not that these forums are bad but it would be idiotic to say any place is perfect and without problems. I could list so many threads that have been repeated endlessly on the Escapist.
Jun 11, 2008
febel said:
Communist partisan said:
Finally someone actually speaking in defense of 4chan. Bugs me that people have such a raging Hate-on for that site.

Doctor Glocktor said:
People don't like the self-righteous pretentiousness that's so common to the Escapist?

Say it ain't so!
I know! Our pretensiousness is what makes us lovable, right? ...right?
I think most people's problem with 4chan(well it was mine when I looked around on it) is that it is a bit too unstructured and random. Although yes it does get kicked around on this site a lot along with GameFAQ and IGN which I don't agree with bad mouthing sites behind their back.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I personally think it is a rather nice site, with some nice people. However everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I also agree with quite a few of the ideas there, such as how The Escapist has been slowly declining in quality. What's is rather weird is that people can go about and dismantle any argument as "YOU'RE WRONG" or "You're just jealous". It's rather irritating that people can't have a civilized conversation about such e-topics, without someone doing that. "BAW Someone doesn't like something I like, FUCK THEM TO MOTHERFUCKING HELL!!!!!" I mean really now, must we resort to this?

Also just a side note I lost faith in the internet the moment I first logged on.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
thick doona said:
can I at least be taken seriously when I say "They have a point with the Movie Bob/Nintendo Fetish thing"

other then that yeah it's just a bunch of jealous childish trolls THAT CAN'T USE PROPER GRAMMAR OR SPELL!


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Trolls who really gives a shit about them anyways. Trolls to me just trigger me into 'whatever dude' and 'cool story bro' mode. Too many people can't read the bloody signs


New member
Nov 18, 2009
JMeganSnow said:
I find this rather amusing. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and if people make an effort to make fun of you, that means they take you seriously. So really, this is all win for the Escapist.

Maybe they'll start spoofing Extra Credits next.
They have.

It's apparently a Yahtzee ripoff because it uses pictures to go with the audio.

Also, the reason Daniel Floyd's voice is so high is apparently to mimic Alvin and The Chipmunks. That way "It's dumb enough for their target audience to understand."

The Code

New member
Mar 9, 2010
A bunch of arrogant people posting pointless and stupid crap about someone on the Internet? What a shock. I think I may fall unconscious from this world-shaking revelation.



New member
Apr 25, 2011
Hello i have returned again reading through... mostly every ones posts.
I'm not going to directly reply to anyone, but you should now when I'm
talking to you.

First those of you who simply say that the DHI should be ignored, you're right. Ignore us, we're just a bunch of internet nobodies, you shouldn't care if we have a different opinion then yours. Obsess if you want but know a few things
A. We don't care.
B. We will laugh and point you out if you're stupid enough in your attacks.

Secondly, "OH SHIT YOU HAVE BAD GRAMMAR, POINT INVALID!" Is not acceptable, not everyone has perfect grammar, deal with it. You also don't have perfect grammar, so don't ***** over it.

Third, there is a difference between a spoof and a ripoff. A spoof is done for comedical purposes, it may also poke fun flaws of the content they are spoofing (See, Irate Gamer Parodies) A rip off is something or someone who is using the same tactics as another thing person, pretty much leeching off there fame and/or fortune (See, Irate Gamer).

Fourth, a troll is a person who attempts to anger another person constantly. We are not trolls, while some people of DHI may partake in trolling, not everyone does it. We are simply trying to end blind fanboyism, trying to show people that the people that the internet personalities they enjoy so much are NOT the greatest person alive.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Some parts were funny, but it's just trolling. If The Escapist had an Uncyclopedia Dramatica page, I would assume it would be just as flattering as those pages. Sometimes you have to be able to take jabs at yourself, or understand when it's just a joke or a troll. Either way, do those pages diminish anyones enjoyment of the forums or the sites content? Most people with their own thought process would say no.

Cheery Lunatic

New member
Aug 18, 2009
Am I the only one that thinks he brought up some good points? Regardless of the trolling, the page had some legitimate complaints.

It's so strict here, it's ridiculous. You can't so much as call a person stupid without getting some sort of warning.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Mordwyl said:
Trolls gotta troll.
Isn't the "Haters gonna hate" more appropriate in this context?
Or am I wrong because I haven't bothered reading the articles >_>

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
DarkPanda XIII said:
Oh, just ignore them, they'll go away eventually.
You mean away from the Internet entirely? Because "they" were on their own website in a tiny corner of the Internet which doesn't intersect with the escapist. Again, don't go looking for criticism of yourselves if you can't take the heat. LRR did the same thing. We never "trolled" them. They went looking for something offensive and funny to read, found it and then posted it on their forums with a "we are so much better than them" attitude. That's where the disclaimer came from, though obviously it's applicable in this situation as well. Trolling can't be passive. It's an activity.

I have gained faith in the Internet, actually. Most of the posters here have taken really mature attitudes about this ribbing, and I'd like to say how much I appreciate their ability to laugh at themselves. I've been on the escapist a lot longer than I may or may not have been involved with anything anywhere else, so I've had to laugh at my fair share of dumb stuff I did when I was younger (especially when I was a boring yes man on this website.)
EBHughsThe1st said:
They have.

It's apparently a Yahtzee ripoff because it uses pictures to go with the audio.

Also, the reason Daniel Floyd's voice is so high is apparently to mimic Alvin and The Chipmunks. That way "It's dumb enough for their target audience to understand."
Actually, in his YouTube series Daniel admitted he was inspired (like many others) by Zero Punctuation. He is, to date, the only self-admitted ZP knockoff who managed to get into a "serious" review website like this. That said, I mostly like Extra Credits, so I'm happy for him.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
USSR4Life said:
Son of a *****, you were right about the lag!

OT: Really, I find that site, and many others like it, to be quite funny. It's just fucking around on the internet, far as I'm concerned that's practically what the internet was made for.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
That site was brilliant, it had me laughing. No need for anyones feelings to get hurt on here. Nearly everything they point out about the userbase has a degree of truth to it and I've certainly noticed a fair amount of elitism and "You can have an opinion but you're only welcome if it is the same as the collective opinion, otherwise you sir are a troll!"

Lets laugh at ourselves a little eh? By getting angry all you are doing is making them more accurate. The site is not perfect, the users are not perfect, we'll all keep coming here regardless because we enjoy it. We are not the shinning beacon of intelligence and locigal thought that many on here think we are, we're just kept tightly in check so it appears that we all play along nicely.

Now lets all move along with our lives.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Ahhh, good, so you've discovered the DHI. Did you, perchance, descover the "Packed Lanes" or the "Crowded Sidewalk" by any chance?

I've done some writing for their affilate, the "Occupied Intersection". It was fun.

I like what they do over at the DHI. They make points, and you are free do disagree with them. But they are also free to make the posts in the first place. Also, if THIS is what it took to make you lose your faith in the internet, then you've not seen much.