I Need a New RTS


New member
Jun 7, 2009
Shaso40 said:
Achron-a time travel RTS
See it to believe it.
It's not out yet, but I'm definitely looking out for it.
Take a look at http://www.achrongame.com/
Definitely thinking about getting that myself. Theres some really cool strategies that you could do in that like only just scraping through a battle, then sending the survivors back to help themselves so that you end up with more units. Also I saw a cast of it on youtube where the guy was commentating while he was playing and it was just 'OK um I think I'm being attacked in the past?'


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2009

I'd first like to thank a couple of posters for rememering the old gems like War of the Worlds, Sacrifice and Battle realms, those three are most certainly worth checking out.

Second of all:

Rise of Legends (Steampunk Rise of nations)
D&D dragonshard (Fantasy strategy with a dungeneering twist)
Evil Genius (The best "play-evil" since dungeon keeper, all set in campy 70's style. A gem)
Heroes of annihillated empires (Solid RTS with a "few" bugs to iron out. But enough to keep one entertained)
Spellforce 1 (Yes they made a second one but it was inferior to the first game and its expansions. Also, be ready to be in for the long haul these are NOT short games)
Kohan - Immortal soverign 1 and 2 (Both good games, look up some gameplay vids)

If you liked Homeworld you can look up any of the following:

The Jupiter incident
Project earth
Genesis rising

None of them were "as good" in my opinion, but they are still worth a look.

There, that covers a few things not already mentioned in this thread. If anyone wants more examples of good old RTS games feel free to ask :p


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I throw my vote to Total War. She's a fine lass, with a fine blend of refined and gritty. The recent ones (Empire and beyond) combine what I love about Civ with the city building, along with amazing ground battles when you get to it. Shogun 2 is a real needy lady with the hardware, but she is worth every second and is beautiful to boot.

Civilization is also a great series, but the combat is really grating, at least to me. I don't like the dice-rolls battles, and I hold a secret grudge against it since Knights managed to destroy my tank brigade somehow. The the city building aspect can't be beaten and is amazing.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
So I just played Medieval II and I don't know how I feel. I love a lot of the realistic battle elements and how I can choose which fronts to fight on, but all of my great tactics and ideas are neutered by my retarded fucking soldiers whose balls have gotten sucked into their ribcages just because the enemy archers set their arrows on fire or some shit. Oh no, a bunch of my friends and family members are dying around me, this seems like a great time to shit myself and run away! One of my favorite moves in an RTS is to throw my worthless peasant squadron at the enemy flank, kite them away, and then send in the cavalry to burn the town from the rear. That's fucking impossible in Total War. That being said, when one of my strategies DOES work, it looks and feels and smells so badass.

I don't think it's my thing. The turn-based element worked pretty well, but after a while I would just load massive amounts of troops into a single army and auto-attack so I couldn't fuck it up. Then it turns into a simpler version of Civ V, which would have let me win without having to go to war. I wish I could just spam priests and convert all my enemies to my side like in Age of Empires II, but apparently the Pope doesn't like it when I attack Catholics.

Oh! That brings me to another point! I naturally started with the British campaign, so the first step is to conquer the British Isles. But then I went to war with Scotland and the Pope threatened to excommunicate me, which would have opened me up to attack from France, Milan, the Papal States, and every other ************ in Western Europe. Seriously, who gives a fuck about Scotland?

Anyway, I don't think I'll be playing much more. It's not my kind of game. The only positive things I can say about the experience are that the battles are fucking awesome when the soldiers choose to follow directions.
Jun 23, 2008
starslasher said:
Well, i have not heard of [Generals] until i looked up the C&C franchise, I have heard of the other titles, like 1,2,3, Red Alert 1 & 2 and tiberium Wars. So I guess you can't blame most poeple for not having bringing it up earlier.
Command and Conquer: Generals is not well liked by the C&C community since it has no connection to the rest of the franchise, instead simulating (and mocking) the War on Terror. The story in both the original game and Zero Hour follows the same idea: The US is fighting terror (in this case, a singular united front called the Global Liberation Army), fails to stop the next major terror plot, and then China comes in and mops up. Kinda the way we expect things may go.

One of the cool elements of Generals is that like the other C&C and Dune titles, there's no unit cap. You really can create egregiously humongous armies and throw them against your foes.



New member
May 18, 2009
MajWound said:
Civilization IV is 75% off on Steam, I just bought it for $7.50, with all DLC. So, yeah there's that. I haven't played it yet, but I loved Civ 2, and the Civ series is quite popular. /understatement
I don't know whether it's true, but apparently the Dawn Of War games and pretty much any game from the Total War series are awesome.
Shaso40 said:
Achron-a time travel RTS
See it to believe it.
It's not out yet, but I'm definitely looking out for it.
Take a look at http://www.achrongame.com/
Heh. That even broke captcha.
"TIME: aiangstl"


New member
Jun 3, 2008
MajWound said:
I love RTS games. I've been married to Starcraft II for a while now, but it's an open relationship and she's giving me the green light to seek other pleasures. Previous relationships include:

Age of Empires II (We still hook up sometimes.)
Age of Empires III (That was a dark patch.)
Empire Earth (A different experience every time. Sexy as hell.)
Empire Earth III (Then puberty hit her like a truck made of trains.)
Starcraft (Something about being fucked in the ass by a Korean just feels right.)
Warcraft II (My first love. Fuck, she was ugly in retrospect.)
Warcraft III (Her "models" got "3D" if you know what I mean.)
Rise of Nations (Forgettable.)
Company of Heroes (Well. That was...interesting.)

And a number of one-night stands. I'll remember them if you mention them.
Right at the top I'd say the Total War series, they are all good and with out a doubt the best RTS games I have played.

I would rank Rome as begin the best, though it is getting on in years now. Empire and Napoleon are both great too. I have the new one, Shogun 2 but I have not played it enough to pass comment (thank you fucking thesis!)

If you're not bothered by graphics go for Rome and get the Europa Barbarorum mod.

I would also like to second the Dawn of War games. I really enjoyed the first and the second one. They play very like CoH (same company makes it). I would also urge you not to over look the first game, it is better then the second in many ways.

I don't think anyone have mentioned World in Conflict. I'd look into that too, it is not the most tactical of RTS, its more about managing off map fire power/resources, but it was a great game!

Here is a vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMoN7R7_Ygc


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Alright my man, let me give you some tips on my past relationships..

R.U.S.E: She is arguably the newest and meanest ***** on the block. This is one tough lady that likes to make you feel like you don't know the first thing about strategy games.

Supreme Commander: Shes a slow but rewarding lady, and I would go with the first one personally.

Dawn of War: The first one is a bit more open chaos, and it worked for me more then the second one.

Battle for middle earth: A really underrated game, its very solid, and very fun. Might not be the hardest you have ever played, but if your just looking to kill some time there isn't a better option in my book.

and of course, a complete classic, Command and Conquer. My personal favorite was number 4, tiberium wars. It was hard, fun, and an all around great game. The newer ones where kinda "meh" in my book, but maybe thats just me.

Also there is always the Civilization series, not my personal favorite, but a lot of people really like them.

And for a browser based strategy game there is nothing better then Supremacy 1914. She is a wonderful lady whose games generally go about 30-40 days. Think like a slow and more advanced version of Risk and you will have a pretty good idea on what its like. There are a lot of tactics in it I am still learning after playing it religiously (logging in at least three times a day) for two years.